Anime first impressions:
So far #HirogaruSkyPrecure looks great!
They started with an episode full of adventure instead of of exposition while still following the usual scheme of a Precure first episode, and that worked really well!
And they definitely put some work into the fights which makes me hopeful that they’ll continue to do that.
I don’t like the villain design, though…
#hirogaruskyprecure #soaringskyprecure #precure #anime #jitschsnewanime
#Anime first impressions: #TheFireHunter has an interesting world to be set in and the most realistic looking (and acting!) dog I’ve seen in anime like ever. Not sure what the story is going to be like and how the two main characters will come together, so I’ll wait for more. Somehow this only reminds me of anime that started great and ended as a major disappointment, so fingers crossed.
#anime #thefirehunter #hikarinoou #jitschsnewanime #2023anime
#Anime first impressions: #theMagicalRevolutionOfTheReincarnatedPrincessAndTheGeniusYoungLady is a really good execution of tropes that I thought I have seen enough and adds some nice Yuri to them. We already watched two episodes and I really like that it takes its time to introduce the characters. I can’t help but root for them as individuals and a potential couple. It also looks really nice ☺️
#TenseiOujoToTensaiReijouNoMahouKakumei #JitschsNewAnime #2023anime
#anime #themagicalrevolutionofthereincarnatedprincessandthegeniusyounglady #tenseioujototensaireijounomahoukakumei #jitschsnewanime #2023anime
#Anime first impressions: #theIceGuyAndHisCoolFemaleColleague can be a nice romance and the characters seem likable. It just really bugs me how it’a possible to do a show which is set at the workplace and just not get into any details of what kind of company it is the’re working at or what department they are in… It’s like the mangaka has only a vague idea what it’s like to be an office worker because they have no own experience… 😒
#anime #theiceguyandhiscoolfemalecolleague #jitschsnewanime #2023anime
#Anime first impressions:
#TomoChanIsAGirl has a lot of things that should make it likable: the play with gender roles and a romance between idiots, for example. I like that Tomo wants to be seen as a girl but is not really giving in to any advice to act more girly. Still, the fact that not only is Jun rather oblivious and Tomo a bit slow, those gals are also stupid had me roll my eyes (also, the way they speak…). I’ll give this a few more episodes.
#anime #tomochanisagirl #jitschsnewanime #2023anime
#Anime first impressions: #CampfireCookingInAnotherWorld
This series looks like it will sate my hunger (pun intended) for a laid-back show where people enjoy good food. The main character’s genre-awareness and practical approach are really nice too and make this more interesting than your average isekai.
Also it has a doggo 🐶 (quite the big one, but the way it eats is just like mine 😁)
#anime #campfirecookinginanotherworld #jitschsnewanime #2023anime
#Anime first impressions: #nierautomata_anime
I’m always wary of video game adaptations (I don’t play so I never know the original) and the premiere looked like a mission that cpuld be interesting to actively play through but not that exciting to just watch. B2 and S9 have more individuality than I thought (considering they’re androids) but don’t seem like characters that can carry a whole series. I’ll see if the anime can keep me interested.
#anime #nierautomata_anime #jitschsnewanime #2023anime
#Anime first impressions: #BuddyDaddies
People said it’s Spy x Family but gay when it was just announced and the first episode made me feel the same (is it really coincidence that the name of Varint hotel sounds like Berlint in Japanese?). This episode really succeeded in showing what kind of people the main characters are and I find them highly likable. Let’s see what shenanigans they will be up to!
#anime #buddydaddies #jitschsnewanime