Vivi Zine · @vivizine
2 followers · 306 posts · Server
αxel simon ↙︎↙︎↙︎ · @axx
314 followers · 2066 posts · Server

Hallo ! Smol reminder that in a little over an hour, @aura and myself are organising a get together.

Meeting is 15:30 next to the Eventphone tent.

Come if you want to learn, share, have a bit of a workout (bring water!! ) or just be a curious observer. We will find a shady spot and take it from there.

See you soon!

#karate #judo #taekwondo #jiujitsu #drinkmorewater #martialarts #cccamp23

Last updated 1 year ago

jiujensu · @jiujensu
276 followers · 1005 posts · Server

Cont'd second dream.
So i just block and kind of smack his face a little. Then the other stronger kid holds me against a wall and i think i woke up then.

My husband said I'm afraid of kids. 😂 Like he heard one of the little people on a TLC show say once. I know I'm heavier/denser than a 4th grader, but those are some tall folks! I'm used to dealing with big people in but my brain needs to catch up?


Last updated 1 year ago

jiujensu · @jiujensu
275 followers · 992 posts · Server

May need to find a job or at least work on a backup plan. Shit's getting stirred at the primary earner's job. But I've been working on said back up plan for 10 yrs, lol. I didn't intend to stay unemployed when i quit from burnout and fallout from my father in law passing. But now I'm 45, can't type for shit, do have obsessive attention to detail, do not want to work with people. I have a microbiology degree and two black belts in and . Need to brainstorm careers:/

#jiujitsu #TSD

Last updated 1 year ago

Japan Pop Videos · @videos
41 followers · 1593 posts · Server
MAGMOE · @magmoe
54 followers · 10287 posts · Server
jiujensu · @jiujensu
275 followers · 991 posts · Server

...because they want to?

6/6 But bottom line- I do marital arts for fun and a bit of fitness. It doesn't mean I'm not serious, focused and technical! I just want to do this as long as i can and bring as many along as want to come along. Compete! Don't compete! Come train:)

#womensgrappling #selfdoubt #confidence #blackbeltwomen #jiujitsulife #bjjblackbelt #jiujitsu #grappling #bjj #bjjwomen

Last updated 1 year ago

jiujensu · @jiujensu
275 followers · 987 posts · Server

1/6 I'm a black belt and have never competed. It's something I feel self-conscious about on occasion. I have this sneaking suspicion sometimes that not competing hurts my credibility as a black belt or meant wearing previous belts I'm not as good as others of my rank. I don't think we should feel that way though!

So why do I feel this way?

#womensgrappling #selfdoubt #confidence #blackbeltwomen #jiujitsulife #bjjblackbelt #jiujitsu #grappling #bjj #bjjwomen

Last updated 1 year ago

jiujensu · @jiujensu
275 followers · 985 posts · Server

Kind of annoyed with everything i write lately. All of the things I've written sound sort of the same. Maybe shouldn't share my thoughts😭 Maybe i will embrace being the overthinking and self-doubt correspondent?

#womensgrappling #selfdoubt #confidence #blackbeltwomen #jiujitsulife #bjjblackbelt #jiujitsu #grappling #bjj #bjjwomen

Last updated 1 year ago

jiujensu · @jiujensu
275 followers · 983 posts · Server

5/5 In the same way, it's not shameful to consider others in the words you use or jokes you tell. (Especially if you then expect them to be comfortable in a sport like jiu-jitsu!) Like with tapping out and restarting in jiu-jitsu, in life you can start over, change it up, try to handle it better immediately.

#bjj #encouragement #politicallycorrect #safespace #selfdefense #jiujitsulife #bjjwomen #blackbeltwomen #jiujitsu

Last updated 1 year ago

jiujensu · @jiujensu
275 followers · 983 posts · Server

4/5 My hope is that wherever you find me, I will do everything in my power to contribute to a place being safe. Generally being considerate of others and listening and changing when I've done something offensive are top priorities. We talk about humility in jiu-jitsu. Leave your ego at the door. Tapping doesn't mean you've lost. Don't try to win practice.

#bjj #encouragement #misogyny #politicallycorrect #safespace #selfdefense #jiujitsulife #bjjwomen #blackbeltwomen #jiujitsu

Last updated 1 year ago

jiujensu · @jiujensu
275 followers · 980 posts · Server

2/5 I've heard objections to safe spaces from everyone to the belligerent to people worried they'll be censored or embarrassed for saying the wrong thing. If we're all working toward having an environment where everyone wants to come train with us, we should all be amenable to discussing and improving something that was offensive, sexist or racist- or even alternative words for sp*z, cr*zy, r***** without shame or shaming.

#politicallycorrect #safespace #selfdefense #jiujitsulife #bjj #jiujitsu

Last updated 1 year ago

Ha, ha. und wollen sich im kloppen. Das wird dann ungefähr so wie bei vs. .

Ihr könnt es auch noch mal von ganz vorn gucken.

Aber was ist, wenn dem armen Elon was passiert und dann jemand, der nicht irre ist, übernimmt. Ich hätte schon gern noch gesehen, wie er es völlig ruiniert.

Außerdem bin ich immer für die Schwachen und Außenseiter. Muss ich jetzt für sein?

Ich glaube, dass Elon Musk sich einfach nicht mit asiatischen Kampfkünsten auskennt. Er hat zwar Übergewicht, aber für reicht es ganz sicher nicht. Für alles andere ist er zu schwer.

Aber vielleicht haben die beiden schon was ausgekaspert und machen dann nur so ein bisschen Show, wie das in den USA ja üblich ist.

#elonmars #zuckerberg #collosseum #chucknorris #brucelee #twitter #musk #sumoringen #walross #MMA #karate #kungfu #jiujitsu

Last updated 1 year ago

jiujensu · @jiujensu
267 followers · 880 posts · Server

I wrote about how sometimes the word hobbyist makes me feel like I'm not a real person, but I realized it's a problem of , not the word. Glad I didn't post it! 😝

The only good part:

When I started jiu-jitsu, I certainly didn't know that there was this distinction. I only wanted to learn this weird, perfectly exhausting human puzzle game. *Everyone was bigger, I wasn't any good at it, and it didn't make any difference.* Life was good.

#hobby #grappling #bjj #bjjwomen #selfconfidence #jiujitsu

Last updated 1 year ago

jiujensu · @jiujensu
264 followers · 865 posts · Server

Teaching and getting "caught" teaching.
That second photo expression😂

I think i was fixing my hair or having an - oh shit that's on camera- I hope I don't look goofy- moment... which then creates a decidedly looking goofy moment...

I'm helping people out but I guess I don't expect to be seen😂 Or maybe it's a sign is becoming more natural - it feels weird when it's pointed out?

📷by my instructor

#fitness #blackbeltwomen #jiujitsulife #jiujitsu #brazilianjiujitsu #bjjwomen #bjj #teaching

Last updated 1 year ago

jiujensu · @jiujensu
264 followers · 864 posts · Server

Waking up this morning like - i can move my big toe again, today's gonna be a great day! Lol. Time for open mat😂

#fitness #grappling #bjjwomen #blackbeltwomen #jiujitsulife #jiujitsu #brazilianjiujitsu #bjj

Last updated 1 year ago

TimmyMac · @timmymac
185 followers · 186 posts · Server

Woke up late, so chugging a cup of coffee before hitting the weights. Tactical Barbell program continues to impress.

#fitness #jiujitsu

Last updated 1 year ago

jiujensu · @jiujensu
264 followers · 864 posts · Server

7/7 end🧵
The author is a kickboxer and boxer but i think all women who do any for fun or professionally would enjoy and relate to much of it.

Seconds Out: Women and Fighting


#muaythai #boxing #womensfightingsports #fitness #jiujitsu #bjjwomen #blackbeltwomen #bjj #combatsports

Last updated 1 year ago

jiujensu · @jiujensu
262 followers · 858 posts · Server

are often seen as a weakness or loss of credibility in male dominated spaces- this is a better explanation of tears in training:

Quote from Sylvie von Duuglus Ittu (of There is Crying in Muay Thai): "isn't a response to anything directly but more the general need for release after feeling quite pressured and bottled up by being ineffective in any varying degree for the past hour, minutes, days, weeks, years, whatever..."

#fitness #jiujitsu #bjjwomen #bjj #tears

Last updated 1 year ago

jiujensu · @jiujensu
262 followers · 857 posts · Server

She takes a much needed swing at the hate/panic as well, exposing it as policing women's bodies. They test for xx chromosomes - she notes women are tested for testosterone but men aren't tested or banned for higher natural testosterone. Michael Phelps wasn't banned for his long arms and flexible joints or Ian Thorpe for his flipper feet.

#muaythai #boxing #womensfightingsports #fitness #jiujitsu #bjjwomen #blackbeltwomen #bjj #transgender

Last updated 1 year ago