If I'm gonna get any JJ72 song stuck in my head, it should clearly be Serpent Sky.
Which, oddly, always makes me think of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers season 2, where they had the thunderzords.
Specifically it makes me think of the red dragon thunderzord.
Kinda makes me want to make a short mashup video of the two.
Why have I woken up with JJ72 in my head?
More specifically, why have I woken up with Formulae in my head?
Mist, ich bin in einem musikalischen Kaninchenbau meiner Jugend gelandet und höre mich durch alte Platten von #atthedrivein, #defacto, #sparta und #themarsvolta. Dahingekommen bin ich irgendwie über #jj72 und #themusic.
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