Minor Key . Net Playlist 3/24/23
#NeutralMilkHotel #CamilleThomas #JJCale #JuliusBerger #KonstantinEmelyanov #EricLu #LouisArmstrong #PatriciaKopatchinskaja #ElliottSmith
#AppleMusic: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/minor-key-net-playlist-3-24-23/pl.u-oZyll6lIGarM6DX
#Qobuz: https://open.qobuz.com/playlist/14143878
#Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0yRg0mjmX5KeO8mqCYngiI?si=0c0dde2d644a46d9
#NowPlaying #Mastomusic #Playlist #ClassicalMusic #IndieMusic #music #MusicCurator #Chopin #MaxReger #Prokofiev #Janáček #SergeiProkofiev #FrédéricChopin #LeošJanáček #cello #piano
#neutralmilkhotel #camillethomas #jjcale #juliusberger #konstantinemelyanov #ericlu #louisarmstrong #patriciakopatchinskaja #elliottsmith #playlists #applemusic #qobuz #spotify #nowplaying #mastomusic #playlist #classicalmusic #indiemusic #music #musiccurator #chopin #maxreger #prokofiev #janacek #sergeiprokofiev #fredericchopin #leosjanacek #cello #piano
J.J. Cale was (and still is) always one of my favorites so I don't want to deprive you of this little article about him.
Some points really surprised me too.
#jjcale #folk #americana #tulsa #laidback #blues
#Music we Like: Old friends playing together
#EricClapton, #JJCale - After Midnight & Call me the Breeze
Minor Key . Net Playlist 12/30/22
#GeorgeHarrison #GautierCapuçon #YujaWang #Rachmaninoff #JJCale #GeorgPhilippTelemann #Telemann #HowlinWolf
APPLE MUSIC: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/minor-key-net-playlist-12-30-22/pl.u-gxblkyGtblKLvZ4
QOBUZ: https://open.qobuz.com/playlist/12817080
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6H2i6XrhK4tC1hqDX2rMzR?si=d81e1c2a3c814379
#playlist #nowplaying #blues #bluesmusic #ClassicalMusic #rockmusic
#georgeharrison #gautiercapucon #yujawang #rachmaninoff #jjcale #georgphilipptelemann #telemann #howlinwolf #playlists #playlist #nowplaying #blues #bluesmusic #classicalmusic #rockmusic
For the friends of the good old days... currently listening to:
#JJCale #TomPetty #MikeCampbell #Live 2009
What a treat - 55 minutes of good vibration. I was lucky enough to see JJCale live in Hamburg 1994.
#jjcale #tompetty #mikecampbell #live #music
Today’s soundtrack: J.J. Cale radio on Apple Music.
El músico y compositor #JJCale nació un 5 de diciembre de 1938. Compuso clásicos como “Cocaine” que popularizaron artistas como #EricClapton: https://riffstory.com/tag/cocaine/
El músico y compositor #JJCale nació un 5 de diciembre de 1938. Compuso clásicos como “Cocaine” que popularizaron artistas como #EricClapton: https://riffstory.com/tag/cocaine/
#unacanzonealgiorno #mastoradio #jjcale è conosciuto ai più , per aver scritto pezzi diventati hits per la reinterpretazione di artisti come gli skynyrd o Clapton . Invece ha una discografia invidiabile con un sound tra country, jazz e blues . un maestro. https://youtu.be/pd7ib2rSfZY
#unacanzonealgiorno #mastoradio #jjcale
Bonne nuit les p’tits mammouths,
J. J. Cale - After Midinight - Paradise Studios Session
Ach komm, eine geht noch. #schallplattenliebe #knistern #jjcale
#schallplattenliebe #Knistern #jjcale
November 21, 1983 and it's J.J. And John at Vintage Edmonton:
#yeg #yeghistory #yegheritage #JohnHammond #JJCale
#yeg #yeghistory #yegheritage #JohnHammond #jjcale
“Du warst vier Wochen weg, bist du überhaupt schon wieder zu Hause angekommen?“
„Erst, wenn ich meine JJ Cale-Alben durchgehört habe.“
#earworm #schallplattenliebe #blues #jjcale https://open.spotify.com/track/0brNZe8nwXnP21N6vK7pQF?si=chErzxumQLWs3ijLPOlC_w
#earworm #schallplattenliebe #blues #jjcale
Un caffè e buona musica...
#JJCale buona #domenica https://open.spotify.com/artist/06nsZ3qSOYZ2hPVIMcr1IN?si=EEeCSeI2QPGwjMavnFqTig&utm_source=native-share-menu
Hoy #JJCale habría cumplido 80 años. Compuso clásicos como “Cocaine” que popularizaron artistas como #EricClapton: https://riffstory.com/tag/cocaine/
Riff de #AndySummers en el tema “De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da”. #ThePolice lanzaron el single el 5 de diciembre de 1980: https://riffstory.com/tag/de-do-do-do-de-da-da-da/
5 de diciembre de 1981: #ThePolice son Nº 2 en Estados Unidos con el álbum “Ghost in the Machine” y Riffs como estos https://riffstory.com/tag/ghost-in-the-machine/
#jjcale #ericclapton #andysummers #thepolice
Cocaine (J.J. Cale) (Eric Clapton version)
Album: Slowhand
Released: 25 November 1977
#Riffstory #EricClapton #Cocaine #JJCale #Slowhand #RiffOfTheDay #OTD… https://www.instagram.com/p/BqmWiX7HJ6j/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=k19bojtl79yb
#riffoftheday #otd #riffstory #ericclapton #cocaine #jjcale #slowhand