Frantzeska Kolyda shares an overview of their opinion piece in #JLDHE issue 27 which encourages educators and universities to explore interventions & practices that cultivate a growth mindset to reduce inequality in the academic success of students #LoveLD
A new issue 27 of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education #JLDHE is live published by @ALDinHE Thank you to all contributors & reviewers. There's a wonderful range of research: 9 papers, 5 case studies, 4 opinion pieces & 2 book reviews. Enjoy the read!
Congratulations to #JLDHE Lead Editor Alicja Syska & Editorial team member Carina Buckley for securing a book deal with Routledge. 40+ authors in the field of LD, are contributing. Working title: How to be a Learning Developer in HE: Critical Perspectives, Community & Practice.
This year at #ALDcon23 we will be providing opportunities for delegates to contribute to the collaborative conference proceedings and reflections. We are inviting expressions of interest for a Guest Editor for this special issue. You can read last year's #ALDcon22 on the #JLDHE website
his 5-minute #JLDHE read is perfect for your coffee break! Our article in No.26 is a call to action, asking educators to share, support and help develop our Designing for Diverse Learners Guidance @LeeFallin @DrEllieDavison @gemmalspencer @TechieTomTom
Ryan Arthur hopes to spark conversations about #race that have been largely absent from LD theory/practice. Read ‘Conscious' learning development: towards a pedagogy of race-consciousness in No.26 #JLDHE Special EDI Edition #LoveLD #pedagogy #AwardGap
#race #jldhe #loveld #pedagogy #awardgap
Let's get visible: evidence-based interventions aimed at supporting, empowering and celebrating student-parents in higher education by Andrea Todd - Read in the latest special EDI edition of #JLDHE No26 #LoveLD #StudentMothers #WideningParticipation #Access
#jldhe #loveld #studentmothers #wideningparticipation #access
We encourage everyone working in the field of #LearningDevelopment to register with the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education as authors, not just readers >> #LoveLD #JLDHE (Image credit: Dr Jacqui Bartram )
#learningdevelopment #loveld #jldhe
Listening works: using the Listening Rooms methodology to explore diversity by Helen Parkin & Emma Heron in #JLDHE Special #EDI Edition no. 26. A case study with innovative methods to explore lived experiences of minoritised groups #LoveLD
Critical reflections on the racialised hierarchies of an ethnically diverse staff-student scholarship project team by Shannon Martin & Jim Lusted
in #JLDHE Special #EDI Edition No.26 #LoveLD #StudentLedResearch #BlackStudents
#jldhe #edi #loveld #studentledresearch #blackstudents
Join #JLDHE for the next online reading club meet. 12 April 2023. 5.30 - 6.30pm. We'll be discussing the paper: Critical Reflections on the racialised hierarchies of an ethnically diverse staff-student scholarship project - Book your free ticket: #LoveLD
📢#JLDHE No. 26 (2023): Special Edition, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion 📣is now published & available to read at: Thanks to all the contributing authors, Alicja Syska, for the editorial and Karen Lipsedge & Hilda Mulrooney, for the introduction.
Samantha Ahern won our 2021 JLDHE Reviewer of the Year Award (ROYA) #LoveLD. Thank you to Sam for all her diligent work in reviewing papers for our journal. Sam also has a paper published in #JLDHE
#JLDHE #LoveLD Reading of the day: a collaborative case study with Kirsty Mcintyre
& Jennifer O'Neill How UofGMedicine & UofGLifeSci students interact with an online induction course with recommendations for those implementing similar courses
📣Join us for our next #JLDHE reading club! Wed 8 Feb. 17.30 - 18.30, we will meet on Zoom to discuss Hargreaves, Robin and Caldwell (2022) Email to book. #LoveLD More info on Reading Club: Please share!
Read our blog post about reading communities with #JLDHE Editors Craig Morley & Jenny Hillman You can also share your favourite #LD reading on the @ALDinHE_LH #LoveLD padlet
Dr Alicja Syska Co-Lead Editor of The Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education #JLDHE, shares reflections on what leading the journal means #LoveLD
Are you assessing your goals for 2023? We hope they include some writing and submission to #JLDHE . You may like to follow John Spencer's SLIME method. The method is good for team meetings too. Focus on 1 goal for each of these areas ⤵️⬇️ # LoveLD
Have you read a book in the field of learning development? Why not publish a review in #JLDHE like Samantha Ahern's on Maximizing the impacts of academic research #LoveLD
Dawne Irving-Bell & Peter Hartley discuss Visual Thinking: Exploring current practices and perspectives re student notetaking in #JLDHE No. 25 Special Edn, ALDinHE Conference Proceedings & Reflections #LoveLD