RT @glennkirschner2@twitter.com
I’m glad Pres Biden is awarding Presidential Citizen Medals to GA election workers Shaye Moss & Ruby Freeman. But w/Trump reviving his intentional lies about them, putting them back in harm’s way, I’m disgusted that the rule of law/DOJ leadership has failed them. #JM video soon.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/glennkirschner2/status/1611085598508343301
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #JamzSupernovaOn6
JM & Swordman Kitala:
🎵 Ju
#nowplaying #bbc6music #JamzSupernovaOn6 #jm #SwordmanKitala
Ócio leva ao vício: Juguim Mequetrefe nº 10, Arcade Pinball https://ociolevaaovicio.blogspot.com/2022/12/juguim-mequetrefe-n-10-arcade-pinball.html #ArcadePinball #Atari #JM #vídeo
#video #jm #atari #arcadepinball
Ócio leva ao vício: Juguim Mequetrefe nº 9, Enduro https://ociolevaaovicio.blogspot.com/2022/12/juguim-mequetrefe-n-9-enduro.html #Atari #Enduro #JM #vídeo
#johnmastadon ist der beste Hype des verkorksten Jahres. Die Jahreszählung beginnt am 31.12.2022 komplett neu mit den 1.1.01 nach #JM 😂
He will find you.
#JohnMastodon #SilentSunday #Fediverse #movieposters #photoshop #graphics #jm #silence #dark #composite #sunday
#johnmastodon #silentsunday #fediverse #movieposters #photoshop #graphics #jm #silence #dark #composite #sunday
RT @simonhhess@twitter.com
Is @econ_jmp@twitter.com running an experiment with #JM-candidates? Are there candidates in a control group that don't get featured at all or at points in time when it does not matter anymore?
Hospital de Niños Dr. José Manuel de los Ríos.
#22AñosDeBatallaYVictoria #jmdelosrios #delosrios #hospitaldeniños #jm
#02feb #22AñosDeBatallaYVictoria #jmdelosrios #delosrios #hospitaldeniños #jm
#JM 段总真的很努力……
#JM 你们PTSD犯了的,想吐槽一下可以,毕竟自己憋着可能会难受,憋出病来。但是你的吐槽又会引起别人的PTSD,形成公共时间轴的PTSD风暴。所以我请求你们要讨论的时候带上标签,这样别人屏蔽的时候有关键词可寻。
今天开始屏蔽 "JM" 和「自由」两个关键词,暂定一个星期。烦死了,唉。上次是林夕的娃娃屋,这次是JM,下次不知道又要轮到谁。
Concernant l'aspect légal, #jm de #MieuxVoter c'est du #Javascript et #Python sous licence #MIT, #Belenios du #CNRS/#Inria c'est du #Ocaml sous #AGPL3, et ma réimplémentation spontanée et bénévole plus pour comprendre, tester et améliorer les algorithmes qu'autre chose pour l'instant, c'est du #Haskell et #PureScript sous #GPL3 :
#gpl3 #purescript #haskell #agpl3 #ocaml #cnrs #belenios #mit #python #javascript #mieuxvoter #jm