How are nature and human-made monuments in #Neolithic #Iberia connected? Next Monday, #JMAChair Leonardo García Sanjuán from the #University of #Seville will be giving a #publiclecture at #KielUni on this topic using the example of Antequera in southern Spain. More info: #Archaeology #LandscapeArchaeology #monumentality
#monumentality #LandscapeArchaeology #archaeology #kieluni #publiclecture #seville #university #jmachair #iberia #neolithic
Genetics points to two almost complete population changes in the area of present-day Denmark during the #StoneAge. What consequences this finding may have for our image of the Stone Age, was presented by #JMAchair Anders Fischer today at #KielScales23. Thank you to all guests for the lively discussion after the presentation.
#kielscales23 #jmachair #stoneage