#SlavojZizek #jnanapravaha #mumbai #India https://art.odicforcesounds.com/pages/YinYang/Dao/index.html Keep it simple.. is knowledge for children! Old knowledge.. and is in fact, funny :D #capitalism #fantasy #creativity #reality ... time flowing and intercepted by brain which can learn. But we don't always learn something, we just repeat.. here, "copy paste", even if I am writting letter by letter with my fingers that I already copy into my brain
#reality #creativity #fantasy #capitalism #india #mumbai #jnanapravaha #slavojzizek
Slavoj Zizek <3 <3 I love what you speak. Is a bit of psychology https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qhTR1ZoKBk or IT logic or even educational propose, motivating participation #Mumbai #India #Jnanapravaha .. I would say that I try to point to some direction where the virtual reality motivate you to participate in reality.. See my Challenge if in fact you will ever read this message. "Monkey came in Peace"