Queer Lit Cats · @QLC
113 followers · 5827 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca
Kristofferabild · @Kristofferabild
83 followers · 619 posts · Server hachyderm.io

Så igår “Verdens Værste Menneske " på Netflix og er stadig berørt af den i dag. Filmen rammer præcist vores tidsperiode med de mange muligheder for valg og fravalg. En poetisk og eksistentialisk film, der leger med filmsproget med smukke billeder af Kasper Tuxen 👌🏻
Kæmpe anbefaling! 👏🏻


Last updated 2 years ago

Dustin Kiyeon Chang · @Dustin
466 followers · 2219 posts · Server universeodon.com

With each new film, and his writing partner , show what mature, gifted writers they are. Their English language debut, Louder than Bombs, is a finely tuned chamber piece about grief and family dynamics. It is a great American film that brings out nuanced, beautifully drawn, rich characters would give Jonathan Franzen a run for his money. It's an apt title to illustrate the state of internal grief felt by the characters. The film's so beautifully written and acted, I can't find one false note. As Trier and vogt explored before in Reprise, Bombs deals with the consequences of being a talented, driven person. Many fail to balance work and relationship. For Isabelle, her work was like an addiction, no matter how much she kidded herself with the notion of family life. Dense yet lively, touching but not corny, mature and intelligent without being showy, Louder than Bombs is a rare gift of a movie.

#joachimtrier #eskilvogt #louderthanbombs #isabellehuppert #gabrielbyrne #jessieeisenberg

Last updated 2 years ago

Dustin Kiyeon Chang · @Dustin
466 followers · 2219 posts · Server universeodon.com

and his writing partner Eskil Vogt write a beautiful script once again, this time applying their skill and grace to their first genre film - a thriller. But is much more than that. Instead of going the route of a typical teen superhero flick, Trier and Vogt portray being an adolescent in its truest form - frightening sexuality: massive confusion where you can't trust your feelings or your body & the terror of being in love for the first time. Added here is a big middle finger to organized religion, combined with some show-stopping imagery- especially the snake scene & the underwater pool/lake scenes. Thelma is first and foremost, a love story. It will make a handsome double feature with The Witch as a kind of female empowerment anthem. But instead of being cynical, something to fear and gaze at, girrrl power in Thelma is a sweet, positive and dare I say, life affirming affair.

#joachimtrier #scifi #thelma #norwegiancinema #eiliharboe #kayawilkins

Last updated 2 years ago

Os Livros de Maria · @OsLivros_DeMaria
300 followers · 396 posts · Server mastodon.world

Finalmente assisti [Verdens verste menneske], do Roteirista e Cineasta (parente distante do cineasta ).

Por seu trabalho, a recebeu prêmio de Melhor Atriz no Festival 2021.

Com ótima Trilha Sonora (incluindo versão em inglês d "Águas de Março" d ), tmb disputou os Prêmios d Melhor Filme Internacional e Melhor Roteiro Original no 2022.


#apiorpessoadomundo #dinamarques #joachimtrier #LarsvonTrier #atriz #renatereinsve #cannes #tomjobim #oscar

Last updated 2 years ago

Dustin Kiyeon Chang · @Dustin
331 followers · 1194 posts · Server universeodon.com

A drama about writing/writers is very hard to pull off. ‘s crisp staccato style, gorgeous cinematography, the literary world it portrays & attractive actors all give an air of sophistication and can be easily mistaken as an urban hipster fantasy. But Reprise is a celebration of possibility of life. Their world is an open book & life takes them in many unexpected ways. Trier faithfully captures all those moments of nervousness, excitement & awkwardness.

#joachimtrier #norwegiancinema

Last updated 2 years ago

Alfonso van Worden · @vanWorden
4 followers · 47 posts · Server literatur.social

Als ich darüber nachdachte, welchen Film ich nun als besten bezeichnen sollte, kam mir auch Joachim Triers "The Worst Person in the World" in den Sinn. Auch ein sehr schöner Film.


#filme #joachimtrier #renatereinsve

Last updated 2 years ago

Dustin Kiyeon Chang · @Dustin
81 followers · 121 posts · Server universeodon.com
Paul A. J. Lewis · @Krycek_Facility
48 followers · 46 posts · Server mastodon.world

My 10 favourite films of 2022, in no particular order. (Going by the UK release date in most cases).
A PLEIN TEMPS (, @zegravel)
MAJOR (@SashiTikka)
JOCKEY (@clintbentley)
AVEC AMOUR ET ACHARNEMENT (Both Sides of the Blade, )
UN AUTRE MONDE (Another World, )

#fulltime #chanwookpark #zerofucksgiven #julielecoustre #emmanuelmarre #gasparnoe #joachimtrier #ClaireDenis #stephanebrize

Last updated 2 years ago

Paul A. J. Lewis · @Krycek_Facility
57 followers · 52 posts · Server mastodon.world

My 10 favourite films of 2022, in no particular order. (Going by the UK release date in most cases).
A PLEIN TEMPS (, @zegravel)
MAJOR (@SashiTikka)
JOCKEY (@clintbentley)
AVEC AMOUR ET ACHARNEMENT (Both Sides of the Blade, )
UN AUTRE MONDE (Another World, )

#fulltime #chanwookpark #zerofucksgiven #julielecoustre #emmanuelmarre #gasparnoe #joachimtrier #ClaireDenis #stephanebrize

Last updated 2 years ago

Kulturjam.it · @sdvsfr
351 followers · 1700 posts · Server mastodon.uno

Con “La persona peggiore del mondo”, l’ultimo capitolo della trilogia su Oslo, Joachim Trier delinea un ritratto contemporaneo di cosa vuol dire essere adulti oggi.


#joachimtrier #recensioni #cinema

Last updated 3 years ago