From book #ActiveHope by #JoannaMacy & #ChrisJohnstone on #ClimateDespair & Hope.
Where are you? Business as Usual- denial/not doing your part to slow down damage; The Great Unraveling, you recognize & acknowledge there’s a problem re the natural world & climate crisis, widening inequality, dis & Misinformation re what’s going on; or The Great Turning—turning towards raising awareness & engaging in behaviors that support the flourishing of life.
I’m moving toward The Great Turning. Join me?
#activehope #joannamacy #chrisjohnstone #climatedespair
Join me in reading #ActiveHope by #JoannaMacy & #ChrisJohnstone
If there’s interest, I’ll offer a free on going Zoom group to explore the book and work with #ClimateDespair (I’m American on the east coast but I’ll be sensitive to time zones).
This will not be a (small) group to debate #ClimateChange but rather how to be a okay and PRACTICE active hope, despite the despairing circumstances, in the context that climate change is real & humanity IS in part creating this mess.
#activehope #joannamacy #chrisjohnstone #climatedespair #ClimateChange
🍂Hou jij het nog vol? Het is niet makkelijk om bewust bezig te zijn met de toestand van het #klimaat zonder de hoop te verliezen. Daarvoor hebben we de verdiepingsdag Actieve Hoop opgezet. Om jou en anderen die zich zorgen maken om het klimaat een hart onder de riem te steken.
Vind je optimisme en motivatie en laat je inspireren door #JoannaMacy, die zich zelfs op haar 93e nog inzet voor het klimaat.
Meer informatie en cursusaanbod:
#humanisme #ecohumanisme #joannamacy #klimaat
There is a new episode of my conversation series, "Let's Talk!" available; I talked last summer with Prof Kiara Jorgenson of St. Olaf College. We discuss the expanding lives of students, intersectional justice, place-based vocation, panentheism, and more:
#SaintOlafCollege #JĂĽrgenMoltmann #JoannaMacy #RossGay #Niebuhr #ErikErikson
#WesleyWildman #panentheism #Luther #LutheransRestoringCreation
#climateanxiety #saintolafcollege #jurgenmoltmann #joannamacy #RossGay #niebuhr #erikerikson #wesleywildman #Panentheism #Luther #lutheransrestoringcreation
Ich biete / suche einen Lese- und Ăśbungskreis zu dem Buch "Hoffnung durch Handeln" von #JoannaMacy und Chris Johnstone
Kleine Gruppe, 5-8 Personen
5 Treffen 14-tägig, jeweils 90 Minuten
Mehr dazu hier:
Der Kreis könnte auch in Verbindung mit #MeinZiel23 stattfinden.
Ich freue mich auf Interessensbekundungen und Vorab-Austausch.
#joannamacy #meinziel23 #hoffnungdurchhandeln #lernenimwandel
"Gratitude is liberating. It is subversive. It helps us to realise that we are sufficient, and that realisation frees us." #JOANNAMACY