Original toot date: 30 May, 2023
On this date in 1431, French heroine and military leader Joan of Arc was burned alive at the stake after being jailed for the crimes of heresy, witchcraft and wearing men's clothing. Her unwavering courage to fight for what she believed in and conviction of her beliefs, continues to inspire me as I think of her today!
#JoanOfArc #courage #conviction #strongwomen #WomenInHistory
#joanofarc #courage #conviction #strongwomen #WomenInHistory
Joan Of Arc (2303/0334)
Foto del giorno di martedì 13 giugno 2023
#cosplay #joanofarc #photography #fotografia
#cosplay #joanofarc #photography #fotografia
In a way, I kind of feel sorry for #MikePence.
#Trump is a #ChaoticEvil grifter who will say or do whatever he thinks will bring him more power. No principles whatsoever, apart from the pursuit of power for its own sake. He doesn't actually believe in anything at all, and for him, objective truth is merely an obstacle in his path, which he must overcome through the use of propaganda, extortion, violence, and corruption.
Meanwhile, #Pence is a true believer. He literally believes that God is calling him personally to lead the nation on a path of righteousness, like #JoanOfArc or #Gideon. It's really sad, because he's a guy with an incredibly strong sense of morality and steadfast adherence to principles, but he's got them all wrong. He's like a #LawfulGood #Paladin who thinks he's been sent on a crusade by #Pelor to rescue the world from evil, but the deity he thought was Pelor was actually just #Nerull in disguise.
#mikepence #Trump #chaoticevil #pence #joanofarc #gideon #lawfulgood #paladin #pelor #nerull
On this date in 1431, French heroine and military leader Joan of Arc was burned alive at the stake after being jailed for the crimes of heresy, witchcraft and wearing men's clothing. Her unwavering courage to fight for what she believed in and conviction of her beliefs, continues to inspire me as I think of her today!
#JoanOfArc #courage #conviction #strongwomen #WomenInHistory
#joanofarc #courage #conviction #strongwomen #WomenInHistory
Marty McFly: “Are you telling me that… #JoanOfArc has “The Hots”… for me?!”
Doc Brown: “Great Scott! Do you know what this means?! This could turn the tide of the Hundred Years’ War, Marty!!”
#BTTF #BackToTheFuture
#backtothefuture #bttf #HashtagGames #modernfictionalcharactersinthemiddleages #joanofarc
🪷 On 30 May 1431 #JoanofArc was burnt at the stake. A saint of #Antinous for #genderfluid #gender-defying courage against kings and popes. 🪷
#joanofarc #antinous #genderfluid #gender
#OnThisDay, 23 May 1430, Jeanne d'Arc, fighting in the rearguard, is pulled from her horse and captured by the Burgundians at the siege of Compiègne. She is then sold as a prisoner to the British, who put her on trial for heresy.
Learn more about Jeanne’s rise and fall here: https://carvehername.org.uk/joan-of-arc-7-may-1429/
#WomenInHistory #JoanOfArc #JeanneDArc #EuropeanHistory #Histodons
#histodons #europeanhistory #jeannedarc #joanofarc #womeninhistory #onthisday
#OnThisDay, 7 May 1429, Jeanne d'Arc leads the French troops into the last day of fighting to lift the Siege of Orleans.
Learn more about her rise, and fall, here: https://carvehername.org.uk/joan-of-arc-7-may-1429/
#WomenInHistory #EuropeanHistory #FrenchHistory #HundredYearsWar #JoanOfArc #Histodons @histodons
#histodons #joanofarc #hundredyearswar #Frenchhistory #europeanhistory #womeninhistory #onthisday
#OnThisDay, April 29, in 1429, 17-year-old peasant Joan of Arc led a French force to relieve the city of Orleans, under siege by the English since October (depicted in The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc, 1999)
#Film #Movies #Cinemastodon #Histodons #JoanOfArc #TheMessenger
#onthisday #film #movies #cinemastodon #histodons #joanofarc #themessenger
On April 12, 2009, The Passion of Joan of Arc was screened at the Istanbul Film Festival. Here’s some Maria Falconetti art!
#ThePassionOfJoanOfArc #LaPassiondeJeanned'Arc #CarlTheodorDreyer #ReneeJeanneFalconetti #HistoricalFilm #DramaFilm #JoanOfArc #SilentFilm #RediscoveredFilm #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#thepassionofjoanofarc #lapassiondejeanned #carltheodordreyer #reneejeannefalconetti #historicalfilm #dramafilm #joanofarc #silentfilm #rediscoveredfilm #art #movieart #moviehistory
Happy Easter!! Thank you for this special day where we can eat Joan's bagel. Amen (´-ω-`) 🙏
Felices pascuas!! Gracias por este dia especial donde podemos comer la rosca de Juana. Amen (´-ω-`) 🙏 #clonehigh #JoanofArc #nyoronyan
#clonehigh #joanofarc #Nyoronyan
Ok, let me try this.
HEMA practitioners who ID as femme (nonbinary and transgender):
Did medieval history (especially the idea of knighthood and chivalry - its values) influence you in your decision to take up HEMA (sword etc)?
(If you want to help in this research, please boost as far as you can for a better and bigger sample!)
#medievalhistory #history #Histodon #joanofarc #hema
Joan Of Arc (2303/0334)
Foto del giorno di venerdì 17 marzo 2023
#cosplay #joanofarc #photography #fotografia
#cosplay #joanofarc #photography #fotografia
she died for our sins #JeanneDArc #Joan #SaintJoan #SaintJeanne #JoanDArc #JoanOfArc #martyr #crucified #BurnedAtTheStake #BurnedAlive
#burnedalive #burnedatthestake #crucified #martyr #joanofarc #joandarc #saintjeanne #saintjoan #joan #jeannedarc
Next up, The Passion of Joan of Arc #sightandsound #bfi #joanofarc
#sightandsound #bfi #joanofarc
The statue of St. Joan of Arc in Winchester Cathedral. It was the then Bishop of Winchester ( Cardinal Beaufort) who sentenced her to death, and this statue has her overlooking his burial place. It is said that there is a stone from her prison cell in Rouen inside the base. Kate Bush's song "Joanni" always brings a tear to my eye... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LFBO1Rd7HE
#winchester #JoanofArc #joanne #history #olympus #photography
#photography #olympus #history #joanne #joanofarc #winchester
Is it just me or is there some irony or sick humor for the placement of a fire extinguisher next to a statue of Joan of Arc? Just shaking my head here #Histodons #JoanofArc #Geneadons
#histodons #joanofarc #geneadons
Amazing parade night. Gave away 100 photo postcards and 2 dozen cyanotype handkerchiefs. Got a lot of really gratifying responses to them.
Happy carnival! #neworleans #joanofarc #joanofarcparade
#joanofarcparade #joanofarc #neworleans
A very Happy Carnival Season to all from New Orleans! We're waiting on the Joan of Arc parade, and don't worry, we'll tear it up for ya...
#wejustgettingstarted #joanofarcparade #joanofarc #neworleanscarnival #neworleans