@peterdutoit i think what #climatescientists should do now is a #greatresignation. Stop communicating completely, some may (and have already) consider a career change. As we all know, it’s #jobdone for them and there’s nothing left to say. In fact keeping on talking is detrimental to #climateaction, as it is used by #fossilfuels lobbies to keep on talking and do nothing. I think urgent action is now in #resilience, #community-led lofi #engineering solutions.
#climatescientists #GreatResignation #jobdone #ClimateAction #fossilfuels #resilience #community #engineering
Also, and unrelated, I may need to conduct a welfare check on the neighbours I spoke with earlier. I have never known them to be this quiet.
Not. Ever.
Proof positive that #HorizonZeroDawn is a fantastic "likely to make your best-ever list” video game. #LoveToSeeIt #JobDone
#horizonzerodawn #lovetoseeit #jobdone
@beautifuldowntownmannheim @mannheim @jowo Schaufensterpolitik. Da habt ihr euren Radweg. Steht Radweg drauf. Ob die Situation dadurch schlechter ist, interessiert keinen. Ob die Radelnden jetzt häufiger unter die Räder kommen, unterliegt der individuellen Verantwortung. #jobdone 🤦♂️
I am so very much loving the TickTick app. Available for everything, including a Gmail add-on.
To be clear, no one’s asked me to post this. Just sharing it in case you might find it as useful as I have.
#todo #priorities #productivity #jobdone
A giant coal miner wants to store captured carbon in the Great Artesian Basin. Worried landholders say it's 'preposterous'
I’ve got a better idea - it’s simple, cost effective and low tech:
Store the carbon in coal - leave the bloody stuff where it is #JobDone
@ewing93 @gypsumfantastic Hurrah! That's a good happy birthday truffle face so I'm well chuffed. #JobDone
Your state representative can put forward a motion to make every day Tacoday. The calendar makers will be forced to comply, though they'll be out of business once there's only one day. #jobdone #wishgranted #tacotuesday #tacosofmastodon
#jobdone #wishgranted #tacotuesday #tacosofmastodon
RT @DaveAndersonTLR@twitter.com
If @Keir_Starmer@twitter.com loses then next general election, he’ll walk away with a rye smile. He wasn’t installed to become PM, his one job was to destroy the antiestablishment progressive left and maintain the status quo. #jobdone #NeverStarmer
Calling it a night, been a rather epic weekend and today continued that theme with gusto #jobdone
Can't say I rate the idea of sending Scotty Boland out there, but I guess he got the Aussies through to stumps, so #JobDone I guess.
Pretty action-packed day of #TestCricket - I rate it! #Cricket
#jobdone #testcricket #cricket
The wisdom of the ages has been imparted to the munchkins.
They are watching Asterix. In German.