"#Job hunting? Be on the lookout for #resume formatting scams"
Heads up fellow #jobhunters! I've been targeted by this. I told the 'recruiter' this smelled like a #scam. Strangely enough, I never heard back! 🤔
#job #resume #jobhunters #scam #jobs #jobsearch
1/ #Privacy Tip For Those Affected By #Layoffs or any other #JobHunters
When you post your resume on a job site such as #Indeed, #Monster, #CareerBuilder, etc. and you make it public, it's almost impossible to ever have #anonymity again. Even if you delete your account, sign up with a new email address on the same or another job site, recruiters will know exactly who you are. Due to #scraping and shadow databases, #profile information is stored and matched with #private #resumes.
#privacy #layoffs #jobhunters #indeed #monster #careerbuilder #anonymity #scraping #profile #private #resumes
This Performance About the Gig Economy Works Overtime by They Are Here artist duo (http://www.theyarehere.net)
> https://garage.vice.com/en_us/article/wjzddy/they-are-here-40-temps-8-days-tate-modern
> http://temporaryartreview.com/temporary-workers-an-interview-with-they-are-here/
#employment #jobseekers #jobhunters #work #economy #jobinsecurity #job #unemployment #art
#employment #jobseekers #jobhunters #work #economy #jobinsecurity #job #unemployment #art