See also…
Hiring manager: What is it about this specific role that makes you want it?
Me: Well, Susan, since the job spec is almost certainly a work of fiction, I took a punt and chucked in an application. I haven’t actually decided whether I do want the job. I’m interviewing you every bit as much as you’re interviewing me.
Following on from my previous rant about entirely fictional #JobSpecs…
HR: The hiring manager asked me to tell you you gave an excellent interview. However, you don't have the experience needed to perform this job.
Me: My experience?
HR: Yes.
Me: The experience that's listed on my CV?
HR: Yes.
Me: Why did I get an interview?
HR: Thanks for applying. Buh-bye.
important list of documents required for a Job change
#humanresources #hr #jobinterview #job #crackinterview #communicationskills #documents #official #office #corporate #softskills #personalitydevelopment #satvinderkaur #themindmanagement #selfdevelopment #selfdiscovery #selfgrowth #interview
#humanresources #hr #jobinterview #job #crackinterview #communicationskills #documents #official #office #corporate #softskills #personalitydevelopment #satvinderkaur #themindmanagement #selfdevelopment #selfdiscovery #selfgrowth #interview
important list of documents required for a Job change
#humanresources #hr #jobinterview #job #crackinterview #communicationskills #documents #official #office #corporate #softskills #personalitydevelopment #satvinderkaur #themindmanagement #selfdevelopment #selfdiscovery #selfgrowth #interview
#humanresources #hr #jobinterview #job #crackinterview #communicationskills #documents #official #office #corporate #softskills #personalitydevelopment #satvinderkaur #themindmanagement #selfdevelopment #selfdiscovery #selfgrowth #interview
important list of documents required for a Job change
#humanresources #hr #jobinterview #job #crackinterview #communicationskills #documents #official #office #corporate #softskills #personalitydevelopment #satvinderkaur #themindmanagement #selfdevelopment #selfdiscovery #selfgrowth #interview
#humanresources #hr #jobinterview #job #crackinterview #communicationskills #documents #official #office #corporate #softskills #personalitydevelopment #satvinderkaur #themindmanagement #selfdevelopment #selfdiscovery #selfgrowth #interview
This morning at 10, online: The secret meaning behind questions like “Where do you see yourself in five years?” (I’ve learned that the answer IS NOT “Laughing over the bodies of those who would dare oppose me...”)
#career #job #interview #interviews #JobInterview #JobInterviews #InterviewQuestions
#career #job #interview #interviews #jobinterview #jobinterviews #interviewquestions
There are nine gazillion articles and courses and workshops and webinars and experts out there to tell you, as a candidate, that’s it’s of the *utmost* importance that you craft a custom CV and covering letter for every job application. Tailor them to the job spec. Ensure there are zero spelling or grammar mistakes. Put your best foot forwards.
But hiring managers? Just slap up any old spec and hope for the best. Candidates should be psychic.
I was speaking about this with @xtaldave, who was aghast. He thought this must be a hiring manager problem, then a my-employer problem. I assured him, this is industry-wide. In my experience, job specs for financial services roles are, almost invariably, incredibly vague or flat out fiction.
Tell me… What industry do you work in? In your experience, are job specs accurate reflections of the job and do they provide fair lists of the skills and experience required?
See also…
Job spec: This role manages a team of 10 and focuses on XYZ.
Me (in my head): Yeah, it isn’t a promotion but that's an appropriate size. I can do that.
Me (in interview): Blathers on about my skills in people management and XYZ.
Hiring manager: I’m not sure why you keep talking about people management. This is an independent working position. Also, your skills in XYZ aren’t relevant to this role.
Job spec: This role manages a team of 10 and focuses on XYZ.
Me (in my head): Yeah, that's an appropriate size. The role would be a promotion but an accessible one.
Me (in interview): The role would be a promotion but it's one I'm ready for. I know it manages a team of 10 and is focused on XYZ. I can handle that.
Hiring manager: What? Where'd you get that idea? This role manages a team of 100, including multiple layers and people already at the same level.
“Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”
#jobinterview #flexibilityforcyclists
important list of documents required for a Job change
#humanresources #hr #jobinterview #job #crackinterview #communicationskills #documents #official #office #corporate #softskills #personalitydevelopment #satvinderkaur #themindmanagement #selfdevelopment #selfdiscovery #selfgrowth #interview
#humanresources #hr #jobinterview #job #crackinterview #communicationskills #documents #official #office #corporate #softskills #personalitydevelopment #satvinderkaur #themindmanagement #selfdevelopment #selfdiscovery #selfgrowth #interview
important list of documents required for Job change
#humanresources #hr #jobinterview #job #crackinterview #communicationskills #documents #official #office #corporate #softskills #personalitydevelopment #satvinderkaur #themindmanagement #selfdevelopment #selfdiscovery #selfgrowth #interview
#humanresources #hr #jobinterview #job #crackinterview #communicationskills #documents #official #office #corporate #softskills #personalitydevelopment #satvinderkaur #themindmanagement #selfdevelopment #selfdiscovery #selfgrowth #interview
important list of documents required for Job change
#humanresources #hr #jobinterview #job #crackinterview #communicationskills #documents #official #office #corporate #softskills #personalitydevelopment #satvinderkaur #themindmanagement #selfdevelopment #selfdiscovery #selfgrowth #interview
#humanresources #hr #jobinterview #job #crackinterview #communicationskills #documents #official #office #corporate #softskills #personalitydevelopment #satvinderkaur #themindmanagement #selfdevelopment #selfdiscovery #selfgrowth #interview
important list of documents required for Job change
#humanresources #hr #jobinterview #job #crackinterview #communicationskills #documents #official #office #corporate #softskills #personalitydevelopment #satvinderkaur #themindmanagement #selfdevelopment #selfdiscovery #selfgrowth #interview
#humanresources #hr #jobinterview #job #crackinterview #communicationskills #documents #official #office #corporate #softskills #personalitydevelopment #satvinderkaur #themindmanagement #selfdevelopment #selfdiscovery #selfgrowth #interview
Someone posted this to Reddit, asking if this programming exercise for a job interview for a junior dev position was doable in 4 hours. I’ll write more about this later, but here’s the short answer for now: 🚨HELL NO🚨.
#Android #job #interview #JobInterview #programming #coding #test #exercise
#android #job #interview #jobinterview #programming #coding #test #exercise
Have a #jobinterview next week and I’m so nervous! It’s for an instructor position at a local college and I need to prep a #teaching demo 🙃 #stressed
#jobinterview #teaching #stressed
Don’t mind Mars. He’s just silent and stand-off-ish because of his tragic backstory.
#jollybiscuit #office #jobinterview #career #boss #worker #job #corporation #interview #secret #powerrangers #heroes #taskforce #undergroundbase #hologram #humor #funny #comic #comics #webcomic #webcomics #comicstrips
#jollybiscuit #office #jobinterview #career #boss #worker #job #corporation #interview #secret #powerrangers #heroes #taskforce #undergroundbase #hologram #humor #funny #comic #comics #webcomic #webcomics #comicstrips
Je viens de passer un entretien d'embauche pour un poste de chef de projet dans une grande entreprise. J'espère avoir réussi à les convaincre de mes compétences ! #stress #jobinterview
Kotaku: Diablo IV Interview's Questions From 'Fans' Are Very Questionable #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogameswithisometricgraphics #roleplayingvideogames #blizzardentertainment #diabloivinterview #josephpiepiora #humanbehavior #blizzardgames #jobinterview #windowsgames #videogaming #johnmueller #videogames #question #diablo #reddit #joe
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogameswithisometricgraphics #roleplayingvideogames #blizzardentertainment #diabloivinterview #josephpiepiora #humanbehavior #blizzardgames #jobinterview #windowsgames #videogaming #johnmueller #videogames #question #diablo #reddit #joe