Lord Gregory Opera · @gregoryopera
0 followers · 14 posts · Server mastdn.social

New chief Vanessa Hudson’s fix-it order to senior staff - apple.news/AQIQ80rYZSX6kFuiMiq | Until reinstate the ~1,700 staff that were terminated before their jobs were outsourced, discontinue their sexual discrimination against male passengers, repay and *significantly* improve their customer service standards, I’ll take my business elsewhere… This horrible, unethical and unAustralian company doesn’t deserve our loyalty. |

#qantas #jobkeeper #vanessahudson #australia

Last updated 1 year ago

Lord Gregory Opera · @gregoryopera
2 followers · 52 posts · Server mastodon.au

New chief Vanessa Hudson’s fix-it order to senior staff - apple.news/AQIQ80rYZSX6kFuiMiq | Until reinstate the ~1,700 staff that were terminated before their jobs were outsourced, discontinue their sexual discrimination against male passengers, repay and *significantly* improve their customer service standards, I’ll take my business elsewhere… This horrible, unethical and unAustralian company doesn’t deserve our loyalty. |

#qantas #jobkeeper #vanessahudson #australia

Last updated 1 year ago

Lord Gregory Opera · @gregoryopera
2 followers · 48 posts · Server mastodon.au

considers paying back following week of mounting criticism - apple.news/ADHGgOv8vTS-Ws_Vnnp | If ⁦‪Qantas‬⁩ truly want to improve their reputation, they should abandon their sexual discrimination against males, bring ALL their work in-house and back to Australia, *and* repay JobKeeper… Until then, I consider a horrible, unethical company; an company that is an embarrassment and a poor example of Australian values.

#qantas #jobkeeper #australian

Last updated 1 year ago

We were banned from Fakebook for talking about three things in 2020, one being the effects of the govt policy in (of giving blank cheques to the most wealthy and the minimum to everyone else).

#hyperinflationary #australia #jobkeeper

Last updated 2 years ago

There is much furore in about ex-PM subverting democratic processes during .

You could have gaslit us!

Australia, and generally, has **not** been a democracy for a while, but an autocracy. Funny how anyone who says this is classified a "conspiracy theorist".

#australia #scottmorrison #covid #OREALLY #theWest #ImprisonList #autocracy #jobkeeper #moneyPrinterGoDrr #bigpharma

Last updated 2 years ago

> So many lives have been wrecked by the and the (at least where I am, in ) … and geared towards preserving the existing social hierarchy, with more money offered to those who were already making money.

May we say, ", same", with class-based payouts they called "".

Thanks for sharing, humanity does need a now.

#pandemic #bailouts #sweden #australia #jobkeeper #ubi #UBINow

Last updated 2 years ago

Its not difficult to spot policies that produce .

Last year, we called out at its inception in , highlighting it was a entrenching the by giving bigger to those who were well-paid prePandemic.

We called out the policies, others too, but our voices were drowned out by .

Finally now report that, of the businesses that got extreme welfare, 53% didn't need it.

#inequality #jobkeeper #australia #scam #classdivide #welfarePayments #corporateState #australian #legacymedia #gamification #riggedsystem

Last updated 3 years ago

Its not difficult to spot the policies that produce inequality.

We called out at its inception at the start of the 2020 economic downturn. We were highlighting that they are entrenching the divide by giving more support to those who were well paid prePandemic.

We called out the policies and others were too but the aforementioned drowns us out.

Before the name is widely known, we need for recognition. It'll be too late soon.

#corporateState #jobkeeper #metaverse #oneBigPush #fediverse

Last updated 3 years ago

In tomorrow's budget, 's Treasurer is set to replace the program with the .

Take videos while picking , , , or and earn .

In a surprise pairing with BigTech, and non- will lose support and telecommunications services if Alexa, Siri or Google detect I2P traffic or a fart.

Also may randomly drone bomb you.

#australia #jobkeeper #FartMaker #selfie #beans #broccoli #bokchoy #cabbage #kale #fiatRewards #jobseekers #homeBuilders #fastfood #elonmusk #jobMaker #work #jobs #jerbz

Last updated 4 years ago

It's good to see that some in have been able to identify as a . Designed to enrich the , and the , while regular honest , , and the are left behind.

Good to see people hashtagging and but what did you make of those hashtags?

Did you actually ?

This is why we need and more using Tor and I2P.

#australia #jobkeeper #scam #powerElite #extremelyWealthy #Australians #casualWorkers #unemployed #lessFortunate #NoWorkersLeftBehind #wagesubsidyforall #organise #alternativemedia #getNEOed #inequality

Last updated 4 years ago

Honest question: Should we be paying extortionate amounts, to make mostly myopic decisions for the sake of producing ?

Couldn't we just train or to make the decision? All we'd need to do is work out the most effective way to communicate an idea to them and we would be done.


#CEOs #meaninglessWork #monkeys #octopuses #ceo #CEOPay #jobCreeper #jobkeeper #cronyism #extortion #ai #uselessJobs #gulag #bureaucracy #ubi #cooperatives #coop

Last updated 4 years ago

Oh and remember those years you turned a blind eye to that of (mostly) dredging up sand for the and destroying the complex life on the ocean floors so we can build all those trashy , that no one over 30 ever wanted to live in?

When we say "Drop", we mean "Drop dead." Don't go to jail and definately don't pass go to get your $200 a day in "".

Just drop dead, sell out. You failed at life on earth.

#sandMafia #china #blackmarket #highrises #jobkeeper

Last updated 4 years ago

Does anyone put it past the to start a war with to distract from . We believe soon its going to be seen as the primary and ?

Maybe we are cynical - or painfully logical.

#usa #china #bitcoin #storeOfValue #mediumOfExchange #distraction #geopolitics #usd #moneyPrinterGoBrr #jobkeeper #jobkeeperScam #uselessJobs

Last updated 4 years ago