💡 US Bureau of Labor Statistics
Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary 2023.04.04
Employment Situation Summary 2023.03.10
▶️ Take the #JobPoll
💡 US Bureau of Labor Statistics
Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary 2023.04.04
Employment Situation Summary 2023.03.10
▶️ Take the #JobPoll
💡 US Bureau of Labor Statistics
Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary 2023.04.04
Employment Situation Summary 2023.03.10
▶️ Take the #JobPoll
Can I please get some help from the #hachyderm #fosstodon #floss #techhub #arvr and other tech-related instances to boost my #JobPoll post? The lack of Contractors / Consultants seems out of place. 'Much appreciated! 👋 😄
#hachyderm #fosstodon #floss #techhub #ARVR #jobpoll
Even though it's early, I'm not agreeing with these results. I'm hopeful that full-time positions are still viable in the tech industry, but I assume there are many more contractors / consultants and freelancers out there.
Please boost the #JobPoll to pass it around for more input. 'Much appreciated! ✌ 😁
💡 I will be seeking new employment opportunities soon, and I am curious about trends in the tech / tech-related industries. I would appreciate your feedback in the poll below. Thank you!
How would you categorize your current employment?
#JobPoll #JobMarket #Jobs #Employment #Work #IT #Creative #SWDev #AppDev #GameDev #Fullstack #Software #Apps #Executive #Manager #Management #Engineer #Developer #Coder #DigitalArtist #Artist #Creative
#jobpoll #jobmarket #jobs #employment #work #it #creative #swdev #appdev #gamedev #fullstack #software #apps #executive #manager #management #engineer #developer #coder #digitalartist #artist