Our Tools&Tiaras [toolsandtiaras. org] https://www.toolsandtiaras.org/ hard hats are off in celebration of all the amazing tradeswomen, women pros, and volunteers who will be teaching our workshops, leading our field trips, and inspiring and mentoring their "Little Sisters" (aka our girls) at Summer Camp next week! Princess Warriors we are so ready for you. See you Monday! #ThankfulThursday #JobsDontHaveGenders #ToolsandTiaras #TandTSummerCamp
#thankfulthursday #jobsdonthavegenders #toolsandtiaras #tandtsummercamp
}Please join us in celebrating Janelle Dibinga, our Tools & Tiaras 2022 Miss Judaline Scholarship winner! Janelle, an immigrant from Jamaica, is a first year electrical apprentice in the IBEW Local 103 program in Boston.{ #MissJudalineScholarship
#FutureIsFemale #GirlPower #WomenInConstruction #Tradeswomen #WomenInTrades #Plumber #WomenInPlumbing #electrical #apprentice https://www.instagram.com/p/CnVZ4_6Lya2/
#missjudalinescholarship #jobsdonthavegenders #toolsandtiaras #futureisfemale #girlpower #womeninconstruction #tradeswomen #womenintrades #plumber #womeninplumbing #electrical #apprentice
"Shannon Connaughton didn’t consider going into the trades when she graduated from [high school].… Now Connaughton… is a second-year electrical apprentice.…” #ToolsAndTiaras #JobsDontHaveGenders #FutureIsFemale #GirlPower #WomenInConstruction #Tradeswomen #WomenInTrades #Plumber #WomenInPlumbing #Electrician h/t [toolsandtiaras. org] https://www.toolsandtiaras.org/ [bostonglobe. com/2023/01/02/business/movement-is-building-get-women-into-construction] https://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/01/02/business/movement-is-building-get-women-into-construction/
#toolsandtiaras #jobsdonthavegenders #futureisfemale #girlpower #womeninconstruction #tradeswomen #womenintrades #plumber #womeninplumbing #electrician
"Shannon Connaughton didn’t consider going into the trades when she graduated from [high school].… Now Connaughton… is a second-year electrical apprentice.…” #ToolsAndTiaras #JobsDontHaveGenders #FutureIsFemale #GirlPower #WomenInConstruction #Tradeswomen #WomenInTrades #Plumber #WomenInPlumbing #Electrician h/t [toolsandtiaras.org] https://www.toolsandtiaras.org/ [bostonglobe. com/2023/01/02/business/movement-is-building-get-women-into-construction] https://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/01/02/business/movement-is-building-get-women-into-construction/
#toolsandtiaras #jobsdonthavegenders #futureisfemale #girlpower #womeninconstruction #tradeswomen #womenintrades #plumber #womeninplumbing #electrician
As 2022 is quickly coming to an end, we are taking a look back at some of the brightest, most magical moments from this year for which we are truly grateful. First up… when the first-ever Second Gentleman of the United States, Mr. Doug Emhoff, joined our girls at T&T Summer Camp for our sheet metal workshop… #JobsDontHaveGenders #ToolsAndTiaras #Gratitude #GirlPower #FutureIsFemale #TandTSummerCamp #WomenInConstruction #Tradeswomen https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2464981970327007
#jobsdonthavegenders #toolsandtiaras #gratitude #girlpower #futureisfemale #tandtsummercamp #womeninconstruction #tradeswomen
The Miss Judaline Scholarship is open to women, ages 19+, who are in the first year of a union apprenticeship in the building trades, and currently live in the United States or Canada. One scholarship recipient will be selected & awarded $1,000.00. [Apply] until Friday, December 23, 2022 at 11:59pm (EST) https://w1jk7wjjxiq.typeform.com/MissJudaline #JobsDontHaveGenders #ToolsandTiaras #workingwomenwednesday #nonprofit #scholarship #plumber #unionplumber #womeninconstruction #tradeswomen #girlpower #futureisfemale
#jobsdonthavegenders #toolsandtiaras #workingwomenwednesday #nonprofit #scholarship #plumber #unionplumber #womeninconstruction #tradeswomen #girlpower #futureisfemale
The Miss Judaline Scholarship is open to women, ages 19+, who are in the first year of a union apprenticeship in the building trades, and currently live in the United States or Canada. One scholarship recipient will be selected & awarded $1,000.00. [Apply] until Friday, December 23, 2022 at 11:59pm (EST) https://w1jk7wjjxiq.typeform.com/MissJudaline #JobsDontHaveGenders #ToolsandTiaras #workingwomenwednesday #nonprofit #scholarship #plumber #unionplumber #womeninconstruction #tradeswomen #girlpower #futureisfemale
#jobsdonthavegenders #toolsandtiaras #workingwomenwednesday #nonprofit #scholarship #plumber #unionplumber #womeninconstruction #tradeswomen #girlpower #futureisfemale
Tools & Tiaras, Inc.'s Miss Judaline Scholarship, open to women, age 19+, who are in the first year of a union apprenticeship in the building trades, and currently live in USA or Canada. Apply until Friday, December 23, 2022 at 11:59pm EST. #JobsDontHaveGenders #ToolsandTiaras #FearlessGirlFriday #nonprofit #scholarship #plumber #unionplumber #womeninconstruction #tradeswomen #girlpower #futureisfemale [w1jk7wjjxiq. typeform. com/MissJudaline] https://w1jk7wjjxiq.typeform.com/MissJudaline
#jobsdonthavegenders #toolsandtiaras #fearlessgirlfriday #nonprofit #scholarship #plumber #unionplumber #womeninconstruction #tradeswomen #girlpower #futureisfemale