Mitigating Age Biases in Resume Screening AI Models
"…trained an model & applied correction techniques …to correct for biases based on race, gender, & age. We analyzed the effectiveness of these tools in mitigating different types of bias in job algorithms, explored why age may be more challenging to eliminate than other forms of bias"
Interesting paper with a generous reference to

#labormarkets #jobtech #ageism #discrimination #hiring #bias #ai

Last updated 1 year ago

Does Artificial Intelligence Help or Hurt Gender Diversity?
the use of in recruitment changes the gender distribution of potential hires, in some cases more than doubling the fraction of top applicants that are women. This change is generated by better outcomes for women in both supply and demand.

#discrimination #ExperimentalEcon #jobtech #ai

Last updated 1 year ago

If you are interested in , , and have some relevant and experience, maybe this job is for you: Data Science Team Lead

Other locations may be possible, too. I am in Berlin.

#research #datascience #labormarkets #jobtech

Last updated 2 years ago

Aversion to hiring algorithms: Transparency, gender profiling, & self-confidence
"Providing details on how the algorithm works does not increase the preference for the algorithm, neither for workers nor for managers. Providing feedback to managers about their performance in hiring the best workers increases their preference for the algorithm, as managers are…overconfident."

#jobtech #BoundedRationality #ExperimentalEcon

Last updated 2 years ago

Good news, everyone!

Former professor of (behavioral) economics (at the University of Erfurt, Jacobs U Bremen, Touro U) here. Now, in the corporate world, still working empirically with research in , labor & personnel , data science, & quantitative social science with applications to

Interested in bounded rationality, trust, discrimination, quantitative methods,

#opensource #rstats #dataviz #jobtech #economics #ethics

Last updated 2 years ago