It was right after he bribed me with bag of dill pickle flavored potato chips, and a half eaten piece of three-day-old sushi.

After that, I just don't know. I was just clicking the follow button with no regard for Aunt Gertrude.

The dill powder on the chips must have been laced with Funion dust. I'll never do that again, that's for sure.

Posted last year but, seems to fit with the game.

#overheardintheelevator #hashtaggames #wtf #humor #jocularistians

Last updated 1 year ago


Have you ever wondered why it's customary to shake hands with the right hand? Humans have not always enjoyed the luxury of 4 ply cloud soft cushion. The finest man in toilet paper security (Mr Whipple) knows this, and that's exactly why he implored: "PLEASE, DON'T SQUEEZE THE CHARMIN!".

Aside from the left-hand, some of the first tools used for "throne" hygiene, are listed below. Just a submission from the archives of that clutters my mind. Someone said "useless trivia" was the hashtag game today. Maybe they were stoned.

Thousands of years ago, Hygiene sticks, known as salaka, cechou and chugi were used. Many were basically a sponge on a stick.
For the longest time, the Sears catalog was a favorite, as well as another publication. Have you ever wondered why the "Farmers Almanac" has a punch-hole in the top corner? This was the reason. The hole was "punched" so the magazine could be hung on a hook in the outhouse. Not kidding. Later, something called Apothecary paper was marketed but, people began to use this invention as stationary because of the quality of the paper. This paved the way for the more modern version of toidy tissue textiles.

Touted as:
"The Greatest Necessity of the Age", in 1857, Joseph Gayetty introduced:


The image and article below tells the rest. Considering the other options, can you think of any better invention? Given a choice between toilet paper and the internet... my clean behind and I, would miss all of you very much.

OutOfExile_IDR © 2022

#UselessTrivia #humor #toiletpaper #inventions #hygiene #relief #bathroom #jocularistians #bathroomhumor #lavatory #restroom #pitstop #hashtaggames

Last updated 1 year ago


I thought I'd start a list of words and phrases that come out of my mind and update accordingly. These are just a few.

- The definition can be found by by clicking the hashtag.

has a pretty obvious meaning. 20 years ago when I first said this, I got a mental image of a dictionary definition with my siblings picture to illustrate.

- Are those who create, enjoy, laugh at, or in any way support humor, comedy, laughs, sarcasm and snark. Some jocularitians challenge norms and society.

I'd like to think "Rightligeous" was a term also spawned in my head but, I'm sure others must have used it before.

"The downfall of a wiseman is the assumption of another's ignorance". This was obviously inpired by ignorance and other's who have said somewhat similar things.

"Simply put, ableism is to disability as racism is to race. There is no place in society for either"
You'd be surprised how many still don't know this word. That's where the inspiration for this came from.

With the right perspective, ignorance sure can be inspirational.

Do you have any words or phrases that were a product of your thoughts?

OutOfExile_IDR -isms

Image courtesy of:

#stigmatude #hypochristians #jocularistians #thoughts #philosophy #coined #words #phrases #hashtagsnobodywilleversearch #outofexileisms

Last updated 2 years ago

It was right after he bribed me with bag of dill pickle flavored potato chips, and a half eaten piece of sushi.

After that, I just don't know. I was just clicking the follow button with no regard for Aunt Gertrude.

The dill powder on the chips must have been laced with Funion dust.

Ill never do that again that's for sure.

#jocularistians #wtf #humor

Last updated 2 years ago