Today in Labor History August 19, 1909: The first edition of the IWW’s The Little Red Songbook was published in Spokane, WA. The book’s subtitle is “Songs to Fan the Flames of Discontent.” Between 1909 and 1995, the Wobblies printed 36 editions. The songbook always includes songs by Joe Hill, Ralph Chaplin, T-Bone Slim, and Haywire Mac. Most editions contained many of the best-known labor songs, like "The Internationale," "The Preacher and the Slave," and "Solidarity Forever."
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #IWW #LittleRedSongbook #FolkMusic #union #HaywireMac #JoeHill #internationale #wobblies #solidarity
#workingclass #LaborHistory #IWW #littleredsongbook #folkmusic #union #haywiremac #joehill #internationale #wobblies #solidarity
@rnaves Smile… de #JoeHill (el del fantasma de los pantalones [heart shaped box] y del chofer del rolls [N0s4a2]).
Y en nesflis cualquier episodio de #BlackMirror
Today in Labor History July 6, 1911: IWW labor organizer Joe Hill's song "The Preacher & the Slave" first appeared in the IWW’s Little Red Song Book. The song is a parody of the hymn, “Sweet By and By,” often song by the Salvation Army (who the IWW called the Starvation Army), which would try to drown out the union’s street-corner labor organizing with their hymns. The Wobbly bard, Haywire Mac, is believed to be the first person to sing this song in public. Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger and Utah Phillips also covered the song.
Long-haired preachers come out every night,
Try to tell you what's wrong and what's right;
But when asked how 'bout something to eat
They will answer in voices so sweet
You will eat, bye and bye,
In that glorious land above the sky;
Work and pray, live on hay,
You'll get pie in the sky when you die
And the Starvation Army, they play,
And they sing and they clap and they pray,
Till they get all your coin on the drum,
Then they tell you when you're on the bum
Workingmen of all countries, unite
Side by side we for freedom will fight
When the world and its wealth we have gained
To the grafters we'll sing this refrain
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #IWW #JoeHill #union #PreacherAndTheSlave #FolkMusic #WoodyGuthrie #UtahPhillips
#workingclass #LaborHistory #IWW #joehill #union #preacherandtheslave #folkmusic #woodyguthrie #UtahPhillips
Here's one of my favorite compilations.
#BillyBragg #UtahPhillips #MarkLevy #PaulRobeson #SiKahn #PeteSeeger #MatsPaulson #JoeGlazer #LoriElaineTaylor #CiscoHouston #EarlRobinson #CarlosCortez #ElizabethGurleyFlynn #HazelDickens
1. Billy Bragg - Joe Hill
2. Utah Philips - Joe Hill's Last Will
3. Mark Levy - Joe Hill's Ashes
4. The Preacher and the Slave
5. Paul Robeson - Joe Hill
6. Si Kahn - Paper Heart
7. Pete Seeger - Casey Jones (The Union Scab)
8. Mats Paulson - Mr. Block
9. Joe Glazer/Lori Elaine Taylor - Joe Hill Listens to the Praying
10. Cisco Houston - The Tramp
11. Earl Robinson - Joe Hill
12. Carlos Cortez - The White Slave
13. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn - Narrative
14. Hazel Dickens - The Rebel Girl
15. Entertainment Workers IU 630 with Utah Philips - There is Power in a Union
#organize #Unions #joehill #billybragg #UtahPhillips #marklevy #PaulRobeson #sikahn #peteseeger #matspaulson #joeglazer #lorielainetaylor #ciscohouston #earlrobinson #carloscortez #elizabethgurleyflynn #hazeldickens
Today's #ElizabethDaily favorite #horror #Kindle #ebooks on sale:
It's King & Son day! 🎉🎊
Carrie by Stephen King $1.99
Full Throttle: Stories by Joe Hill $2.99
#HorrorBooks #AmReading #BookToot #Bookstodon #Books #HorrorFam #Bookwyrm #JoeHill #StephenKing
#elizabethdaily #horror #kindle #ebooks #horrorbooks #amreading #BookToot #bookstodon #books #horrorfam #Bookwyrm #joehill #stephenking
Today's #ElizabethDaily favorite #horror #Kindle #ebooks on sale:
20th Century Ghosts by Joe Hill (fantastic short story collection, including the basis for The Black Phone ) $2.99
The Bad Place by Dean Koontz (quintessential weird Koontz from 1990) $1.99
#HorrorBooks #AmReading #BookToot #Bookstodon #Books #HorrorFam #Bookwyrm #JoeHill #TheBlackPhone #DeanKoontz
#elizabethdaily #horror #kindle #ebooks #horrorbooks #amreading #BookToot #bookstodon #books #horrorfam #Bookwyrm #joehill #theblackphone #deankoontz
Today In Labor History March 27, 1912: Start of the 8-month Northern railway strike in Canada by the IWW. Over 8,000 construction workers, led by the IWW, walked off the job at Northern Railway workcamps Wobblies picketed employment offices in Vancouver, Seattle, San Francisco, Tacoma and Minneapolis in order to block the hiring of scabs.
Fellow workers pay attention to what I'm going to mention,
For it is the fixed intention of the Workers of the World.
And I hope you'll all be ready, true-hearted, brave and steady,
To gather 'round our standard when the red flag is unfurled.
Where the Fraser River flows, each fellow worker knows,
They have bullied and oppressed us, but still our union grows.
And we're going to find a way, boys, for shorter hours and better pay, boys
And we're going to win the day, boys, where the river Fraser flows.
For these gunny-sack contractors have all been dirty actors,
And they're not our benefactors, each fellow worker knows.
So we've got to stick together in fine or dirty weather,
And we will show no white feather, where the Fraser river flows.
Now the boss the law is stretching, bulls and pimps he's fetching,
And they are a fine collection, as Jesus only knows.
But why their mothers reared them, and why the devil spared them,
Are questions we can't answer, where the Fraser River flows.
(Lyrics by Joe Hill, 1912, to the tune of “Where the River Shannon Flows.”)
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #IWW #strike #union #railroad #FraserRiver #JoeHill
#workingclass #LaborHistory #IWW #strike #union #railroad #fraserriver #joehill
Kurzgeschichte von #StephenKing und seinem Sohn #JoeHill
Typische Kurzgeschichte im King Style. Inklusive Ende.
#inthetallgrass #imhohengras #stephenking #joehill
Vigésimo quinto episodio de la primera temporada de FICCIÓPATAS.
Hoy destripamos «El chico sucio» de Mariana Enríquez, escritora, periodista y docente argentina, parte del grupo de escritoras conocidas como «nueva narrativa argentina» con un relato que abre la antología «Las cosas que perdimos en el fuego», publicada por Anagrama en el año 2016 dentro de la colección «Narrativas hispánicas».
Podéis escuchar el Episodio 25 de Ficciópatas:
- en iVoox a través de este enlace
- en YouTube en
- o a través de para el resto de plataformas.
En el siguiente episodio destriparemos: «El mejor cuento de terror» de Joe Hill.
Gracias siempre por vuestro apoyo. ¡Feliz domingo! 😉🖖
#ficciopatas #podcast #spanishwriters #victormorata #ericluna #victormorataescritor #ericlunaescritor #victormoratawriter #ericlunawriter #relatoscortos #bookstagram #bookstagramespaña #escribirficcion #escrituracreativa #relatos #escribirficcion #youtube #saltoalaudiovisual #nosvemoslascaras #booktubers #booktube #joehill #elmejorcuentodeterror #fantasmas #marianaenriquez #lascosasqueperdimosenelfuego #elchicosucio #anagrama #suma
#ficciopatas #podcast #spanishwriters #victormorata #ericluna #victormorataescritor #ericlunaescritor #victormoratawriter #ericlunawriter #relatoscortos #bookstagram #bookstagramespana #escribirficcion #escrituracreativa #relatos #YouTube #saltoalaudiovisual #nosvemoslascaras #booktubers #booktube #joehill #elmejorcuentodeterror #fantasmas #marianaenriquez #lascosasqueperdimosenelfuego #elchicosucio #anagrama #suma
#comicreview zu #JoeHill #SeaDogs bei #Paninicomics
#comicreview #joehill #seadogs #paninicomics
With #rishisunak beset by #strikes remember the efforts - and execution - of #JoeHill - read more here 👉
Book 7 of 2023 is #Nos4A2 by #JoeHill. #NowReading #Books #Rading #Bookstodon
#nos4a2 #joehill #nowreading #books #rading #bookstodon
Just thought I'd share with you all how my month is shaping up. I still have a few more days left in Jan so I'll be adding a couple more; here's my list of books I've read so far. I listen to the audiobooks at 2-2.5x and read the books at same time. It helps me understand the story I'm reading and my brain retains much more than just reading it.
#bookish #books #fleming #stephenking #joehill #calebcarr #rubydixon #charlesdickens #tomfelton #silviamorenogarcia #deathnote
#bookish #books #fleming #stephenking #joehill #calebcarr #rubydixon #charlesdickens #tomfelton #silviamorenogarcia #deathnote
Today in Labor History January 23, 1913: Joe Hill's song "Mr. Block" first appeared in the Wobbly (IWW) newspaper the "Industrial Worker."
Mr. Block (by Joe Hill)
1. Please give me your attention, I'll introduce to you
A man who is a credit to the old Red White and Blue
His head is made of lumber and solid as a rock
He is a common worker and his name is Mr. Block
And Block thinks he may be President some day
Oh Mr. Block, you were born by mistake
You take the cake, you make me ache
[Go] tie a rock on your block and then jump in the lake
Kindly do that for Liberty's sake!
2. Yes, Mr. Block is lucky - he got a job, by gee!
The shark got seven dollars for job and fare and fee
They shipped him to a desert and dumped him with his truck
But when he tried to find his job he sure was out of luck
He shouted, "That's too raw! I'll fix them with the law!"
3. Block hiked back to the city but wasn't doing well
He said "I'll join the union, the great AF of L".
He got a job that morning, got fired by the night
He said, "I'll see Sam Gompers and he'll fix that foreman right!"
Sam Gompers said, "You see, you've got our sympathy."
4. Election day he shouted, "A Socialist for Mayor!"
The comrade got elected [and] he happy was for fair
But after the election he got an awful shock
[When] a great big socialistic bull did rap him on the block
And Comrade Block did sob, "I helped him get his job!"
5. Poor Block he died one evening, I'm very glad to state
He climbed the golden ladder up to the pearly gate
He said, "Oh Mister Peter, one thing I'd like to tell
I'd like to meet the Astorbilts and John D Rockerfell!"
Old Pete said, "Is that so? You'll meet them down below!"
#workingclass #LaborHistory #joehill #IWW #union
Vista al fin #TheBlackPhone.📞
Lo mejor de no ver los tráileres de las películas de #terror, es que así me sorprenden más. Y esta es de esas películas que cuanto menos sepas, mejor.
Quizás me ha impactado menos al haber visto antes otras con aspectos similares (#Barbarian o la no tan conocida #TheBoyBehindTheDoor ), pero me ha parecido un excelente mix entre thriller (más que terror) y drama coming-of-age. La historia de #JoeHill es cojonuda (digno hijo de su padre #StephenKing), los actores infantiles están espléndidos y Hawke se marca un rol icónico para el futuro.
Sin duda de lo mejor de 2022.
#theblackphone #terror #barbarian #theboybehindthedoor #joehill #stephenking
Utah Phillips - There Is Power In A Union
Would you have mansions of gold in the sky
and live in a shack, way in the back?
Would you have wings up in heaven to fly
And starve here with rags on your back?
lyrics by Joe Hill, sung by Utah Phillips
#MastoRadio #UnionSongs #StrikeHymns #IWW #JoeHill #UtahPhillips
#mastoradio #unionsongs #strikehymns #iww #joehill #utahphillips
Today in Labor History January 19, 1915: The authorities arrested IWW bard and organizer Joe Hill in Salt Lake City and later convicted him on trumped up murder charges. They executed him 21 months later despite worldwide protests and two attempts to intervene by President Woodrow Wilson. In a letter to Bill Haywood shortly before his death he penned the famous words, "Don't mourn - organize!"
#workingclass #LaborHistory #IWW #JoeHill #deathpenalty #prison #organizer #PaulRobeson
#workingclass #LaborHistory #IWW #joehill #deathpenalty #prison #organizer #PaulRobeson
Today in Labor History January 19, 1914: IWW labor organizer and folk singer, Joe Hill, was arrested for killing two men during a grocery store robbery. He claimed innocence and the evidence against him was flimsy. However, because of his radical associations, they still framed and convicted him. President Wilson, Hellen Keller (also an IWW member) and the Swedish ambassador all asked for clemency. Hill’s final message from prison, before being shot by firing squad, was “Don’t mourn, Organize!” His ashes were sprinkled in every state of the union, except Utah because he didn’t want to be found dead in Utah. They were also sprinkled in Canada, Sweden, Australia and Canada. Some of his most famous songs were “The Preacher and the Slave,” “The Rebel Girl,” “There is Power in a Union,” “Casey Jones, the Union Scab,” and “Mr. Block.” In 1988, an envelope containing his remaining ashes was discovered. Abbie Hoffman suggested that folksinger Billy Bragg should consume them and he supposedly did, washed down, of course, with copious beer.
#workingclass #LaborHistory #joehill #IWW #union #anarchism #execution #organizer #songwriter #billybragg #AbbieHoffman #HelenKeller
#workingclass #LaborHistory #joehill #IWW #union #anarchism #execution #organizer #songwriter #billybragg #AbbieHoffman #HelenKeller
Estoy leyendo El traje del muerto, de Joe Hill (es la segunda novela suya que leo, después de Cuernos), y oye, digno hijo de su padre, ¿eh?
#JoeHill #ElTrajeDelMuerto #libros #booktoot #booktodon #escritores #literaverso #literatura
#joehill #eltrajedelmuerto #libros #booktoot #booktodon #escritores #literaverso #literatura