"The idea that it's common sense for any Democrat or moderate Republican to run a third-party candidacy at a time when we are facing one of the most serious political challenges in our history is very dark comedy. There has never been a worse time to do something like this." #NoLabels is bad. #JoeManchin is bad. #JoeLieberman is bad. That's all you need to know. https://www.salon.com/2023/07/21/the-opposite-of-common-sense-no-labels-campaign-in-2024-is-a-revenge-plot-against-democrats/
#joelieberman #joemanchin #nolabels
This dopey motherfucker has one of the most punchable faces in all of human history.
#nolabels #joelieberman #backpfeifengesicht
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: We Regret to Inform You That Joe Manchin Is Flirting With a Presidential Run https://jezebel.com/joe-manchin-run-for-president-no-labels-1850651837 #Jezebel #unitedstatessenateelectioninwestvirginia #centrismintheunitedstates #buildbackbetteract #hillaryclinton #nancyjacobson #joelieberman #jonhuntsman #donaldtrump #joemanchin #nolabels #joebiden #politics #labels #jim
#jezebel #unitedstatessenateelectioninwestvirginia #centrismintheunitedstates #buildbackbetteract #hillaryclinton #nancyjacobson #joelieberman #jonhuntsman #donaldtrump #joemanchin #nolabels #joebiden #politics #labels #jim
#NoLabels #JoeLieberman has always been such a nothing & yet in his inconsequentialness may assure us a #dictatorship. While #RFKJR should be in a padded cell w/ straight jacket & he may secure same. #2024Election #Vote #Biden
#Biden #Vote #2024Election #rfkjr #dictatorship #joelieberman #nolabels
No Labels Releases Possible Third Party Platform for 2024 https://politicaliq.com/2023/07/17/no-labels-releases-possible-third-party-platform-for-2024/ #NoLabels #Democrats #Republicans #Election2024 #Biden #Trump #Manchin #JoeLieberman #MarkKelly #DickDurbin #SwingStates #politicaliq #news #politics
#nolabels #Democrats #republicans #election2024 #biden #trump #manchin #joelieberman #markkelly #dickdurbin #swingstates #politicaliq #News #politics
by @DavidCorn in #MotherJones:
"No Labels is a political outfit that hails political centrism, calls for bipartisanship, and is considering running an independent ticket in the 2024 presidential election that could end up spoiling President Joe Biden’s reelection bid. On its website, the group urges politicians and citizens to eschew the 'extremists on the far left and right,' and it asks people who are 'fed up with the angriest voices dominating our politics' to sign up as members and donate to the group. But No Labels neglects to inform its online contributors that a cut of their gift goes to a company that aids Republican candidates and far-right organizations that engage in the harsh politics of extremism that No Labels professes to renounce."
#NoLabels #centrism #centrist #centrists #FarRight #Anedot #JoeLieberman
#motherjones #nolabels #centrism #centrist #centrists #farright #anedot #joelieberman
The Tyee: Please Advise! No Way Trump Is President Again, Right? https://thetyee.ca/Opinion/2023/06/05/Please-Advise-Trump-Again/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #SupremeCourtJusticeClarenceThomas #RobertKennedyJr. #USelection2024 #ChrisChristie #Face/Offmovie #KyrstenSinema #JoeLieberman #NoLabelsU.S. #DonaldTrump #HarlanCrow #JoeManchin #NikkiHaley
#BCNews #TheTyee #supremecourtjusticeclarencethomas #robertkennedyjr #uselection2024 #chrischristie #face #kyrstensinema #joelieberman #nolabelsu #donaldtrump #harlancrow #joemanchin #nikkihaley
@juddlegum So Joe Lieberman wants to be remembered as the guy who helped Trump get re-elected. I’m really not surprised. Hope Al Gore or Biden can talk some sense into him. #JoeLieberman #NoLabels
Today in #Connecticut History, March 16: Quick— What Rhymes with “Connecticut”?
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#20thcentury #americanrevolution #bicentennial #connecticutgeneralassembly #connecticuthistory #connecticutstatesong #ellagrasso #joelieberman #josephlieberman #march #musichistory #revolutionarywar #thestate #thomasmeskill #williamo'neill #yaleuniversity
#connecticut #20thcentury #americanrevolution #bicentennial #connecticutgeneralassembly #connecticuthistory #connecticutstatesong #ellagrasso #joelieberman #josephlieberman #march #musichistory #revolutionarywar #thestate #thomasmeskill #williamo #yaleuniversity
@drvolts We might have Medicare4All if not for friggin’ fascist #JoeLieberman 🤬
Joe Lieberman
Urges Kyrsten Sinema
To join the GOP
#joelieberman #kyrstensinema #gop #haiku #poetry
#kyrstensinema #gop #joelieberman #haiku #poetry