5 Years After the $500,000 Ethereum Wager Between Joe Lubin and Jimmy Song, Who Won? - The bet made at Consensus 2018 hinged on how far Ethereum adoption would get by now. Cryp... - https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2023/05/31/5-years-after-the-500000-ethereum-wager-between-joe-lubin-and-jimmy-song-who-won/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines #news_analysis #on-chaindata #technology #jimmysong #ethereum #joelubin #bitcoin
#bitcoin #joelubin #ethereum #jimmysong #technology #on #news_analysis
Vitalik dumps $700K worth of shitcoins that he never asked for - As Vitalik Buterin’s holdings represented a large portion of the ... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/vitalik-dumps-700k-worth-of-shitcoins-that-he-never-asked-for #peckshieldalert #coinmarketcap #dogelonmars #etherscan #joelubin #shikoku #cultdao #shik #cult #mops #elon #shib
#shib #elon #mops #cult #shik #cultdao #shikoku #joelubin #etherscan #dogelonmars #coinmarketcap #peckshieldalert
Ethereum co-founder Joe Lubin says no chance ETH is classed as security - The ConsenSys founder and Ethereum co-founder said it’s as unlike... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/ethereum-co-founder-joe-lubin-says-no-chance-eth-is-classed-as-security #cryptosecurityclassification #cryptosecurities #ethfounder #consensus #joelubin #eth2.0 #cftc #sec #eth
#eth #sec #cftc #eth2 #joelubin #consensus #ethfounder #cryptosecurities #cryptosecurityclassification
ConsenSys founder 'bullish' on Ethereum following crypto winter performance - Ethereum co-founder and Consensus founder Joe Lubin says ETH’s re... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/consensys-founder-bullish-on-ethereum-following-crypto-winter-performance #cryptowinter #co-founder #ethereum #joelubin #merge #eth
#eth #merge #joelubin #ethereum #co #cryptowinter