Joe Rainey is a member of the Red Lake Nation of Ojibwe people. On his albim " Niiineta" he worked with Andrew Broder of the band Fog to create a unique album with powwow music sung by Broder mixed field recordings he made, some of which go back decades. Layer with of avant-garde electronic sounds and it turns into an introspective listen like you've never heard before.
#joerainey #firstnations #oijbwe #fog #powwow #experamentalmusic #electronicmusic
#electronicmusic #experamentalmusic #powwow #fog #oijbwe #firstnations #joerainey
Un sgil effaith o fod ar goll mewn gemau cyfrifiadurol am dair wythnos yw bod 'na lwyth bach o records newydd wrth gefn dw i heb wneud amser i wrando arnyn nhw.
Yr un cyntaf yw un des i ar draws trwy adolygiad Fantano, ac wedi wythnosau o wrando ar Apple Music, es i ati i ffeindio copi feinyl: Niineta gan #JoeRainey. Cerddoriaeth "pow wow" fodern, o ardal Minnesota.
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #LateJunction
Joe Rainey:
🎵 Once The Reaper
#nowplaying #latejunction #joerainey
Joe Rainey has dropped two new tracks. One hard the other aetherial. His Niineta rates as the best album of the year.
#music #joerainey #Powwow #electronica #Ojibwe