Key Biscayne’s Rasco endorses Levine Cava for Miami-Dade mayor :
“She has worked closely with me,” said Rasco. “We’re lucky to have a mayor who’s responsive.”
#AlexanderOtaola #DanGelber #DaniellaLevineCava #JoeCorradino #JoeRasco #KarynCunningham #MannyCid #MiguelQuintero #RaquelRegalado
#Miami #news
#alexanderotaola #dangelber #daniellalevinecava #joecorradino #joerasco #karyncunningham #mannycid #miguelquintero #raquelregalado #miami #News
Crandon intersection project delays anger residents :
Village officials placed blame on County permitting snags and problems with uncharted underground utilities.
#BrettMoss #CairoCangas #construction #CrandonBoulevard #digonce #JoeRasco #KeyColony #MiamiDadeCounty #permot #traffic #utility #waterandsewer
#Miami #news
#brettmoss #cairocangas #construction #crandonboulevard #digonce #joerasco #keycolony #miamidadecounty #permot #traffic #utility #waterandsewer #miami #News
“Everything’s on the table” - Key Biscayne rethinking $310 million sea level rise plan :
The uneasiness over the cost of protecting the island from rising seas came even as Hurricane Idalia was pummeling the Gulf Coast with torrential rainfall and storm surge.
#AECOM #barrierisland #drainage #EdLondon #FernandoVazquez #FrankCaplan #hurricaneidalia #JoeRasco #resiliencybon
#aecom #barrierisland #drainage #edlondon #fernandovazquez #frankcaplan #hurricaneidalia #joerasco #resiliencybon
Iguana invasion? Key Biscayne looks at fighting against lizard scourge :
“You don't see them. They come out and they eat everything that they can. So it is an issue,” said Roland Samimy, the chief resilience and sustainability officer.
#Agama #FernandoVazquez #FPL #FrankCaplan #Iguana #invasivespecies #JoeRasco #JosephWasilewski #NaturalSelectionsofSouthFlorida #RolandSamimy #seawall
#agama #fernandovazquez #FPL #frankcaplan #iguana #invasivespecies #joerasco #josephwasilewski #naturalselectionsofsouthflorida #rolandsamimy #seawall
A grand old parade in Key Biscayne :
Some float participants threw beads or candy, others stuffed animals, and one float fired pickleballs into the crowd. Return fire came in the way of super soakers, which for some came as a relief.
#DaniellaLevineCava #FourthofJuly #IndependenceDay #JoeRasco #MicheleEstevez
#Miami #news
#daniellalevinecava #fourthofjuly #independenceday #joerasco #micheleestevez #miami #News
Lopez: Growing will in Tallahassee to regulate e-bikes, electronic scooters :
#AlexisCalatyud #CrandonBoulevard #DrJoelRudman #ebike #escooter #JoeRasco #Legislature #RepCyndiStevenson #safety #SteveWilliamson #traffic #VickiLopez
#Miami #news
#alexiscalatyud #crandonboulevard #drjoelrudman #ebike #escooter #joerasco #legislature #repcyndistevenson #safety #stevewilliamson #traffic #vickilopez #miami #News