#Sicario (continued)
Last, but certainly not least, I'd like to give a shoutout to the late great #JóhannJóhannsson for the haunting score.
What is it about Icelandic "composers who also score movies" (his words, not mine)? In Sicario he brought on his countrywoman, cello soloist #HildurGuðnadóttir, who went on to compose the sequel, #SicarioDayOfTheSoldado, #Chernoble and the Oscar winning score for #Joker.
#sicario #johannjohannsson #hildurgudnadottir #sicariodayofthesoldado #chernoble #joker
Today's random #Discogs choice Jóhann Jóhannsson and Retrospective 1 7CD set 2019. From modern classical to ambient and electronica. Is there nothing maestro can't do? Beautiful set, personal favourite And In The Endless Pause There Came The Sound Of Bees.
#nowplaying #classical #JóhannJóhannsson
#johannjohannsson #classical #nowplaying #discogs
Today's random #Discogs choice Jóhann Jóhannsson and 12 Conversations With Thilo Heinzmann 2019. A collaboration between composer and artist. Written for a string Quartet. A very calming and beautiful record. If neo-classical is your thing, highly recommended.
#nowplaying #classical #jóhannjóhannsson
#johannjohannsson #classical #nowplaying #discogs
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #MorningShow
Jóhann Jóhannsson:
🎵 Part 5: The Sun’s Gone Dim and the Sky’s Turned Black
#nowplaying #morningshow #johannjohannsson
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #GideonCoe
Guðni Franzson & Jóhann Jóhannsson:
🎵 The Cause Of Labour Is The Hope Of The World - Pt.2
#nowplaying #bbc6music #GideonCoe #gudnifranzson #johannjohannsson
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #GideonCoe
Guðni Franzson & Jóhann Jóhannsson:
🎵 The Cause Of Labour Is The Hope Of The World - Pt.1
#nowplaying #bbc6music #GideonCoe #gudnifranzson #johannjohannsson
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #UltimateCalm
Jóhann Jóhannsson:
🎵 Flight from the City
#nowplaying #UltimateCalm #johannjohannsson
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #StuartMaconiesFreakZone
Jóhann Jóhannsson & The Dirac Quartet:
🎵 Jóhannsson: The Burning Mountain
#nowplaying #bbc6music #StuartMaconiesFreakZone #johannjohannsson #thediracquartet
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Jóhann Jóhannsson, Air Lyndhurst Orchestra & Anthony Weeden:
🎵 A Sparrow Alighted Upon Our Shoulder (from Orphée)
#JóhannJóhannsson #AirLyndhurstOrchestra #AnthonyWeeden
#nowplaying #breakfast #johannjohannsson #airlyndhurstorchestra #anthonyweeden #spotify
#7AlbumsToKnowMe (well, 12, because the full list is more like 60 and 7 is impossible), in autobiographical order
1. #FiveIronFrenzy - Upbeats And Beatdowns
2. #mewithoutYou - [A→B] Life
3. #AFI - Black Sails In The Sunset
4. #SigurRós - Von
5. #Björk - Medúlla
6. #PhilipGlass - Satyagraha
7. #PearlJam - MTV Unplugged
8. #DavidBowie - ★
9. #NickCave & The Bad Seeds - Push The Sky Away
10. #MikkoJoensuu - Amen 3
11. #JóhannJóhannsson - IBM 1401, A User's Manual
12. #YOB - Our Raw Heart
#7albumstoknowme #fiveironfrenzy #mewithoutyou #afi #sigurros #bjork #philipglass #PearlJam #davidbowie #nickcave #mikkojoensuu #johannjohannsson #yob
Another hashtags as #introduction dump just for my fave bands, because I'm obsessed with music. Not really obvious from list below, but I gravitate to #extrememetal or at least metal-adjacent stuff.
My top 15 bands/musicians/composers: #YOB (#MikeScheidt) #mewithoutYou #AliceInChains #TheAppleseedCast #EmmaRuthRundle #RonnieJamesDio #Björk #LinguaIgnota (#KristinHayter) #AnnaVonHausswolff #JóhannJóhannsson #PhilipGlass #DavidBowie #SigurRós #ElliottSmith #JoyDivision
#introduction #extrememetal #yob #mikescheidt #mewithoutyou #aliceinchains #theappleseedcast #emmaruthrundle #ronniejamesdio #bjork #LinguaIgnota #kristinhayter #annavonhausswolff #johannjohannsson #philipglass #davidbowie #sigurros #elliottsmith #joydivision
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Jóhann Jóhannsson & Joan La Barbara:
🎵 Kangaru (from Arrival)
#nowplaying #breakfast #johannjohannsson #joanlabarbara
#7AlbumsToKnowMe (well, 12, because the full list is more like 60 and 7 is impossible), in autobiographical order
1. #FiveIronFrenzy - Upbeats And Beatdowns
2. #mewithoutYou - [A→B] Life
3. #AFI - Black Sails In The Sunset
4. #SigurRós - Von
5. #Björk - Medúlla
6. #PhilipGlass - Satyagraha
7. #PearlJam - MTV Unplugged
8. #DavidBowie - ★
9. #NickCave & The Bad Seeds - Push The Sky Away
10. #MikkoJoensuu - Amen 3
11. #JóhannJóhannsson - IBM 1401, A User's Manual
12. #YOB - Our Raw Heart
#7albumstoknowme #fiveironfrenzy #mewithoutyou #AFI #sigurros #bjork #philipglass #pearljam #davidbowie #NickCave #mikkojoensuu #johannjohannsson #yob
Another hashtags as #introduction dump just for my fave bands, because I'm obsessed with music. Not really obvious from list below, but I gravitate to #extrememetal or at least metal-adjacent stuff.
My top 15 bands/musicians/composers: #YOB (#MikeScheidt) #mewithoutYou #AliceInChains #TheAppleseedCast #EmmaRuthRundle #RonnieJamesDio #Björk #LinguaIgnota (#KristinHayter) #AnnaVonHausswolff #JóhannJóhannsson #PhilipGlass #DavidBowie #SigurRós #ElliottSmith #JoyDivision
#Introduction #extrememetal #yob #mikescheidt #mewithoutyou #aliceinchains #theappleseedcast #emmaruthrundle #ronniejamesdio #bjork #LinguaIgnota #kristinhayter #annavonhausswolff #johannjohannsson #philipglass #davidbowie #sigurros #elliottsmith #joydivision
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #SoundOfCinema
Hildur Guðnadóttir, Jóhann Jóhannsson & Rutger Hoedemaekers:
🎵 Trapped "Trapped"
#nowplaying #SoundOfCinema #hildurgudnadottir #johannjohannsson #rutgerhoedemaekers
#7AlbumsToKnowMe (well, 12, because the full list is more like 60 and 7 is impossible), in autobiographical order
1. #FiveIronFrenzy - Upbeats And Beatdowns
2. #mewithoutYou - [A→B] Life
3. #AFI - Black Sails In The Sunset
4. #SigurRós - Von
5. #Björk - Medúlla
6. #PhilipGlass - Satyagraha
7. #PearlJam - MTV Unplugged
8. #DavidBowie - ★
9. #NickCave & The Bad Seeds - Push The Sky Away
10. #MikkoJoensuu - Amen 3
11. #JóhannJóhannsson - IBM 1401, A User's Manual
12. #YOB - Our Raw Heart
#yob #johannjohannsson #mikkojoensuu #nickcave #davidbowie #pearljam #philipglass #bjork #SigurRos #afi #mewithoutyou #fiveironfrenzy #7albumstoknowme
Another hashtags as #introduction dump just for my fave bands, because I'm obsessed with music. Not really obvious from list below, but I gravitate to #extrememetal or at least metal-adjacent stuff.
My top 15 bands/musicians/composers: #YOB (#MikeScheidt) #mewithoutYou #AliceInChains #TheAppleseedCast #EmmaRuthRundle #RonnieJamesDio #Björk #LinguaIgnota (#KristinHayter) #AnnaVonHausswolff #JóhannJóhannsson #PhilipGlass #DavidBowie #SigurRós #ElliottSmith #JoyDivision
#joydivision #elliottsmith #SigurRos #davidbowie #philipglass #johannjohannsson #annavonhausswolff #kristinhayter #LinguaIgnota #bjork #ronniejamesdio #EmmaRuthRundle #theappleseedcast #aliceinchains #mewithoutyou #mikescheidt #yob #extrememetal #introduction
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #EssentialClassics
Jóhann Jóhannsson, City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra & Mario Klemens:
🎵 IBM1401 Processing Unit (excerpt)
#JóhannJóhannsson #CityofPraguePhilharmonicOrchestra #MarioKlemens
#nowplaying #EssentialClassics #johannjohannsson #cityofpraguephilharmonicorchestra #marioklemens
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Jóhann Jóhannsson, American Contemporary Music Ensemble, Theatre of Voices & Paul Hillier:
🎵 Two is Apocryphal (Drone Mass)
#JóhannJóhannsson #AmericanContemporaryMusicEnsemble #TheatreofVoices #PaulHillier
#nowplaying #breakfast #johannjohannsson #AmericanContemporaryMusicEnsemble #theatreofvoices #paulhillier