@ThePreacher711 I’m glad our #Blakes7 podcast could help with your descent into hell. Of course I was delighted to cover #JohnAbineri — the ultimate British genre “it’s that guy” especially for his appearance as Herne in #RobinofSherwood.
#robinofsherwood #johnabineri #blakes7
On the #Blakes7 podcast Straight Outta the Federation, I profile actor #JohnAbineri who plays Blake’s uncle in the episode Hostage. He also appeared in four #DoctorWho stories, #RedDwarf, and most relevant in both 1975’s The Legend of #RobinHood (as Marian’s uncle) and 1984’s #RobinofSherwood as #HerneTheHunter. https://blakes7.libsyn.com/straight-outta-the-federation-hostage #scifi #britishscifi #classictv
#classictv #britishscifi #SciFi #hernethehunter #robinofsherwood #RobinHood #reddwarf #DoctorWho #johnabineri #blakes7