John Berger: "The dead surround the living. The living are the core of the dead. In this core are the dimensions of time and space. What surrounds the core is timelessness."
(Brought to mind by #JukeboxFridayNight #RockNRollHeaven)
#johnberger #twelvethesesontheeconomyofthedead #JukeboxFridayNight #rocknrollheaven
excerpt from John Berger’s ‘Why Look at Animals?’
#JohnBerger #AboutLooking #animal #anthropomorphic #metaphor #Grandville #Disney #blog
#johnberger #aboutlooking #animal #anthropomorphic #metaphor #grandville #disney #blog
2x mindblown and radicalized by re-reading ‘Ways of Seeing’ in BM. The translation embeds Berger’s incendiary view into the local consciouness. The publication should be a much bigger deal for Malaysian art than it currently is. Relative silence betrays just how compromised and deflated the scene is by fear, hype, elitism and commercial interests.
#JohnBerger #Malaysia #MalaysianArt #BahasaMelayu #Bahasa #WaysOfSeeing #translation #AlinaAbdullah
#alinaabdullah #translation #WaysOfSeeing #bahasa #bahasamelayu #malaysianart #malaysia #johnberger
well i guess it could be 🧐 As #JohnBerger wrote there are many "WaysOfSeeing" #swanlake 🤸 😸
A gorgeous post #animals #human #connectedness #friday #JohnBerger #photos #animalrights
#animals #human #connectedness #friday #johnberger #photos #animalrights
#TildaSwinton liest den Brief von #JohnBerger #berlinale2016 #berlinale
#tildaswinton #johnberger #berlinale2016 #berlinale
#TildaSwinton liest den Brief von #JohnBerger #berlinale2016 #berlinale
#tildaswinton #johnberger #berlinale2016 #berlinale
Book on a small table in Malpas
John Berger
Hold Everything Dear
#JohnBerger #reading #books
#TB - a year ago on this date - #BBCRadio4 celebrated the #book 'Ways of Seeing' by #JohnBerger at 50 - with a 5 parts series on art. I was honoured to be featured!!
Melissa Chemam - An Installation by #LubainaHimid
#art #history #culture
#culture #history #art #LubainaHimid #johnberger #book #bbcradio4 #tb
‘Some notes about the art of falling: Charlie Chaplin’ by #JohnBerger (2012)
@MarkJCurran Interesting. The piece about Chaplin is included in this BBC Sounds radio feature, spoken by #JohnBerger himself
@MarkJCurran One of my favourite writers. So many wonderful thought-provoking books...
"hayal edin, aniden somut maddesel dunyanin (domateslerin, yagmurun, kuslarin, taslarin, karpuzlarin, baliklarin, yilanbaliklarinin, annelerin, kopeklerin, kufun, tuzlu suyun) onlar hakkinda yalan soyleyen, icine hapsolduklari sonsuz imge irmagina karsi isyan ettiklerini dusunun! butun dilsel, dijital ve resimli manipulasyonlar karsisinda ozgurluklerini ilan ettiklerini, temsil edilenlerin ayaklandigini hayal edin!"
sanatla direnis, kavanozlarda duran fircalar
'Today the global tyranny of speculative financial capitalism which uses national governments as its slave masters & world media as its dope-distributor...whose sole aim is profit & ceaseless accumulation' Remembering #JohnBerger dotd 2017 #RestInPower (Portrait - Franck Courtes)
Dipping back into Kimmerer, Berger, Snyder and Haraway for a thing I'm writing.
I find it weird when people DON'T see the world as alive, as a subject, not an object.
Were you raised to see the world around you as alive, and important, or as something external over which you should impose your will?
#braidingsweetgrass #garysnyder #donnaharaway #johnberger
#BraidingSweetgrass #garysnyder #donnaharaway #johnberger
#JohnBerger wrote with Shaffer ink which created many washes - with salt, with spit, with water. Here a page from Bento left out in the rain -
Late British novelist John Berger won the 1972 Booker Prize for his book titled "G", and gave half the money, or £2,500, to the London based British Black Panther Movement. "Seeing G", a short documentary, explores Berger's "controversial" action 50 years on.
#bookerprize #johnberger #literature #history
Currently reading … both are older books available at very reasonable prices. The Courbet is a 1980s Brooklyn Museum retrospective catalogue with excellent essays and TONS of color plates. Berger is one of the few writers on art I really like (Danto and Tompkins are the other top three); I found a fascinating long quote from it online about Courbet and Cezanne so had to check it out; it’s a prescient look at investment capital and art.
#art #ArtBook #WritingOnArt #Picasso #Courbet #JohnBerger
#art #artbook #writingonart #picasso #courbet #johnberger
@w0bb1t are you one of the authors? This looks like a valuable text. Thanks for posting. #WaysOfSeeing #JohnBerger #Digital #Media #Image #Representation #Visual #tech #technology #perception #culture
#waysofseeing #johnberger #digital #media #image #representation #visual #tech #technology #perception #culture
Kaya friends
#photographer #artist #interdisciplinary #conceptualartist #silverhalides #photons #particles #rhizome #deleuze #bergson #johnberger #MerleauPonty #quantum #consciousness #relational #art #science #biology #philosophy #decolonisation #history #low #mimiparker
#photographer #artist #interdisciplinary #conceptualartist #silverhalides #photons #particles #rhizome #deleuze #bergson #johnberger #merleauponty #quantum #consciousness #relational #art #science #biology #philosophy #decolonisation #history #low #mimiparker