#Soap 62 (1980) - 9/10
MVPs: #DianaCanova, #JohnByner, #KatherineHelmond.
1️⃣ Canova doesn’t get enough to do. She doesn’t even have a storyline at this point in time. She’s just the best thing in the bland Dutch-Eunice story.
2️⃣ Byner’s final episode as Detective Donahue. He’s hilarious.
3️⃣ Helmond has 2 standout scenes. Equal parts funny & sad. She does this a lot; she always nails it.
📺 Thurs, Jan 24, 1980: Aired on ABC after #BarneyMiller. Against it,
CBS: #PeoplesChoiceAwards;
NBC: #Skag.
#soap #dianacanova #johnbyner #katherinehelmond #barneymiller #peopleschoiceawards #skag