De hecho, me resulta muy esclarecedor el hecho de que Byrne se inspirase en el Superman de Donner, mientras que las películas de Spiderman, TODAS, sin excepción, se han basado en muchísimas cosas de Ultimate Spiderman. Al revés.
Y, sin embargo, no se le da a la obra de Bendis, el crédito suficiente.
#comics #Marvel #DC #JohnByrne #Bendis #Ultimate #Spiderman #Superman
#comics #marvel #dc #johnbyrne #bendis #ultimate #spiderman #superman
Me acuerdo que en los comics de Forum de la época (si, Forum, no Zinco) se decía que la intención de "Crisis en tierras infinitas" era marvelizar los comics DC. De ahi que se trajeran al Miller de Daredevil a Batman o que la "serie Marvel" de DC por excelencia, Teen Titans, apenas sufriera cambios (mas allá de los derivados de terceros). Asi que segun eso, Byrne cumplió el objetivo propuesto.
#comics #dc #johnbyrne #superman
Mi intención no era comparar. Sino constatar que mientras uno lo que intentaba era limpiar "de polvo y paja" lo que consideraba innecesario en el personaje, el otro fue bastante más continuista y más "homenajeador", sin dejarse nada, solo "actualizando" lo que ya existía.
#comics #Marvel #DC #JohnByrne #Bendis #Ultimate #Spiderman #Superman
#comics #marvel #dc #johnbyrne #bendis #ultimate #spiderman #superman
De repente, me he encontrado pensando en cómo John Byrne le quitó toda la gracia a Superman, "marvelizándolo" y simplificándolo hasta convertirlo en un superhéroe más, cuando la gracia era que fuera totalmente desenfadado y fantástico.
Jopé, qué poco me gusta su etapa.
#comics #dc #johnbyrne #superman
Et vu que les filles sont extrêmement calmes, je peux en profiter pour lire cette découverte en bourse aux livres.
C’est avant tout le nom de John Byrne qui a fait l’achat. C’est dans la lignée des récits super héroïques des comics, assez classiques mais plutôt sympa. On retrouve les codes habituels, on relie des personnages à ceux des Big Two.
Mais ça se lit très bien, c’est assez prenant. Un bon achat sans déception 🙂
#comics #johnbyrne #wayneosborne #fx
Recent pick ups: Marvel Team-Up #54 & #55. Second and third issues with John Byrne art! When I was a kid, he was my favorite artist at Marvel. Fun to see these early issues of his work.
#johnbyrne #spiderman #marvelcomics #writerslife
It's pretty funny. And whether you agree with him or not, you have to admire the clever way he makes his point.
6️⃣ Sometimes, with his scripts, Byrne tries my patience. But not when he delivers smart issues like this. He's clearly passionate about this topic. And his ability to morph styles is impressive. The pin-up are undeniably classy, as well as erotic. Which, of course, is the point he's making.
On Sale Date: September 1, 1992.
#JohnByrne (15 of 19).
#johnbyrne #90scomics #goodgirlart
4️⃣ It's a lot of fun. The jokey stuff is kept to a minimum, too.
On Sale Date: August 4, 1992.
#JohnByrne (14 of 19).
#johnbyrne #90scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder
3️⃣ Final appearance of #PoppaWheelie and #WideLoadAnnie, regulars in the #US1 series, who found a new home here (as recurring guest stars) whenever Jennifer went into outer space.
4️⃣ Xemnu won't be seen again for 12 years.
On Sale Date: July 7, 1992.
#JohnByrne (13 of 19).
#poppawheelie #wideloadannie #us1 #johnbyrne #90scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder
[55] #Larssonrecenserar Hulk 1/1989
#Marvelklubben #Hulk #serietidning #recension
#JohnByrne #SalBuscema
#salbuscema #johnbyrne #recension #serietidning #hulk #marvelklubben #larssonrecenserar
On Sale Date: May 5, 1992.
#JohnByrne (11 of 19).
#johnbyrne #90scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder
On Sale Date: April 7, 1992.
Total Paid Circulation: 61,907 (average #34-45).
Wizard Top 100: #92.
#JohnByrne (10 of 19).
#johnbyrne #90scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder
Marvel Graphic Novel #18: The Sensational She-Hulk (John Byrne, 1985)
#marvelgraphicnovel #shehulk #johnbyrne #kimdemulder #petrascotese #marvel
#marvelgraphicnovel #SheHulk #johnbyrne #kimdemulder #petrascotese #marvel
Five years ago, I wrote about this Modern Comics edition of E-Man: #comics #charlton #mocerncomics #e-man #nicolacuti #joestatin #johnbyrne
#comics #charlton #mocerncomics #e #nicolacuti #joestatin #johnbyrne
Dollar bin scores at my local comic shop this afternoon. #comicbooks #namor #johnbyrne #FantasticFour
#comicbooks #namor #johnbyrne #fantasticfour
Seriously, Lex
#LexLuthor #Superman #JohnByrne #dccomics
#dccomics #lexluthor #superman #johnbyrne
$3 Pick Up. #SilverSurfer #JohnByrne #ComicBook #Comic #Comics #ComicBooks #ComicBookFamily #ComicBookCollector #ComicBookCollection #ComicCollector #ComicCollecting #ComicCollections
#silversurfer #johnbyrne #comicbook #comic #comics #comicbooks #comicbookfamily #comicbookcollector #comicbookcollection #comiccollector #comiccollecting #comiccollections
Darren Cross' (Yellowjacket) plan when he met Ant-Man for the first time in the comics? Would've gave the movie an interesting tone if used in the movie #Ant-Man #AntMan #Marvel #MCU #JohnByrne #ScottLang #YellowJacket #DarrenCross
#yellowjacket #darrencross #ant #antman #marvel #mcu #johnbyrne #scottlang
Reading the Scott Lang's first outing as Ant-Man. John Byrne really knows his perspective #Ant-Man #AntMan #Marvel #MCU #JohnByrne #ScottLang
#ant #antman #marvel #mcu #johnbyrne #scottlang