"There are undeniably lots of games where the story is the entire point, and they can be done well. I do still hold that the most important games have been all about the play, not the story"
- John Carmack
Imho, he is right. All of my favorite games have great gameplay. I have some that have a good story too, but I like them mainly because of the gameplay. :mastosunglasses:
#johncarmack #gaming #programming #quotes #doom #pcgames #games
#gaming #programming #quotes #pcgames #games #doom #johncarmack
Kotaku: An Alarming 87 Percent Of Retro Games Are Being Lost To Time https://kotaku.com/classic-games-history-foundation-preservation-yakuza-1850623857 #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamehistoryfoundation #technologyinternet #nintendoswitch #nintendoeshop #playstation2 #johncarmack #retrogaming #kelseylewin #nintendo3ds #nostalgia #videogame #nintendo #mario #libby #wiiu #wii
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamehistoryfoundation #technologyinternet #nintendoswitch #nintendoeshop #playstation2 #johncarmack #retrogaming #kelseylewin #nintendo3ds #nostalgia #videogame #nintendo #mario #libby #wiiu #wii
I love reading threads discussing Doom and Quake.
Quake's lightning gun bug explained [video] - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36315529
Digital Antiquarian on 3D Graphics History
That excellent blog The Digital Antiquarian has three posts so far in a history of 3D graphics, starting from the likes of Doom and Quake and so far going as far as 3DFX.
Part 1: Three Dimensions In Software (Or, Quake And Its Discontents):
Quake (All images from The Digital
#retro #3d #3dfx #digitalantiquarian #graphics #history #idsoftware #johncarmack #quake #retro #voodoo
#voodoo #quake #johncarmack #idsoftware #history #graphics #digitalantiquarian #3dfx #3d #retro
I remember reading the #Doom and #Quake source code: @id_aa_carmack (#JohnCarmack) swore on just about every page.
‘Metaverse’ Term Creator Neal Stephenson Not Bullish About Massive Adoption of Virtual Worlds - Neal Stephenson, ostensibly the first to coin the term “metaverse,” issued his opi... - https://news.bitcoin.com/metaverse-term-creator-neal-stephenson-not-bullish-about-massive-adoption-of-virtual-worlds/ #nealstephenson #virtualworlds #johncarmack #metaverse #adoption #lamina1 #doom
#doom #lamina1 #adoption #metaverse #johncarmack #virtualworlds #NealStephenson
Kotaku: Two More Online Shooters Are Winding Up, But In The Best Ways Possible https://kotaku.com/natural-selection-spellbreak-steam-shooter-online-pc-1850120304 #gaming #tech #kotaku #massivelymultiplayeronlineroleplayinggames #massivelymultiplayeronlinegames #multiplayeronlinegames #browsergames #windowsgames #videogaming #johncarmack #clubpenguin #onlinegame #videogames #software #sports #steam #ns2
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #massivelymultiplayeronlineroleplayinggames #massivelymultiplayeronlinegames #multiplayeronlinegames #browsergames #windowsgames #videogaming #johncarmack #clubpenguin #onlinegame #videogames #software #sports #steam #ns2
Meta Reportedly Preparing for a New Round of Layoffs - Meta, the company that owns Whatsapp, Instagram, and Facebook, is reportedly prepa... - https://news.bitcoin.com/meta-reportedly-preparing-for-a-new-round-of-layoffs/ #yearofefficiency #markzuckerberg #johncarmack #metaverse #instagram #facebook #whatsapp #layoffs #susanli #meta
#meta #susanli #layoffs #whatsapp #facebook #instagram #metaverse #johncarmack #markzuckerberg #yearofefficiency
"So, I’m in a position where I can be really blunt about what I’m doing, and that is: zero near-term business opportunities."
John Carmack: Return of the gentleman scientist.
Kotaku: As More Games Disappear Forever, John Carmack Has Some Great Advice About Preservation https://kotaku.com/vr-meta-facebook-carmack-shutdown-failure-close-echo-1850076140 #gaming #tech #kotaku #multiplayeronlinegames #technology2cinternet #firstpersonshooters #virtualreality #creativeworks #johncarmack #videogaming #gameengine #idsoftware #oculusrift #videogames #quake #doom
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #multiplayeronlinegames #technology2cinternet #firstpersonshooters #VirtualReality #creativeworks #johncarmack #videogaming #gameengine #idsoftware #OculusRift #videogames #quake #doom
John Carmack is the one of the few people I totally respect. This is a very interesting interview with him about his latest adventure to pursue AGI (artificial general intelligence). 🤖
Want to give ANOTHER big thanks to @vga256 for contributing another addition to #TheVideoGameLibrary.
Game Engine Black Book: Doom is a technical deep dive into the history and engineering of #idSoftware's juggernaut - #Doom.
#FPS #FirstPersonShooter #Tech #PC #PCGaming #GameDev #GameDevelopment #Coding #GameHistory #Gaming #VideoGames #VideoGame #Book #Books #Bookstodon @Bookstodon #IBM #CPU #RetroGaming #Technology #BlackBook #JohnCarmack #JohnRomero #Gamer #Games
#Games #gamer #johnromero #johncarmack #BlackBook #Technology #retrogaming #cpu #IBM #bookstodon #Books #book #videogame #videogames #Gaming #gamehistory #Coding #gamedevelopment #GameDev #pcgaming #pc #Tech #firstpersonshooter #fps #Doom #idSoftware #thevideogamelibrary
Kotaku: The Best First-Person Shooters You Can Play In 2023 https://kotaku.com/best-shooters-fps-2013-ps5-xbox-pc-switch-free-ios-1849949369 #gaming #tech #kotaku #multiplayeronlinegames #violenceinvideogames #firstpersonshooters #videogamegenres #alyssamercante #sandypetersen #vincezampella #windowsgames #lukeplunkett #silasgreaves #shootergame #johnnyringo #zachzwiezen #billythekid #videogaming #johncarmack #zackzwiezen #metroexodus #patgarrett #johnromero #kylekatarn #timwillits #videogames
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #multiplayeronlinegames #violenceinvideogames #firstpersonshooters #videogamegenres #alyssamercante #sandypetersen #vincezampella #windowsgames #lukeplunkett #silasgreaves #shootergame #johnnyringo #zachzwiezen #billythekid #videogaming #johncarmack #zackzwiezen #metroexodus #patgarrett #johnromero #kylekatarn #timwillits #videogames
#today I read more #CodeComplete. Another green highlighter faded out much to my progressive satisfaction.
From the book, I had welcome #memories revisit from #HighSchool back when I programmed in #BASIC off of #FloppyDisks. Particularly, when I became more familiar with #goto, helped a classmate along, and somehow intuitively excelled at a re-test such that my teacher accused me of cheating.
Watch some more of the #JohnCarmack, #LexFridman interview: https://youtu.be/I845O57ZSy4
#Today #codecomplete #memories #highschool #basic #floppydisks #goto #johncarmack #lexfridman
John Carmack quits Meta, says 'this is the end of my decade in VR'
#JohnCarmack #Meta #Metaverse #RealityLabs #Facebook #VirtualReality
#johncarmack #meta #metaverse #realitylabs #facebook #virtualreality
Meta VR Consultant John Carmack Leaves Company; Criticizes Inefficiencies of VR and Metaverse Projects - John Carmack, the founder of renowned company ID Software and executive consultant... - https://news.bitcoin.com/meta-vr-consultant-john-carmack-leaves-company-criticizes-inefficiencies-of-vr-and-metaverse-projects/ #inefficiencies #johncarmack #idsoftware #metaverse #metaquest #headsets #occulus #losses #doom #meta #vr
#vr #meta #doom #losses #occulus #headsets #metaquest #metaverse #idsoftware #johncarmack #inefficiencies
Id Software co-founder John Carmack leaves Meta and illustrate the state of metaverse
Id Software co-founder John Carmack leaves Meta and illustrate the state of metaverse
The greatest programmers of all time are #AdaLovelace, #AlanTuring, #GraceMurrayHopper, #JohnBackus, #DorothyVaughan, #KenThompson, #DennisRitchie, #BrianKernighan, #RichardStallman, #EricSRaymond, #SteveWozniak, #JohnCarmack, #LinusTorvalds, #TimBernersLee, and #JohnMastodon.
#adalovelace #alanturing #gracemurrayhopper #johnbackus #dorothyvaughan #kenthompson #dennisritchie #briankernighan #richardstallman #ericsraymond #stevewozniak #johncarmack #linustorvalds #timbernerslee #johnmastodon
Abgesang auf VR, Meta setzte alles auf eine Karte, quasi ein 2nd Life mit VR 😅 https://www.heise.de/news/Frust-ueber-Ineffizienz-John-Carmack-gibt-VR-Beraterposten-bei-Meta-auf-7398338.html #meta #VR #johncarmack #facebook #oculus
#oculus #facebook #johncarmack #vr #meta