"#PinkHouses" is a song written and performed by #JohnCougarMellencamp. It was released on 23 October 1983 album #UhHuh on #RivaRecords. It reached No. 8 on the US Billboard Hot 100 in early 1984 and No. 15 in Canada. "Pink Houses" was ranked No. 447 on #RollingStone magazine's list of #The500GreatestSongsOfAllTime.
#pinkhouses #johncougarmellencamp #uhhuh #rivarecords #rollingstone #the500greatestsongsofalltime
“…And we decided to do things on our own instead of having people do stuff for us. We were so f—ing lost. We didn’t know how to do anything.” #RichPeopleProblems 🙄#JohnCougarMellencamp #MegRyan
#megryan #johncougarmellencamp #richpeopleproblems
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John Cougar Mellencamp:
🎵 Jack & Diane
#NowPlaying #JohnCougarMellencamp
#nowplaying #johncougarmellencamp
An interesting thrift store find this weekend... John Cougar Mellencamp's "Uh-Huh" on 8-Track. A little newer than most of the records and 8-Tracks I buy, but that's what was interesting about this one... By 1983 8-Tracks were disappearing from stores. This one may have only been available through a record club.
Apart from the opening and closing songs, the track listing is completely rearranged to avoid splitting songs in half (and it still had to split one).
#johncougarmellencamp #8tracks
Name an artist you love, whose lyrics you got aaaall wrooooong.
Okay. I'll go first.
#MusixMatch #Spotify #PaperInfire #RootyTootToot #HotDogsAndHamburgers
#johncougarmellencamp #musixmatch #spotify #paperinfire #rootytoottoot #hotdogsandhamburgers
Name an artist you love, whose lyrics you got aaaall wrooooong.
Okay. I'll go first.
#JohnCougarMellencamp #MusixMatch #Spotify #PaperInfire #RootyTootToot #HotDogsAndHamburgers
#johncougarmellencamp #musixmatch #spotify #paperinfire #rootytoottoot #hotdogsandhamburgers