Les Maîtres de l'ombre (1989)
Le faire-part de "Little Boy" et "Fat Man" (…) un téléfilm de luxe qui se rattrape grâce à sa distribution.
✍️ https://www.senscritique.com/film/les_maitres_de_l_ombre/critique/292160213
#LesMaîtresDeLombre #FatManAndLittleBoy #RolandJoffé #PaulNewman #DwightSchultz #JohnCusack #LauraDern #JohnCMcGinley #ProjetManhattan #Oppenheimer #BombeAtomique #Nucléaire #WW2 #Film #Cinema
#lesmaitresdelombre #fatmanandlittleboy #rolandjoffe #paulnewman #dwightschultz #johncusack #lauradern #johncmcginley #projetmanhattan #oppenheimer #bombeatomique #nucleaire #ww2 #film #cinema
@NovemberMan maybe if we boost enough and tag some #celebs #celebrities #showbiz folks to let them know ?
I don't know any of them ( except for @TheRealElvira 😍❤️ 😍 ) .. so maybe the more knowledgeable could tag/hash them ?
#JohnCusack #FranDrescher #JoanCusack #sagaftra #Labor #strike #LaborStrike #wga #WGASAG #AFTRA
#celebs #celebrities #showbiz #johncusack #FranDrescher #joancusack #sagaftra #labor #strike #LaborStrike #wga #wgasag #aftra
John Cusack (and Joan) should have #Mastodon accounts ..
There are some people in the showbiz that kinda feels like they "belong" in here ..
#JohnCusack #FranDrescher #JoanCusack #sagaftra #Labor #strike #LaborStrike #wga #WGASAG #AFTRA
#mastodon #johncusack #FranDrescher #joancusack #sagaftra #labor #strike #LaborStrike #wga #wgasag #aftra
Gizmodo: Elon Musk, King of Censorship: 10 Times the 'Free Speech Absolutist' Silenced Twitter Users https://gizmodo.com/10-times-elon-musk-censored-twitter-users-1850570720 #december2022twittersuspensions #twitterunderelonmusk #receptayyiperdogan #viewsofelonmusk #freedomofspeech #shadowbanning #mattyglesias #narendramodi #taylorlorenz #receptayyip #truthsocial #drewharwell #johncusack #jackdorsey #adamschiff #elonmusk #substack #linakhan #twitter #elonjet #doxing #xcorp #meta
#december2022twittersuspensions #twitterunderelonmusk #receptayyiperdogan #viewsofelonmusk #freedomofspeech #shadowbanning #mattyglesias #narendramodi #taylorlorenz #receptayyip #truthsocial #drewharwell #johncusack #jackdorsey #adamschiff #elonmusk #substack #linakhan #twitter #elonjet #doxing #xcorp #meta
Lloyd Dobler, 1989 Fleer, in honor of John Cusack’s birthday today
#johncusack #sayanything #lloyddobler #kickboxing #baseballcards #cardart
#johncusack #sayanything #lloyddobler #kickboxing #baseballcards #cardart
Folge 34: Being John Malkovich
#BeingJohnMalkovich #SpikeJonze #CharlieKaufman #CarterBurwell #LanceAcord #EricZumbrunnen #JohnCusack #CameronDiaz #CatherineKeener #JohnMalkovich #NedBellamy #OrsonBean #CharlieSheen #SeanPenn #WillieGarson #OctaviaSpencer #BradPitt #DustinHoffman #Podcast #FilmPodcast #Roettcast
#Roettcast #filmpodcast #podcast #dustinhoffman #bradpitt #octaviaspencer #WillieGarson #seanpenn #charliesheen #orsonbean #nedbellamy #johnmalkovich #catherinekeener #camerondiaz #johncusack #ericzumbrunnen #lanceacord #carterburwell #charliekaufman #spikejonze #beingjohnmalkovich
In der zweiten Staffel von „Sweet Tooth“ kämpfen Gus und seine Hybrid-Freundinnen und -Freunde für ihre Freiheit. Die Doku „Charles — Schicksalsjahre eines Königs“ zeigt uns, was für ein Mensch der neue britische König ist, und in „City Hall“ deckt John Cusack die korrupten Machenschaften des New Yorker Bürgermeisters auf.
#AlPacino #JohnCusack #KönigCharlesIII #SweetTooth #WasLäuftHeute
#alpacino #johncusack #konigcharlesiii #sweettooth #waslauftheute
“Say Anything” hit theaters on this date in 1989.
#lloyddobler #johncusack #sayanything #inyoureyes #kickboxing #baseballcards #cardart
#lloyddobler #johncusack #sayanything #inyoureyes #kickboxing #baseballcards #cardart
34 years ago:
Say Anything... (US)
Lloyd, an eternal optimist, seeks to capture the heart of Diane, an unattainable high school beauty and straight-A student. He surprises just about everyone-including himself-when she returns the sentiment. But Diane's over-possessive, divorced Dad disapproves and it's going to take more than just t...
#SayAnything #CameronCrowe #JohnCusack #IoneSkye #JohnMahoney #20thCenturyFox #Film
#sayanything #cameroncrowe #johncusack #ioneskye #johnmahoney #20thcenturyfox #film
My personal favorite John Cusack film. #BetterOffDead #the80s #the1980s #80sMovies #JohnCusack #LaneMeyer #CharlesDeMar
#betteroffdead #the80s #the1980s #80smovies #johncusack #lanemeyer #charlesdemar
im #März gibt es bei brutstatt.de politische Thriller und Verschwörungen Hashtag #IdenDesMärz den auftakt macht #TheNumbersStation mit #JohnCusack #Filmkritik
#marz #idendesmarz #thenumbersstation #johncusack #filmkritik
Das Schicksal linker Kritiker auf Twitter!
RT erbeten!
RT @SPBMcKenna
🛑 @johncusack has been LOCKED OUT of his @Twitter account for TEN days now!
@twittersupport DIDN'T provide #JohnCusack with a REASON as to why they LOCKED him out!
🛑 Retweeting SPREADS the MESSAGE folks & it doesn't cost a thing!
#johncusack #reinstatejohncusack #freespeech
10 #Movies to #GetToKnowMe
1. Anything #KevinSmith
2. All things #JohnCandy
3. #IndianaJones
4. #Fridaythe13th
5. #007
6. #Speed
7. #RearWindow
8. #SecretWindow
9. #Marvel #MCU
10. Anything #RobinWilliams
Bonus: #BigTroubleInLittleChina
Didn't even cover #Rambo #Rocky #Ghostbusters #JohnWick #ZachBraff in #GardenState #LastKiss directed by #TonyGoldwyn who was hilarious in #Kuffs and most #JohnCusack #SayAnything #GrossPointeBlank #HighFidelity
This could go all night...What are yours?
#movies #gettoknowme #kevinsmith #johncandy #indianajones #fridaythe13th #speed #rearwindow #Secretwindow #marvel #mcu #robinwilliams #bigtroubleinlittlechina #rambo #rocky #ghostbusters #johnwick #zachbraff #gardenstate #lastkiss #tonygoldwyn #kuffs #johncusack #sayanything #grosspointeblank #highfidelity
Via ann cusack @AnnCusack
Froze my brother out! What happened to free speech. Calling out the truth.
#Cusack #JohnCusack
RT @UkraineCAP
Thanks to @johncusack for supporting @UkraineCAP Recovery Camp programs for traumatized children who have been displaced from eastern and southern parts of Ukraine under siege, as we address urgent need to expand capacity. http://bit.ly/3upMGJY #UkraineChildren @IrwinRedlenerMD
#cusack #johncusack #ukrainechildren
RT @VenusRenaissan1
Well now I know why I haven't seen any posts by #JohnCusack in a few days
#falsotracciato #MikeNewell regista inglese di grande esperienza – autore di film come #Ballaoconunosconosciuto #Quattromatrimonieunfunerale e #DonnieBrasco – firma una sfiziosa e insolita commedia ambientata nel mondo dell’aeronautica civile, con un cast che poco tempo dopo sarebbe diventato stellare Nick Falzone ( #JohnCusack ) è uno dei migliori controllori di volo del centro di... http://www.valeriotagliaferri.it/?p=1480 #mastocinema #mastofilm #film #cinema #angelinajolie #cateblanchett #billybobthorton
#falsotracciato #mikenewell #ballaoconunosconosciuto #quattromatrimonieunfunerale #DonnieBrasco #johncusack #mastocinema #mastofilm #film #cinema #angelinajolie #cateblanchett #billybobthorton
In this currently @Patreon exclusive podcast. @a.r.farina wants his two dollars! As he returns once again for #AlterNativityStories to give us his two cents on this black comedy #BetterOffDead1985 starring @johncusack & @actressdianefranklin! #PrepareForPrattle https://www.patreon.com/posts/76036946?utm_campaign=postshare_creator
#betteroffdead #johncusack #smovies #betteroffdeadmovie #lanemeyer #smovie #skiing #ski #dianefranklin #skithek #puresnow #skiingislife #charlesdemar #snow
#alternativitystories #betteroffdead1985 #prepareforprattle #betteroffdead #johncusack #smovies #betteroffdeadmovie #lanemeyer #smovie #skiing #ski #dianefranklin #skithek #puresnow #skiingislife #charlesdemar #snow