The great Bill Watterson returns decades after completing Calvin & Hobbes, with a very different looking work, a collaboration with & John Kascht, The Mysteries
#comics #books #BillWaterson #The Mysteries #CalvinAndHobbes #BandeDessinee #GraphicNovels #publishing #livres #JohnKascht
#johnkascht #livres #publishing #graphicnovels #bandedessinee #calvinandhobbes #the #billwaterson #books #comics
Yes. I preordered it.
#newbillwatersonbook #calvinandhobbes #themysteries #johnkascht #billwaterson
Kotaku: Legendary Calvin And Hobbes Creator Is Back With Story Book For Adults After 28 Years Away #gaming #tech #kotaku #secondarycharactersincalvinandhobbes #entertainment2cculture #pearlsbeforeswine #calvinandhobbes #dearmrwatterson #americancomics #billwatterson #calvinhobbes #johnkascht #watterson #schuster #fiction #calvin #hobbes #simon
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #secondarycharactersincalvinandhobbes #entertainment2cculture #pearlsbeforeswine #calvinandhobbes #dearmrwatterson #americancomics #billwatterson #calvinhobbes #johnkascht #watterson #schuster #fiction #Calvin #hobbes #simon
#CalvinAndHobbes creator #BillWatterson making a comeback – but not for a kids comic strip — #TheMysteries is a new #book slated to be released this year by the American cartoonist along with fellow artist #JohnKascht about "a fable for grown-ups."
#johnkascht #book #themysteries #billwatterson #calvinandhobbes