New #PlayaRumor just dropped … this whole drama was secretly staged by #JohnLaw as the next phase in his most dramatic statement yet on Burning Man Selling Out.
One of the thinkers who has influenced me most is the sociologist John Law, one of the creators of Actor-network theory, along with Bruno Latour, among others. I especially like his book "After Method" (2004), very influenced by the amazing work of Annemarie Mol (especially her "The Body Multiple"). For those who want to know more about Law, I recommend his website There is a lot of very interesting material (papers, projects, etc.).
How to study the messiness of social realities? ➡️ "I want to argue that while standard methods are often extremely good at what they do, they are badly adapted
to the study of the ephemeral, the indefinite and the irregular".
#Sociology #JohnLaw #ANT #Method
#sociology #johnlaw #ANT #method
#Datreveno #JohnLaw #Ekonomiko #CentraBanko
Je ĉi dato en 1671 naskiĝis John Law, ekonomikisto, kiu komprenis la diferencon inter mono kaj komerco, kaj inventis la nocion de centra ŝtata banko, tamen kvankam lia unua kaj nura klopodo komence sukcesas, ĝi forfalis pro malbonaj komercaj decidoj. Plejparte liaj ideoj daŭras validaj ĝis nun laŭ modernaj teorioj.
#datreveno #johnlaw #ekonomiko #centrabanko
Neon art by my friend John Law
#johnlaw #art #artist #neon #cacophonysociety #sanfrancisco