Sounds legit. I believe that's how #JohnMastadon got his position. #Mastadon was actualy started by his sister, June, but she had too much work on, so she handed the founder's gig on to John.
#johnmastadon #mastadon #truestory #imadethatup
Ha! Meine auch, wenn man Bern-Mittelland und Winterthur zum Emmental dazuzählt.
Die Welt ist so ein Kaff, ständig stolpert man über Verwandschaft einigen Dutzend Grades!
Wie auch immer, VIVA #JohnMastadon!
@stux John Mastodon changed their last name to Mastadon ;D
#Mastadon #JohnMastodon #JohnMastadon
#johnmastadon #johnmastodon #Mastadon
@stux John Mastodon changed their last name to Mastadon ;D
#Mastadon #JohnMastodon #JohnMastadon
#johnmastadon #johnmastodon #Mastadon
God Did the World a Favor by Destroying Twitter - WIRED
https://apple.news/AreJ2Tq6ZTmCyFv7g4UsFNA. #Twitter #ElonMuskIsAPhoney #JohnMastadon #Babel
#twitter #ElonMuskIsAPhoney #johnmastadon #babel
@rednikki @Talia_christine Closest we came was the #JohnMastadon goof that was made much of then forgotten.
#JohnMastadon is the only man alive who can pick up Thor, while Thor is holding Thor's Hammer
@Ddiamond #JohnMastadon. Now that is a name I have not heard in... oh, days.
@JohnMastodon so cool. The king of other, centralized social media has never responded to me. ALL HAIL #JohnMastadon
Why, #JohnMastadon INVENTED the emotion of pride! While on a rowboat in the roaring 20's Everglades, where he discovered he could play "Three Blind Mice" on alligators by striking them in various vertebrae with his oar!
Consider that a news tip of worth, Mr. Acosta!
@jojoeffe You just have to puff out your chest, raise your arms, and bellow like you’re #JohnMastadon
@mrvapor We need #JohnMastadon to melt the snow away using his excessive body heat and fierce stare… #FriendsOfJohn #FoJ
#johnmastadon #friendsofjohn #foj
I know...I mean I KNOW the green sweater seemed out of place but when John Mastadon hand knits you a sweater... #knitting #JohnMastadon
And suddenly, it all makes sense.
Hey, wait. Does this mean #JohnMastadon is working *for* the AIs?
@Josiah_Mannion @oliphant @eibart Can you show me where to catch up on the whole #JohnMastadon mythos?