So, it's official, the birdsite will get a complete rewrite. Here is the future CTO explaining what this means. He is a genius. #johnmastdon should listen to him.
recorded by
@annakappa @storm da qui non t'immagini le risate clicca su: #johnmastdon 🤣💪 e poi guarda che emoji :weed: :fuck_verify: :antifa:
Thanks to ChatGPT, I found a long-lost sea shanty about #johnmastdon
Oh ho ho and a bottle of rum,
We'll sing a shanty for John Mastodon,
A social media entrepreneur bold,
With a following of users young and old.
So let's raise a glass to John Mastodon,
A true pioneer of the digital age,
We'll follow him to the ends of the earth,
And share our adventures on the Mastodon page!
@DemonDion Sshh
Less screaming please otherwise you will wake #johnmastdon up.
He is getting ready to hibernate before he is reborn in the Spring.
Our Johnny boy it's real. #JohnMastdon
It says it right here:
@aaandrey @internetarchive @fsf @eff Well hello there, I'm Jackie. I'm a writer in Michigan. May #johnmastdon welcome you. People are silly here, especially those of us in the #LGBTQ_community
Join the Chaos ❤️🐰❤️
In the beginning #JohnMastdon arranged for sustenance to be personally delivered to new instances
I'm not usually one for the cult of personality, but this #joanmastodon seems to be a great woman.
PS I hear that a #johnmastdon did good stuff too, but I can't seem to find any evidence
What do I call it when I post on Mastodon? I can't call it tweeting. Am I Mastodoning?! #Johnmastdon what's the official word? You seem to be in charge around here from what I can tell...
#JohnMastdon Seems since I edited my birdssite before Musk’s tantrum banning my Mastodon address still stands proudly. I will not be editing my profile until Skynet finds me…sorta my red badge of digital courage…🤣😂🤣😂…unsure when a suspension will happen…I check my “lists” that have vital Fire and health info and to see who has succumbed to the blue check surrender
Cool, Elon scheint die gleiche Strategie wie AOL auf Twitter anzuwenden, sein Forum vom Rest des Internets abzuschneiden. Und dafür dann Geld zu verlangen.
Hat bei AOL ja super geklappt, die Älteren erinnern sich.
Und alle wichtigen Vorgänge bei #twitter erscheinen mehrfach in meiner Timeline.
Zum Gück hat #johnmastdon kein Problem damit, Links nach Twitter zuzulassen. 😁