Donald Roy · @djr
148 followers · 2961 posts · Server


And even better news on this today. has written an article effectively telling that he needs to define more clearly. matters because he cannot be dismissed easily as one of the "usual suspects" as say I might be. He was part of the original team. He is calling now for an explicit embrace of and the consequent repudiation of "neoliberalism" . Which is consistent also with staying at least as as still is.

#johnmcternan #keirstarmer #labour #mcternan #blair #bidenomics #green

Last updated 1 year ago

hesgen · @hesgen
497 followers · 1710 posts · Server

is right to contrast 's apology with the pig-headed obstinacy and gracelessness of , and also to point out that Abbott has suffered no end of and .

That said, Abbott has rarely been right about anything in politics, and is generally speaking useless. There is a hierarchy of prejudice in the , as there is throughout society as a whole. The problem is that Abbott is part of it.

#johnmcternan #dianneabbott #dominicraab #racism #misogyny #labourparty

Last updated 2 years ago