🤔“This stunning revelation of Russian weakness calls into question not just Moscow’s status as a great power but also the very concept of a great power.“
#superpowers #power #greatpowers #fullSpectrumPower #Russia #Ukraine #USA #China #JohnMearsheimer #BarryPosen #StephenWalt #RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussiaIsATerroristState
#RussiaIsATerroristState #RussiaInvadedUkraine #stephenwalt #barryposen #johnmearsheimer #china #usa #Ukraine #russia #fullspectrumpower #greatpowers #power #superpowers
Podcast Special: #Biden's Foreign Policy, The #UkraineWar, and Misguided "Realists" (Scott Lucas/LiamKennedy w Clodagh Harrington and Alex Waddan)
#biden #UkraineWar #ukraine #russia #johnmearsheimer
Podcast Special: #Biden's Foreign Policy, The #UkraineWar, and Misguided "Realists" (Scott Lucas/LiamKennedy w Clodagh Harrington and Alex Waddan)
#biden #UkraineWar #ukraine #russia #johnmearsheimer
Podcast Special: #Biden's Foreign Policy, The #UkraineWar, and Misguided "Realists" (Scott Lucas/LiamKennedy w Clodagh Harrington and Alex Waddan)
#biden #UkraineWar #ukraine #russia #johnmearsheimer
RT @UmlandAndreas@twitter.com
THREAD: Suppose one takes #JohnMearsheimer, the #RussianGovernment, @SWagenknecht@twitter.com, and similar analysts seriously. Since #Finland's #NATO application on 19 May 2022, we should be discussing every day how Helsinki is putting the future of humankind at risk. /1 @FansMearsheimer@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/UmlandAndreas/status/1603373231695699969
#johnmearsheimer #russiangovernment #Finland #nato
I criminali del Cremlino: perché il regime di Putin sfida la razionalità e come l’Occidente ha aiutato l’invasione dell’Ucraina – Valigia Blu #guerraucraina #JohnMearsheimer #Putin #Russia #6luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudmFsaWdpYWJsdS5pdC9wdXRpbi1jcmVtbGluby15YXJvc2xhdi1zaGltb3Yv
#6luglio #russia #putin #johnmearsheimer #guerraucraina
#TheMunkDebate #Russia #Ukraine War
Stephen Walt, #JohnMearsheimer
#MichaelMcFaul, Radosław Sikorski
How is this fast-evolving crisis best addressed? Does it demand a resolute & relentless push by the West to punish, isolate and degrade Putin’s Russia economically, politically & militarily?
Or is a solution to be found in acknowledging Russia’s security needs & finding ways to mutually de-escalate the war, sooner not later?
great presentation on both sides!
#TheMunkDebate #russia #ukraine #johnmearsheimer #michaelmcfaul
#Ukraine #OTAN #Russie (14 mars 2022)
> Dans sa dernière #conférence-débat, #JohnMearsheimer a analysé le #ConflitUkrainien selon la logique objective des principes rationnels de la #PhilosophieDuDroit inspirés de #Hegel.
#hegel #PhilosophieDuDroit #ConflitUkrainien #johnmearsheimer #conférence #russie #otan #ukraine
Another great explanation of what drives the hubristic interventionist #foreignPolicy of the #US given by Professor #JohnMearsheimer
#RealistForeignPolicy #ColdWar #GrandStrategy #Ukraine #Iraq #Afghanistan #China #Japan #Taiwan #NeoConservatism #LiberalImperialism
#ukraine #china #foreignpolicy #iraq #afghanistan #taiwan #neoconservatism #LiberalImperialism #us #johnmearsheimer #RealistForeignPolicy #coldwar #grandstrategy #japan
' #Russia was being.. goaded into conducting an invasion and openly invited.. The trap was set..The trick for the #USA and #UK now is to make sure the war lasts.. long.. to maximise Russian casualties and trigger economic collapse...having goaded the Russians into starting the war, the aim is now to goad the #Ukrainians to keep it going, resisting the temptation to come to terms with the #Russians and make peace.. '
#Ukraine #War #DanGlazebrook #JohnMearsheimer
#johnmearsheimer #DanGlazebrook #war #ukraine #russians #ukrainians #uk #usa #russia
'Spot all the high-profile commentators who condemn Russia’s aggression against Ukraine…
…and who remain silent about or support:
* Invasions of Afghanistan & Iraq
* NATO’s destruction of Libya
* Saudi-led coalition bombing of Yemen
* Apartheid Israel’s crushing of Palestinians '
#MediaLens quotes #NoamChomsky #HowardZinn #JohnMearsheimer #JohnPilger and #FAIR to deal with #WhatAbouterry and #WeAreNoBetter regarding #Russia and #Ukraine vs. #USA #UK and #Yemen #Iraq ...
#iraq #yemen #uk #usa #ukraine #russia #WeAreNoBetter #WhatAbouterry #fair #johnpilger #johnmearsheimer #howardzinn #noamchomsky #MediaLens
@strypey ' We went around the world trying to create liberal democracies. Our main focus, of course, was in the greater Middle East, and you know how well that worked out. Not very well. ' Create what? '...US dominance over the oil-producing regions, with the family dictatorships of the Gulf playing their traditional role as an “Arab Facade,” ... '
#NoamChomsky #DeterringDemocacy book or a few pages at #ChomskyInfo make it hard to take #JohnMearsheimer seriously
#johnmearsheimer #ChomskyInfo #DeterringDemocacy #noamchomsky
10 mins 25 secs
#nato #ukraine #johnmearsheimer #grandstrategy #RealistModel #LiberalHegemony
The University of #Chicago
Why is #Ukraine the West's Fault? Featuring #JohnMearsheimer
date: Sep 26, 2015, length: 1hr 14mins
#GrandStrategy #GreatPowerPolitics #Russia #Nato #Europe #Putin
#UkraineBriefing #chicago #ukraine #johnmearsheimer #grandstrategy #GreatPowerPolitics #putin #russia #nato #europe
"#America's 3 principle competitors from the 20th Century: #Russia (USSR), #Germany, and #Japan. All are declining powers, ..for demographic reasons. All ..are going to undergo significant demographic decline.
Our 3 principle competitors are going to be .. less powerful relative to us in 2050 than they are now.
(Only #China can give us a run for our money)
If the Chinese .. stumble really badly, we would be more powerful relative to every other state in 2050 than we are now"
#russia #america #germany #japan #china #johnmearsheimer