Via Neville F Chamberlain @NevilleFChambe1
#HarryAndrews, #AnthonyQuayle, #SylviaSyms and #JohnMills “ICE COLD IN ALEX” (1958) dir. J. Lee Thompson
#movies #icecoldinalex #harryandrews #anthonyquayle #sylviasyms #johnmills
I just watched Hobson's Choice (David Lean, 1954) and rated it 9/10 ~ #films #cinema #cinemastodon #HobsonsChoice #DavidLean #CharlesLaughton #BrendaDeBanzie #JohnMills
#johnmills #brendadebanzie #charleslaughton #DavidLean #HobsonsChoice #cinemastodon #cinema #films
69 years ago:
Hobson's Choice (UK)
Henry Hobson owns and tyrannically runs a successful Victorian boot maker’s shop in Salford, England. A stingy widower with a weakness for overindulging in the local Moonraker Public House, he exploits his three daughters as cheap labour. When he declares that there will be ‘no marriages’ to avoid t...
#HobsonsChoice #DavidLean #CharlesLaughton #JohnMills #BrendaDeBanzie #ClassicMovies
#hobsonschoice #davidlean #charleslaughton #johnmills #brendadebanzie #classicmovies
59 years ago:
The Chalk Garden (GB,US)
A grandmother seeks a governess for her 16 year old granddaughter, Laurel, who manages to drive away each and every one so far by exposing their past, with a record of three in one week! When an applicant with a mysterious past manages to get the job, Laurel vows to expose her. Meanwhile, Laurel's m...
#TheChalkGarden #DeborahKerr #HayleyMills #JohnMills #Universal #Film
#thechalkgarden #deborahkerr #hayleymills #johnmills #universal #film
58 years ago:
The Truth About Spring (GB,US)
Tommy Tyler, a lazy Caribbean sailor, and his tom-boy daughter, Spring, are out to search for a buried treasure. Tommy brings aboard William Ashton, a young lawyer, to help with the search. Ashton turns out to be handy when they encounter dangerous rivals. Tommy also tries to play match maker betwee...
#TheTruthAboutSpring #HayleyMills #JohnMills #JamesMacArthur #Universal #Film
#thetruthaboutspring #hayleymills #johnmills #jamesmacarthur #universal #film
68 years ago:
Above Us the Waves (UK)
In World War II, the greatest threat to the British navy is the German battleship Tirpitz. While anchored in a Norwegian fjord, it is impossible to attack by conventional means, so a plan is hatched for a special commando unit to attack it, using midget submarines to plant underwater explosives.
#AboveUstheWaves #JohnMills #JohnGregson #DonaldSinden #Movies
#aboveusthewaves #johnmills #johngregson #donaldsinden #movies
65 years ago:
Dunkirk (UK)
A British Corporal in France finds himself responsible for the lives of his men when their officer is killed. He has to get them back to Britain somehow. Meanwhile, British civilians are being dragged into the war with Operation Dynamo, the scheme to get the French and British forces back from the D...
#Dunkirk #JohnMills #RichardAttenborough #BernardLee #EalingStudios #ClassicFilm
#dunkirk #johnmills #richardattenborough #bernardlee #ealingstudios #classicfilm
53 years ago:
Ryan's Daughter (IE,GB)
An Irish lass is branded a traitor when she falls for a British soldier.
#RyansDaughter #DavidLean #RobertMitchum #TrevorHoward #JohnMills #MGM #ClassicMovies
#ryansdaughter #davidlean #robertmitchum #trevorhoward #johnmills #mgm #classicmovies
I just watched Ice Cold in Alex ( J. Lee Thompson, 1958) and rated it 10/10 ~ #films #cinema #cinemastadon #IceColdInAlex #JohnMills #SylviaSyms #WorldWarTwo #WorthWaitingFor
#worthwaitingfor #worldwartwo #sylviasyms #johnmills #icecoldinalex #cinemastadon #cinema #films
64 years ago:
Tiger Bay (UK)
In Tiger Bay, the docklands of Cardiff, rough-and-tumble street urchin Gillie witnesses the brutal killing of a young woman at the hands of visiting Polish sailor Korchinsky. Instead of reporting the crime to the authorities, Gillie merely pockets a prize for herself — Korchinsky's shiny black revol...
#TigerBay #JLeeThompson #JohnMills #HorstBuchholz #HayleyMills #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#tigerbay #jleethompson #johnmills #horstbuchholz #hayleymills #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
[1993] The Big Freeze - Two accident-prone plumbers go to fix the plumbing at a home for retired gentle-folk on the coldest day of the year in Finland. Starring Bob Hoskins, Eric Sykes, Donald Pleasence, John Mills and Spike Milligan.
#OldBritishTelly #BobHoskins #EricSykes #DonaldPleasence #JohnMills #SpikeMilligan
#OldBritishTelly #BobHoskins #EricSykes #donaldpleasence #johnmills #SpikeMilligan
"Listen, whatever your name is. If you're not wearing the right shirt they'll arrest you as a Nazi Spy! Quick! Go to Sillytees and kit yourself out. Buy 3 and you'll save 15%"
#IceColdinAlex #WarMovies #JohnMills Tees by SIllytees
#icecoldinalex #warmovies #johnmills
Mrs B. me and the boys off down the local for a cold one. The first one ain't gonna touch the sides.
Worth waiting for.#IceColdinAlex #Movies #HarryAndrews #AnthonyQuayle #SylviaSimms #JohnMills Tees by Sillytees
#icecoldinalex #movies #harryandrews #anthonyquayle #sylviasimms #johnmills
74 years ago:
The History of Mr. Polly (UK)
Quiet and somewhat direction-less, Alfred Polly uses the money he inherits from his father to marry and to set up shop in a small town. His heart is in neither of these enterprises and he eventually resorts to desperate measures to break free. His random wanderings in the countryside lead him to a n...
#TheHistoryofMrPolly #JohnMills #FinlayCurrie #ShelaghFraser #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies
#thehistoryofmrpolly #johnmills #finlaycurrie #shelaghfraser #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies
78 years ago:
Waterloo Road (UK)
During WW2 a former railway employee who had been drafted, goes AWOL to hunt down the spiv and draft dodger who is having an affair with his wife.
#WaterlooRoad #JohnMills #StewartGranger #AlastairSim #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#waterlooroad #johnmills #stewartgranger #alastairsim #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
90 years ago:
The Ghost Camera (UK)
When a photograph is taken at the scene of a murder, the camera is tossed out of a castle window to destroy the evidence and lands in the back of a passing car belonging to chemist John Gray who becomes amateur sleuth after developing the film and goes in search of the woman captured by the photogra...
#TheGhostCamera #BernardVorhaus #JohnMills #IdaLupino #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#theghostcamera #bernardvorhaus #johnmills #idalupino #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
68 years ago:
The Colditz Story (UK)
Allied prisoners of various nationalities pool their resources to plan numerous escapes from an "escape-proof" German P.O.W. camp housed in a Medieval castle.
#TheColditzStory #GuyHamilton #JohnMills #LionelJeffries #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#thecolditzstory #guyhamilton #johnmills #lioneljeffries #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
68 years ago:
The Colditz Story (UK)
Allied prisoners of various nationalities pool their resources to plan numerous escapes from an "escape-proof" German P.O.W. camp housed in a Medieval castle.
#TheColditzStory #GuyHamilton #JohnMills #LionelJeffries #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#thecolditzstory #guyhamilton #johnmills #lioneljeffries #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
81 years ago:
The Big Blockade (UK)
Wartime propaganda piece reporting on the success of the economic blockade of Germany in the early years of the war.
#TheBigBlockade #JohnMills #MichaelRennie #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#thebigblockade #johnmills #MichaelRennie #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
Hayley #Mills perfettamente perfida, Deborah #Kerr sempre eccezionale. Che duo e che film!
#cinema #ilgiardinodigesso #deborahkerr #hayleymills #johnmills #ronaldneame
#mills #kerr #cinema #ilgiardinodigesso #deborahkerr #hayleymills #johnmills #ronaldneame