Have never read up on #JohnNash patron saint of architect-developers. He could do a swank terrace, fanasy or cottage orné and his schemes tidied out the poor (& put a chosen few of them in artisan dwellings -- those bits, bottom of Albany Street I think, got knocked down). Park Village East and West, early suburbs smashed through by railway, have a few surprises, like these bays protected by little slate-tiled roofs on pillars. This early one though! Diamond Cottage 1811. #architecture
Popularized in the Academy Award-winning movie A Beautiful Mind, the Nash equilibrium is a solution concept for n-person games.
"The Nash equilibrium, explained" by Jørgen Veisdal 👉 🔗 https://www.cantorsparadise.com/the-nash-equilibrium-explained-c9ad7e97633a
#NashEquilibrium #Nash #GameTheory #BeautifulMind #JohnNash #Mathematics #CantorsParadise
#cantorsparadise #mathematics #johnnash #beautifulmind #gametheory #nash #NashEquilibrium