#10yrsago #Missouri lawmaker wants to redefine #science to include “faith-based philosophy,” force creationism into science class https://arstechnica.com/science/2013/02/missouri-bill-redefines-science-gives-equal-time-to-intelligent-design/
#5yrsago The @internetarchive #JohnPerryBarlow collection https://archive.org/details/johnperrybarlow
#5yrsago The astounding science and engineering of printer jams https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/02/12/why-paper-jams-persist
#5yrsago IBM Security survey finds users value “security” over “convenience” https://www.techrepublic.com/article/ibm-security-report-security-now-outweighs-convenience/
#10yrsago #missouri #science #5yrsago #johnperrybarlow
#5yrsago Facebook hired a pollster to track Zuck’s public image, but he quit because working for Facebook filled him with shame https://www.theverge.com/2018/2/6/16976328/facebook-mark-zuckerberg-pollster-tavis-mcginn-honest-data
#5yrsago RIP #JohnPerryBarlow, 1947-2018 https://memex.craphound.com/2018/02/07/rip-john-perry-barlow-1947-2018/
#5yrsago The myth of the “genius creator” requires that we ignore the people they build on, or insist they don’t matter https://web.archive.org/web/20180222151637/https://copy-me.org/2018/02/the-creativity-delusion-there-is-no-genius/
#5yrsago Facebook hired a pollster to track Zuck’s public image, but he quit because working for Facebook filled him with shame https://www.theverge.com/2018/2/6/16976328/facebook-mark-zuckerberg-pollster-tavis-mcginn-honest-data
#5yrsago RIP #JohnPerryBarlow, 1947-2018 https://memex.craphound.com/2018/02/07/rip-john-perry-barlow-1947-2018/
#5yrsago The myth of the “genius creator” requires that we ignore the people they build on, or insist they don’t matter https://web.archive.org/web/20180222151637/https://copy-me.org/2018/02/the-creativity-delusion-there-is-no-genius/
"For this episode of the Tech Policy Press podcast, I had the chance to speak to Chris Anderson, Ph.D., a professor of sociology at the University of Milan who is leading a course on tech manifestos and their evolution, inviting his students to dissect the language for what it can tell us about politics and power". https://podcasts.captivate.fm/media/c495fc7e-79a5-4e90-8ebb-62dd6367bdd3/TPP139-converted.mp3 #TechManifesto #JohnPerryBarlow #sociology
#techmanifesto #johnperrybarlow #sociology
Google, il Pentagono e la ricercatrice – di Franco Berardi Bifo http://effimera.org/google-pentagono-la-ricercatrice-franco-berardi-bifo/ #Lavoro,precarietà,dirittieconflitti #capitalismobiocognitivorelazionale #ElectronicFrontierFoundation #Critichedellacrisi #DaisukeWakabayashi #FrancoBerardiBifo #homepage-feature #GiscardD’Estaing #globalizzazione #JohnPerryBarlow #TheNewYorkTimes #biopolitica #capitalismo #RaphaelBehr #TheGuardian #TomSimonite #AlisonCool #ScottShane #AlainMinc #algoritmo
#lavoro #capitalismobiocognitivorelazionale #electronicfrontierfoundation #critichedellacrisi #daisukewakabayashi #francoberardibifo #homepage #giscardd #globalizzazione #johnperrybarlow #thenewyorktimes #biopolitica #capitalismo #raphaelbehr #theguardian #tomsimonite #alisoncool #scottshane #alainminc #algoritmo
Si vous vous demandiez pourquoi les activistes des libertés numériques pleurent un parolier de Grateful Dead... https://grisebouille.net/hommage-a-john-p-barlow/ #johnperrybarlow
[Grise Bouille] Hommage à John P. Barlow
Un grand monsieur qui nous a quittés...
#bd #hommage #johnperrybarlow #eff
“I'm embarrassed for my country that in my entire voting life there has never been a major party candidate whom I felt I could vote for. All of my presidential votes—whether for #GeorgeWallace, #DickGregory or #JohnHagelin—have been protest votes.” — songwriter #JohnPerryBarlow
#georgewallace #dickgregory #johnhagelin #johnperrybarlow
Today the real Internet, not the Facebook Internet or closed Internet is sad. Time To read again A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace. RIP #JohnPerryBarlow