A #MustSee #JohnPilger #documentary #film that in the end of it, you speak loud, fuck #NATO, #USA, #USAbases and the #EMPIRE!
Perhaps the #war in #Ukraine is part of the plan for the main goal of #China|'s war.
#fediverse #mastodon
#kafeneio #καφενείο #καφενειο
John Pilger Documentary - The Coming War on China
#mustsee #johnpilger #Documentary #film #nato #USA #usabases #empire #war #ukraine #china #russiamustwin #fediverse #mastodon #kafeneio #καφενείο #καφενειο
" Today, war by media is a key task of so-called mainstream journalism, reminiscent of that described by a Nuremberg prosecutor in 1945: ‘Before each major aggression (...] they initiated a press campaign calculated to weaken their victims and to prepare the German people psychologically"
#Johnpilger #journalism #media #war #propaganda #media #postmodernism #speakup #us #china #nato #history #nuremberg #Europe #Russia #Ukraine #fascism #Africa #Australia #mainstream
#johnpilger #journalism #media #war #propaganda #postmodernism #speakup #us #china #nato #history #nuremberg #europe #russia #ukraine #fascism #africa #australia #mainstream
I watched a Katie Halper / John Pilger video today. It was comforting to my sanity.
#KatieHalper #JohnPilger #ConsortiumNews
#katiehalper #johnpilger #consortiumnews
In the photos of Ryuichi Sakamoto's _No War_ book above, three of the four highlighted articles are still on Znet (now ZNetwork). The article by Howard Zinn is on another site^4 under the title "The Old Way of Thinking" instead of "Retaliation."
- 1 https://znetwork.org/zcommentary/inevitable-ring-to-the-unimaginable-by-john-pilger/
- 2 https://znetwork.org/zcommentary/solidarity-against-all-forms-of-terrorism-by-vandana2-shiva/
- 3 https://znetwork.org/zcommentary/the-theatre-of-good-and-evil-by-guest-author/
#eduardogaleano #vandanashiva #johnpilger #nowar
In the photos of Ryuichi Sakamoto's _No War_ book above, three of the four highlighted articles are still on Znet (now ZNetwork). The article by Howard Zinn is on another site^4 under the title "The Old Way of Thinking" instead of "Retaliation."
- 1 https://znetwork.org/zcommentary/inevitable-ring-to-the-unimaginable-by-john-pilger/
- 2 https://znetwork.org/zcommentary/solidarity-against-all-forms-of-terrorism-by-vandana2-shiva/
- 3 https://znetwork.org/zcommentary/the-theatre-of-good-and-evil-by-guest-author/
#eduardogaleano #vandanashiva #johnpilger #nowar
Wikileaks' #Tor connections were designed to always use #Sweden and #Belgium as part of their circuit.
In a 2011 interview of #JulianAssange from #JohnPilger, Julian explains how specific '#SourceProtection' laws in those countries made them important when bouncing traffic around different countries.
#tor #sweden #belgium #julianassange #johnpilger #sourceprotection #freeassange #freeassangenow
"‘This is a war of propaganda’: John Pilger on Ukraine and Assange | Talking Post with Yonden Lhatoo"
#US #Ukraine #WarofPropaganda #JohnPilger #FreeJulianAssange #Assange
#Assange #freejulianassange #johnpilger #warofpropaganda #Ukraine #US
"According to the great whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, a silent coup has taken place in Washington and rampant militarism now rules. The Pentagon currently runs "special operations" – secret wars – in 124 countries. At home, rising poverty and a loss of liberty are the historic corollary of a perpetual war state. Add the risk of nuclear war, and the question is: why do we tolerate this?"
#JohnPilger, 2014
#johnpilger #danielellsberg #us
Note the very large "opinion" at the top of the page. The author can't be seen in this pic, but it was John Pilger. Here's the full op-ed:
Il silenzio degli innocenti. Come funziona la propaganda – di John Pilger http://effimera.org/il-silenzio-degli-innocenti-come-funziona-la-propaganda-di-john-pilger/ #Critichedellacrisi #VolodymyrZelenskyy #guerranucleare #JulianAssange #VladimirPutin #GiorgioRiolo #Afghanistan #giornalismo #giornalisti #LloydAustin #JohnPilger #propaganda #StatiUniti #Palestina #WikiLeaks #JoeBiden #Ucraina #guerra #guerre #Russia #Libia #Yemen #Cina #Iraq #Usa
#usa #iraq #cina #yemen #libia #russia #guerre #guerra #ucraina #joebiden #wikileaks #palestina #statiuniti #propaganda #johnpilger #LloydAustin #giornalisti #giornalismo #afghanistan #giorgioriolo #vladimirputin #julianassange #guerranucleare #VolodymyrZelenskyy #critichedellacrisi
> In 1949, China declared independence, an event known in Western discourse as “the #LossOfChina” — in the U.S., with bitter recriminations and conflict over who was responsible for that loss. The terminology is revealing. It is only possible to lose something that one owns. The tacit assumption was that the #USA owned #China, by right, along with most of
the rest of the world
#JohnPilger's #ComingWarOnChina #documentary made me think of these lines by #NoamChomsky
#noamchomsky #documentary #ComingWarOnChina #johnpilger #china #usa #lossofchina
> .. a US captain.. questioned..that he'd been given an order to fire a missile at China when..the crew was watching on television the Cuban Missile Crisis..it had..nothing to do with #China. So he ordered several of his crew to go to another launch pad..draw their 45s and tell them to stop..
#MaceMissiles in #Okinawa #JohnPilger #NoNukes #ComingWarOnChina
#ComingWarOnChina #nonukes #johnpilger #okinawa #MaceMissiles #china
> There has been quite a bit of news both in the US and over here about #China building air strips in the #SpratlyIslands in the #SouthChinaSea and almost nothing about the fact that the #USA has surrounded China with some four hundred military bases that stretch all the way from #Australia through the Pacific up through #Asia, #Korea, #Japan and across #Eurasia.
#JohnPilger and #ThomHartmann on #ComingWarOnChina #China #BaseNation #DavidVine
#DavidVine #BaseNation #ComingWarOnChina #thomhartmann #johnpilger #eurasia #japan #korea #asia #australia #usa #southchinasea #spratlyislands #china
>... the #Korean island of Jeju, a semi-tropical sanctuary and World Heritage Site declared ‘an island of world peace’. On this island..has been built one of the most provocative military bases..less than 400 miles from #Shanghai..#Gangjeong is dominated by a #SouthKorean naval base purpose-built for #USA aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines and destroyers..with the Aegis missile system, aimed at #China.
more #Geography from #JohnPilger #documentary #ComingWarOnChina
#ComingWarOnChina #documentary #johnpilger #geography #china #usa #southkorean #Gangjeong #shanghai #korean
We may be lucky enough not to have nuclear weapons make us extinct as the Russia Ukraine war goes on. So why not start thinking about how to avoid the next war that would risk nuclear annihilation involving the #USA... I started watching #JohnPilger's #ComingWarOnChina a feel bad about the #MarshallIslands #NuclearBombs #NuclearTesting and #Contamination by #Radiation in the #BikinAtoll
#BikinAtoll #radiation #contamination #NuclearTesting #NuclearBombs #marshallislands #ComingWarOnChina #johnpilger #usa
"No More War, No More Trouble" --- Bob Marley...
The #Russian invasion of #Ukraine , after tinkering by the #IMF and #NED ( #ElliotAbrams and #VictoriaNulan ) , had me re-reading parts of #ShockDoctrine by #NaomiKlein . And the way "#FreeMarket " policies increased Russian alcoholism, suicide and misery in general reminded me of #WarByOtherMeans , a documentary movie by #JohnPilger.
#johnpilger #WarByOtherMeans #freemarket #naomiklein #shockdoctrine #VictoriaNulan #elliotabrams #ned #imf #ukraine #russian
'Spot all the high-profile commentators who condemn Russia’s aggression against Ukraine…
…and who remain silent about or support:
* Invasions of Afghanistan & Iraq
* NATO’s destruction of Libya
* Saudi-led coalition bombing of Yemen
* Apartheid Israel’s crushing of Palestinians '
#MediaLens quotes #NoamChomsky #HowardZinn #JohnMearsheimer #JohnPilger and #FAIR to deal with #WhatAbouterry and #WeAreNoBetter regarding #Russia and #Ukraine vs. #USA #UK and #Yemen #Iraq ...
#iraq #yemen #uk #usa #ukraine #russia #WeAreNoBetter #WhatAbouterry #fair #johnpilger #johnmearsheimer #howardzinn #noamchomsky #MediaLens
The #RTBan really does tell us everything we need to know about how forcedNews operates.
How many #CIA-produced 'documentaries' are going to be forceFed to us.
Russia Today #RT had on some very prolific authors and thinkers like #JohnPilger, #LatinAmerican and MiddleEastern commentators of often a *real* progressive persuasion, a *UBI proponents like #GuyStanding of the #BIEN institute, #environmental lawyers fighting #environmentalVandals and #poisoning of #workingClass and more.
Dark days.
#RTBan #cia #rt #johnpilger #latinamerican #guyStanding #BIEN #environmental #environmentalVandals #poisoning #workingclass
#redactedtonight #leecamp #assange
#JulianAssage #johnpilger
RT: Redacted Tonight: Assange & the fall of the US w/ John Pilger
Lee Camp has a very important guest this week. John Pilger is a brilliant journalist with a long history of award-winning reporting. They discuss the show trial faced by Julian Assange and the current situation on the border of Russia and Ukraine. Assange recently received some good news after a decade of torturous detainment when...
#johnpilger #redactedtonight #assange #JulianAssage #leecamp
Deutsch mit #deepl
♲ @sylviaj@joindiaspora.com: Edward Snowden über Julian Assange:
"Wenn wir die Welt befreien wollen, müssen wir Assange befreien."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjO_R89INLY. #edwardsnowden #snowden #julianassange #assange #freeassange #crowdfunding 2022 #wikileaks #truthteller #journalismisnotacrime #freepress #freespeech #pauljay #abbymartin #yanisvaroufakis #dropthecharges #nilsmelzer #jeremycorbyn #johnpilger #jillstein #tariqali #johnkiriakou ... #weareallassange
#deepl #edwardsnowden #snowden #julianassange #assange #freeassange #crowdfunding #wikileaks #truthteller #journalismisnotacrime #freepress #freespeech #pauljay #abbymartin #yanisvaroufakis #dropthecharges #nilsmelzer #jeremycorbyn #johnpilger #jillstein #tariqali #johnkiriakou #weareallassange