Today in Labor History August 31, 1919: John Reed and others formed the Communist Labor Party of America in Chicago. The party evolved into the American Communist Party. Reed was a journalist and communist activist who extensively covered World War I. He was most famous for his coverage of the Russian Revolution and his book, “Ten Days That Shook the World.” He died in Moscow in 1920 from typhus. They gave him a hero’s welcome and buried him in Kremlin Wall Necropolis. Only two other American were given this honor: Big Bill Haywood, a founding member of the IWW, and C.E. Ruthenberg, founder of the Communist Party USA.
John Dos Passos included a short biography of him in his “U.S.A.” trilogy. Uptain Sinclair called him the Revolution’s Playboy, elements of which can be seen in Warren Beaty’s portrayal of Reed in the film, “Reds.” Sergei Eisenstein made a film version of “Ten Days That Shook the World” in 1927.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #JohnReed #communism #russia #ussr #soviet #kremlin #IWW #journalism #writer #author #books @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #johnreed #communism #russia #ussr #soviet #kremlin #IWW #journalism #writer #author #books
E’ la lotta che crea l’organizzazione. Il giornale “La classe”, alle origini dell’altro movimento operaio / 2 #Controinformazione #IlMucchioSelvaggio #marxistiortodossi #EmilioQuadrelli #Narodnajavolja #JacquesBaynac #Lottadiclasse #RosaLuxemburg #iocollettivo #uominiinfami #ZemljaiVolja #Interventi #Giùlatesta #Populismo #Foucault #JohnReed #Laclasse
#controinformazione #IlMucchioSelvaggio #marxistiortodossi #EmilioQuadrelli #Narodnajavolja #JacquesBaynac #lottadiclasse #rosaluxemburg #iocollettivo #uominiinfami #ZemljaiVolja #interventi #Giùlatesta #populismo #foucault #johnreed #laclasse
#NowWatching - REDS - #WarrenBeatty - 1981
Such a passionate and beautifully done movie (cinematography #VittorioStoraro) about the lives of #JohnReed and #LouiseBryant, who witnesses and covers the 1917-23 Russian Revolution as the event unfolds; portrayed by Beatty and #DianeKeaton .
keywords #newhollywood #classicmovies #1980s #historicaldrama #cinemastodon #cinema #auteur #history #criterion #criterionchannel
#criterionchannel #Criterion #History #auteur #cinema #cinemastodon #Historicaldrama #1980s #classicmovies #NewHollywood #dianekeaton #louisebryant #johnreed #vittoriostoraro #warrenbeatty #nowwatching
#NowWatching - REDS - #WarrenBeatty - 1981
Such a passionate and beautifully done movie (cinematography #VittorioStoraro) about the lives of #JohnReed and #LouiseBryant, who witnesses and covers the 1917-23 Russian Revolution as the event unfolds; portrayed by Beatty and #DianeKeaton .
keywords #newhollywood #classicmovies #1980s #historicaldrama #cinemastodon #cinema #auteur #history #criterion #criterionchannel
#criterionchannel #Criterion #History #auteur #cinema #cinemastodon #Historicaldrama #1980s #classicmovies #NewHollywood #dianekeaton #louisebryant #johnreed #vittoriostoraro #warrenbeatty #nowwatching
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ComposerOfTheWeek #COTW
Arthur Sullivan, Jean Allister, John Reed, Kenneth Sandford, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House & Isidore Godfrey:
🎵 Ruddigore (My eyes are fully open)
#nowplaying #ComposerOfTheWeek #cotw #ArthurSullivan #jeanallister #johnreed #kennethsandford
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ComposerOfTheWeek #COTW
Arthur Sullivan, Jean Hindmarsh, Jeffrey Skitch, John Reed, New Symphony Orchestra of London & Isidore Godfrey:
🎵 HMS Pinafore (Never mind the why and wherefore)
#nowplaying #ComposerOfTheWeek #cotw #ArthurSullivan #jeanhindmarsh #jeffreyskitch #johnreed
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ComposerOfTheWeek #COTW
Arthur Sullivan, John Reed, Orchestra of the Royal Philharmonic Society & Isidore Godfrey:
🎵 The Sorcerer (My name is John Wellington Wells)
#ArthurSullivan #JohnReed #OrchestraoftheRoyalPhilharmonicSociety
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#nowplaying #ComposerOfTheWeek #cotw #ArthurSullivan #johnreed #orchestraoftheroyalphilharmonicsociety
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ComposerOfTheWeek #COTW
Arthur Sullivan, John Reed, The D’Oyly Carte Opera Company, New Symphony Orchestra of London & Isidore Godfrey:
🎵 HMS Pinafore (When I was a lad)
#ArthurSullivan #JohnReed #TheDOylyCarteOperaCompany #IsidoreGodfrey
#nowplaying #ComposerOfTheWeek #cotw #ArthurSullivan #johnreed #thedoylycarteoperacompany #isidoregodfrey
Today In Labor History April 3, 1913: Pietro Botto, socialist mayor of Haledon, N.J., invited the Paterson silk mill strikers to assemble in front of his house. 20,000 showed up to hear speakers from the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), Upton Sinclair, John Reed and others, who urged them to remain strong in their fight. The Patterson strike lasted from Feb. 1 until July 28, 1913. Workers were fighting for the eight-hour workday and better working conditions. Over 1800 workers were arrested during the strike, including IWW leaders Big Bill Haywood and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn. Five were killed. Overall, the strike was poorly organized and confined to Paterson. The IWW, the main organizer of the strike, eventually gave up.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #Patterson #strike #IWW #union #anarchism #PoliceBrutality #socialism #UptonSinclair #JohnReed #BigBillHaywood #ElizabethGurleyFlynn
#workingclass #LaborHistory #patterson #strike #IWW #union #anarchism #policebrutality #socialism #uptonsinclair #johnreed #bigbillhaywood #elizabethgurleyflynn
Buon compleanno a Warren Beatty nato il 30 marzo 1937 🇺🇸.
#30marzo #accaddeoggi #warrenbeatty #reds #johnreed #jacknicholson #dianekeaton #comrades #cinema #movie #film #movies #moviescenes #filmscene #filmphotography #filmcommunity #filmphoto
#30marzo #accaddeoggi #warrenbeatty #RedS #johnreed #JackNicholson #dianekeaton #comrades #cinema #movie #film #movies #moviescenes #filmscene #filmphotography #filmcommunity #filmphoto
While watching a Mexican telenovela (Malverde), I thought I'd return to reread John Reed's Insurgent Mexico (1914). I was struck by the book's dedication, to Harvard Prof Charles Townsend Copeland, and thought that while it applies to a person, it holds for many books as well:
"To listen to you is to learn how to see the hidden beauty of the visible world; to be your friend is to try to be intellectually honest."
#literature #bookstodon #johnreed
Il 3 dicembre 1981 usciva nelle sale americane Reds il film di Warren Beatty dedicato alla figura del giornalista comunista John Reed.
#3dicembre #accaddeoggi #reds #warrenbeatty #johnreed #cinema #film #movie #moviescenes #filmphotography #filmcommunity
#3dicembre #accaddeoggi #RedS #warrenbeatty #johnreed #cinema #film #movie #moviescenes #filmphotography #filmcommunity
L’autore de “I dieci giorni che sconvolsero il mondo”, John Reed, un cronista prestato alla rivoluzione dalla biografia incredibile. “Un uomo che sapeva vedere e ascoltare”, disse di lui Trockij.
#johnreed #storia #russia @maurizioacerbo
Ancora su i dieci anni che sconvolsero il mondo #RaffaeleSciortino #guerradelVietnam #GiovanniArrighi #HillaryClinton #Lottadiclasse #LyndonJohnson #mutuisubprime #DonaldTrumpi #RichardNixon #Recensioni #StatiUniti #liberismo #SamirAmin #JohnReed #KarlMarx #Europa #NoTAV #Cina
#raffaelesciortino #guerradelvietnam #giovanniarrighi #hillaryclinton #lottadiclasse #lyndonjohnson #mutuisubprime #donaldtrumpi #richardnixon #recensioni #statiuniti #liberismo #samiramin #johnreed #karlmarx #europa #notav #cina