Gizmodo: The First Footage From Aquaman 2 Looks Wild #davidlesliejohnsonmcgoldrick #aquamaninothermedia #yahyaabdulmateen #patrickwilson #dolphlundgren #thomassibbett #nicolekidman #randallpark #nuidisvulko #arthurcurry #stephenshin #jasonmomoa #warnerbros #blackmanta #thetrench #atlantis #jameswan #aquaman #johnson #nereus #mera #orm
#davidlesliejohnsonmcgoldrick #aquamaninothermedia #yahyaabdulmateen #patrickwilson #dolphlundgren #thomassibbett #nicolekidman #randallpark #nuidisvulko #arthurcurry #stephenshin #jasonmomoa #warnerbros #blackmanta #thetrench #atlantis #jameswan #aquaman #johnson #nereus #mera #orm
Reality is: #Brexit #Britain under the @conservatives has become an irrelevance within the context of global superpower power-playing!
It will take the UK a very long time to extricate itself from the wreckage of 14 years of Tory misrule - & I have * zero* confidence that a @UKLabour government under ‘Sir’ Keir (#KidStarver) #Starmer is up to the job of ‘building back better’!
To the contrary, I fear they will just manage our decline slightly more effectively but just as corruptly!
#ToryCorruption #ToriesUnfitToGovern #Sunak #Johnson #May #Truss #Cameron #Austerity
#brexit #britain #kidstarver #starmer #ToryCorruption #ToriesUnfitToGovern #Sunak #johnson #May #Truss #cameron #austerity
Along with #Freedland & #Toynbee (among others), with full-throated encouragement from @guardian Editor-in-Chief Kath #Viner, Rafael #Behr essentially led the #Guardian’s five-year-long assault on #Corbyn & his leadership team - thereby legitimising the #ZionistLobby’s #ItWasAScam #FakeAntiSemitism slur and giving the #FarRight press & #BBC state media “permission” to jump on the “destroy Corbyn” bandwagon!
Whilst they won’t admit it, #Behr et al & the Guardian fundamentally betrayed what remains of #British democracy & probably destroyed any future possibility of a #DemocraticSocialist government in Britain!
Having helped return both #May’s & #Johnson’s #Tories to power in 2017 & 2019, Behr is today ⤵️ rightly savaging the #Tories & #Sunak for having “no new ideas and nothing to say about the problems facing Britain, most of which are the product of choices made by the party he leads. This is the point of no return, when Conservatives realise that renewal in office is not possible, and that they need to be in opposition almost as much as the country wants them out of government.”
Problem is: after three-years of giving @UKLabour “leader” Sir #KidStarver & his Shadow Cabinet of #Blairite nondescripts & no-hopers a “free pass”, the Guardian is also belatedly waking up to the fact that the #Mandelson-influenced ‘heart’ of #Labour thinking is suffused with such vapidity as to make it utterly clueless in the face of the crises we all now face!
The country is at an historical crossroads heading into the 2024 general election yet, all the evidence available strongly suggests that neither the party currently in government nor the opposition (& potentially the next party in government) have got the “nous” or the “balls” to do what they both know *must* be done for the sake of the country and the future of the planet!
“The Tory mission has failed: British people don’t want a smaller state”
#freedland #toynbee #viner #Behr #guardian #corbyn #zionistlobby #ItWasAScam #fakeantisemitism #farright #bbc #british #democraticsocialist #May #johnson #tories #Sunak #kidstarver #blairite #mandelson #labour
#Sondaggi #USA #Primarie #R
Sondaggio di SSRS:
Donald #Trump: 52% (+5)
Ron #DeSantis: 16% (-8)
Nikki #Haley: 7% (+2)
Mike #Pence: 7% (-2)
Vivek #Ramaswamy: 6% (+5)
Tim #Scott: 3% (-1)
Chris #Christie: 2% (-1)
Doug #Burgum: 1% (+1)
Larry #Elder: 1% (+1)
Asa #Hutchinson: 0% (-1)
Will #Hurd: 0%
Perry #Johnson: 0%
Qualcun altro: 1% (+1)
Non so: 1% (+1)
Data rilevazione: 25-31 agosto
+/-: 13-17 giugno
Intervistati: 784
#sondaggi #usa #primarie #r #trump #desantis #haley #pence #ramaswamy #Scott #christie #burgum #elder #hutchinson #hurd #johnson
#Sondaggi #USA #Primarie #R
Sondaggio di NMB Research nel #NewHampshire:
Donald #Trump: 47%
Ron #DeSantis: 10%
Nikki #Haley: 10%
Vivek #Ramaswamy: 8%
Chris #Christie: 8%
Tim #Scott: 5%
Mike #Pence: 4%
Doug #Burgum: 2%
Will #Hurd: 1%
Larry #Elder: 1%
Asa #Hutchinson: 1%
Perry #Johnson: 0%
Data rilevazione: 26-31 agosto
Intervistati: 800
#sondaggi #usa #primarie #r #newhampshire #trump #desantis #haley #ramaswamy #christie #Scott #pence #burgum #hurd #elder #hutchinson #johnson
#InezJohnson 9 years old) and #Lily, her cousin 7 years old). Both were helping Mrs. #Johnson, a spooler in #Tupelo #Miss.) #CottonMills. #Inez said she works regularly. Location: #Tupelo, Mississippi.
#inezjohnson #lily #johnson #tupelo #miss #cottonmills #inez #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
#InezJohnson nine years old) and #Lily, her cousin seven years old). Both were helping Mrs. #Johnson, a spooler in #Tupelo #Miss.) #CottonMills. #Inez says she works regularly. Location: #Tupelo, Mississippi.
#inezjohnson #lily #johnson #tupelo #miss #cottonmills #inez #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
#Sondaggi #USA #Primarie #R
Sondaggio di HarrisX:
Donald #Trump: 52% (-7)
Ron #DeSantis: 12% (-2)
Vivek #Ramaswamy: 8% (-2)
Mike #Pence: 6% (-1)
Nikki #Haley: 3% (-1)
Chris #Christie: 2%
Tim #Scott: 2%
Asa #Hutchinson: 0% (-1)
Doug #Burgum: 0% (-1)
Ryan #Binkley: 0% (-1)
Francis X. #Suarez: 0%
Will #Hurd: 0%
Perry #Johnson: 0%
Larry #Elder: 0%
Corey #Stapleton: 0%
Data rilevazione: 25-27 agosto
+/-: 24-26 luglio
Intervistati: 722
#sondaggi #usa #primarie #r #trump #desantis #ramaswamy #pence #haley #christie #Scott #hutchinson #burgum #binkley #Suarez #hurd #johnson #elder #stapleton
Not a very high bar of “leadership” to exceed though, is it?
When Nesrine Malik (in @guardian) describes the system that spewed #Johnson as one “that indulges useless, morally vacuous politicians as long as they don’t threaten to reshape the economy or political culture” she’s also describing one that is indulging Keir (#KidStarver) #Starmer
#LabourFriendsOfApartheid #LabourFriendsOfBigOil #LabourFriendsOfBigBusiness #LabourFriendsOfMurdoch #StopStarmer
#johnson #kidstarver #starmer #labourfriendsofapartheid #labourfriendsofbigoil #labourfriendsofbigbusiness #labourfriendsofmurdoch #stopstarmer
Theresa May attacks Boris Johnson for ‘shattering’ public trust in MPs | The Independent
#May #johnson #mps #publictrust #brexit #PartyGate #bercow #corbyn #peerage #trump
Nadine #Dorries' resignation letter is quite something. She hints at sorts of murky goings on in the #Tory party. Missing, however, are the issues which most of the population know brought down the last four prime ministers- #Cameron's disastrous #Brexit referendum, #May's inability to deal with the machinations of the Right, #Johnson's allowing Downing Street to become a #party venue during #COVID, and #Truss's economic imbecility
#dorriesresignation #Truss #COVID #party #johnson #may #brexit #cameron #tory #Dorries
Kotaku: WWE Superstar Bray Wyatt Dies At Age 36 #gaming #tech #kotaku #impactofthecovid19pandemicontelevision #wcwworldtagteamchampions #nxttagteamchampions #maskedwrestlers #thewyattfamily #wrestlemania36 #freddykrueger #erickredbeard #wrestlemania #seanrosssapp #wrestlinginc #huskyharris #alexabliss #lukeharper #braywyatt #matthardy #terryfunk #erikrowan #johncena #levesque #tripleh #johnson
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #impactofthecovid19pandemicontelevision #wcwworldtagteamchampions #nxttagteamchampions #maskedwrestlers #thewyattfamily #wrestlemania36 #freddykrueger #erickredbeard #wrestlemania #seanrosssapp #wrestlinginc #huskyharris #alexabliss #lukeharper #braywyatt #matthardy #terryfunk #erikrowan #johncena #levesque #tripleh #johnson
When @nesrinemalik (Nesrine #Malik) describes the system that spewed #Johnson as one “that indulges useless, morally vacuous politicians as long as they don’t threaten to reshape the economy or political culture” she’s also describing one that is indulging the useless, morally vacuous Keir (#KidStarver) #Starmer
#Malik #johnson #kidstarver #starmer
In 13+ yrs the #Tories have utterly wrecked #Britain’s:
- economy
- social services
- education system
- environment
- social care system
- justice system
- prisons
- probation system
- academic research base
- the BBC &
- our standing in the world!
#Cameron, #May, #Johnson, #Truss #Sunak & multiple others shud be standing trial for misconduct in public office and, if found guilty, should face jail time!
#ToryCorruption #ToryIncompetence #ToriesUnfitToGovern #ToryBrexitCatastrophe #ToryCovidDisaster #ToriesOut
#tories #britain #cameron #May #johnson #Truss #Sunak #ToryCorruption #ToryIncompetence #ToriesUnfitToGovern #torybrexitcatastrophe #ToryCovidDisaster #ToriesOut
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Abortion Clinic Near California-Arizona Border Burns Down, a Major Blow to Regional Access #Jezebel #abortioninnorthcarolina #darrahdigiorgiojohnson #antiabortionviolence #plannedparenthood #abortionclinic #eleanorgrano #socialissues #georgetiller #sandraduran #abortion #johnson #clinics #wade #roe
#jezebel #abortioninnorthcarolina #darrahdigiorgiojohnson #antiabortionviolence #plannedparenthood #abortionclinic #eleanorgrano #socialissues #georgetiller #sandraduran #abortion #johnson #clinics #wade #roe
#Sondaggi #USA #Primarie #R
Sondaggio di Emerson nel #NewHampshire:
Donald #Trump: 49%
Chris #Christie: 9%
Ron #DeSantis: 8%
Tim #Scott: 6%
Doug #Burgum: 4%
Nikki #Haley: 4%
Vivek #Ramaswamy: 3%
Perry #Johnson: 2%
Mike #Pence: 1%
Will #Hurd: 1%
Non so: 13%
Data rilevazione: 9-11 agosto
Intervistati: 498
#sondaggi #usa #primarie #r #newhampshire #trump #christie #desantis #Scott #burgum #haley #ramaswamy #johnson #pence #hurd
#EAS for Carter, ###TN; ###Johnson, ###TN: National Weather Service: #TORNADO WARNING in this area until 1:30 AM EDT. Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Check media. Source: NWS Morristown TN** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***