“The Last Time A Foreign Military Threat Was Placed Near The US Border, The World Almost Ended”
via Caitlin #Johnstone on @substack
“To demand that #Russia and #China tolerate foreign activities on their borders that the #US would never even think about tolerating on its own borders is just demanding that the entire world lie down and submit to being ruled by #Washington. It’s #American #supremacism at its worst.
Saying the US empire gets to do extremely aggressive things to other nations but those other nations aren’t allowed to do those same things to them is just saying you think the US rules the world.
You’re saying it plays by different rules, because it’s in charge of the planet. You’re saying the US empire has a monopoly on military aggression in the same way the police in your society have a monopoly on violence. They’re allowed to act with extreme aggression on the borders of Russia and China for the same reasons that a police officer can legally tase you, but you can’t legally tase a police officer.”
#johnstone #russia #china #us #washington #american #supremacism
@AnarchoNinaWrites Truth is:
“Americans Are More Propagandiszed Than Chinese People” - Notes from the edge of the narrative matrix by Caitlin #Johnstone on @substack
“One of the most brilliant innovations of modern empire propaganda has been splitting the population into two groups who argue about WHAT KIND of warmongering should be supported, rather than IF warmongering should be supported.”
Very well worth a read!
“Evil, Scary China Refuses to Passively Let Us Encircle It: Notes From The Edge of The Narrative Matrix”
via Caitlin #Johnstone on @substack
#US #China #Ukraine #Imperialism #NewYorkTimes #WashingtonPost #Propaganda
#johnstone #us #china #ukraine #imperialism #newyorktimes #washingtonpost #propaganda
Wood Green Station
#nikon #z6ii
#Architecture #detail #details #beck #Station #rail #railway #railwayphotography #london #tfl #londontransport #johnstone #londontravel #platform #design #rails #underground #roundel #railwaystation #tube #woodgreen #londonphotographer #Travel #track #londonphotography
#Infrastructure #undergroundphotography
#hiddenlondonhangouts #nikon #z6ii #architecture #detail #details #beck #station #rail #railway #railwayphotography #london #tfl #londontransport #johnstone #londontravel #platform #design #rails #underground #roundel #railwaystation #tube #woodgreen #londonphotographer #travel #track #londonphotography #infrastructure #undergroundphotography
Wood Green Station
#nikon #z6ii
#Architecture #detail #details #beck #Station #rail #railway #railwayphotography #london #tfl #londontransport #johnstone #londontravel #platform #design #rails #underground #roundel #railwaystation #tube #woodgreen #londonphotographer #Travel #track #londonphotography
#Infrastructure #undergroundphotography
#hiddenlondonhangouts #nikon #z6ii #architecture #detail #details #beck #station #rail #railway #railwayphotography #london #tfl #londontransport #johnstone #londontravel #platform #design #rails #underground #roundel #railwaystation #tube #woodgreen #londonphotographer #travel #track #londonphotography #infrastructure #undergroundphotography
Tory minister blasted as ‘liar’ by RMT over failure to act against P&O | Morning Star
#rmt #pando #tuc #johnstone #shapps #toryliars #bakersfoodandalliedworkersunion #woolley #dawnfresh #poverty
What We Know About The US Air Force's Balloon Party So Far
Caitlin #Johnstone
The US empire is a Yosemite Sam cartoon character who at any time can just flip out and start firing Sidewinder missiles at random pieces of junk in the sky, screaming "I'll blast yer head off ya varmint!"
Today I'm trying to finish enough of the section on maternal mortality in #Edgeworth's Ennui and Claudia #Johnstone's Clan Albin to make a passable draft for the upcoming workshop #NationalTale #Romanticism #ScottishLiterature #IrishLiterature #MedicalHumanities
#edgeworth #johnstone #nationaltale #romanticism #scottishliterature #irishliterature #MedicalHumanities
England players adopt stray Qatar cat after World Cup exit
#worldcup #epl #manchestercity #KyleWalker #JohnStone
#worldcup #epl #manchestercity #kylewalker #johnstone
The first time I cycled from #Johnstone to #Lochwinnoch, in Renfrewshire, I passed by one of those neolithic #StoneCircle, After that, on the exact same route, it did not appear. I am assuming it was an open inter-dimensional portal, and I missed the chance of a more interesting and terrifying life.
#johnstone #Lochwinnoch #StoneCircle
Caitlin #Johnstone
You're Not A Radical, You're Just Sane
Excerpt: "Devastating Iraq, turning Libya into a failed state, facilitating genocide in Yemen, waging an endlessly expanding 'war on terror' and brandishing armageddon weapons at your enemies? That's fine and normal. Members of the military joining hate groups and believing in QAnon? That's extremism."
Caitlin #Johnstone
➡️ The #Google -owned video sharing platform #YouTube has demonetized numerous independent media accounts, a jarring escalation in the steadily intensifying campaign against alternative news outlets online.
#johnstone #google #youtube #censorship
[Inoltrato da Informa Pirata: informazione e notizie]
Venerdì, #Facebook ha effettuato un'epurazione delle pagine e degli account di sinistra, contro la guerra e progressisti, compresi i membri di spicco del Socialist Equality Party. Facebook non ha fornito alcuna spiegazione del motivo per cui gli account sono stati disabilitati o anche un riconoscimento pubblico che le eliminazioni erano avvenute.
Di Caitlin #Johnstone
#NonSoloTrump #facebook #johnstone
🇺🇸 President-elect Joe Biden's transition team is one of the most diverse ever.
#Johnstone #Biden