Alles #Gute, das besteht, ist eine Frucht der #Originalität.
(John Stuart #Mill)
#psychotHHerapie #Zitat #Zitate #JohnStuartMill
#johnstuartmill #zitate #zitat #psychothherapie #mill #originalitat #gute
If all mankind minus one were of one #opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind
“Sapere aude!”: Zeit für eine neue Aufklärung im Westen #BeantwortungderFrage:WasistAufklärung #Wissenschaftsfreiheit #Individualrechte #Infantilisierung #Meinungsfreiheit #Freiheitsrechte #JohnStuartMill #Totalitarismus #SucharitBhakdi #Verunglimpfung #Uncategorized #AseemMalhotra #ImmanuelKant #Philosophie #Aufklärung #Schwurbler #Freiheit #Kant
#kant #freiheit #schwurbler #aufklarung #philosophie #immanuelkant #aseemmalhotra #uncategorized #verunglimpfung #sucharitbhakdi #totalitarismus #johnstuartmill #freiheitsrechte #meinungsfreiheit #infantilisierung #individualrechte #wissenschaftsfreiheit #beantwortungderfrage
"Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means that he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject."
-John Stuart Mill
#Philosophy #Quote #JohnStuartMill #Pacifism #Activism
#philosophy #quote #johnstuartmill #pacifism #activism
“The dictum that truth always triumphs over persecution, is one of those pleasant falsehoods which men repeat after one another till they pass into commonplaces, but which all experience refutes. History teems with instances of truth put down by persecution. If not suppressed forever, it may be thrown back for centuries.” ~ John Stuart Mill, “On Liberty”
#history #persecution #truth #johnstuartmill
“Those only are #happy (I thought) who have their minds 🧠 fixed on some object other than their own happiness; on the #happiness of others, on the improvement of mankind, even on some #art or #pursuit, followed not as a means, but as itself an ideal end. Aiming thus at something else, they find happiness by the way.”
#JohnStuartMill after recovering from an episode of major #depression, English #philosopher (1806-1873)
#wsj #philosopher #depression #johnstuartmill #pursuit #art #happiness #happy
Is Andrew Tate a product of individualism? - Daily Friend
(My latest column, defending John Stuart Mill and his wife, Harriet Taylor Mill, from a scurrilous smear.)
#AndrewTate #JohnStuartMill #JSMill #HarrietTaylorMill #Individualism #Liberalism
#liberalism #individualism #HarrietTaylorMill #jsmill #johnstuartmill #andrewtate #danariely #freakonomics #georgeblackburn #gleitman #iainbanks #johnstuartmill #psychology #richardrumelt #robertkee #stephenjdubner
#stephenjdubner #robertkee #richardrumelt #psychology #johnstuartmill #IainBanks #gleitman #georgeblackburn #freakonomics #danariely
#Deontology and #HumanRights with #Philosopher #SimonBlackburn
#Philosophy #Utilitarianism #IndirectUtilitarianism #Consequentialism #CategoricalImperative #Mill #JohnStuartMill #JSM #Kant #ImmanuelKant #Liberalism #Economics #Ethics #MoralPhilosophy
#moralphilosophy #ethics #economics #liberalism #ImmanuelKant #kant #jsm #johnstuartmill #mill #categoricalimperative #consequentialism #indirectutilitarianism #utilitarianism #philosophy #SimonBlackburn #philosopher #humanrights #deontology
@preguntas_es He votado empresas privadas por no encontrar nada más ajustado. Votaría por una financiación estatal que reduzcas las barreras de entrada del mercado y gestión privada o en jerga revo.: colectiva. #economia #anarquismo #johnstuartmill #liberalismo #socialismo #energiasolar #energiasrenovables
#economia #anarquismo #johnstuartmill #liberalismo #socialismo #energiasolar #energiasrenovables
> Not to teach the whole curriculum is to give up on the whole man.
#PaulGoodman #GrowingUpAbsurd like #JohnStuartMill on #Comte for #Education #curriculum #generalists
#generalists #curriculum #education #comte #johnstuartmill #GrowingUpAbsurd #PaulGoodman
> A man's mind is as fatally narrowed, and his feelings towards the great ends of humanity as miserably stunted, by giving all his thoughts to,,, the resolution of a few equations, as... putting on the heads of pins. The "dispersive #speciality " of the present race of scientific men, who... have a positive aversion to enlarged views, and seldom either know or care for any of the interests of mankind beyond the narrow limits of their pursuit...
#Comte #JohnStuartMill
#johnstuartmill #comte #speciality