On Sale Date: February 9, 1993.
#DanAbnett (28 of 33).
#JohnTomlinson (28 of 32).
#DanAbnett #johntomlinson #90scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder
3️⃣ It could have been a mess. But it's not. Turns out most of these characters, in both teams, are reasonably distinct. And likeable. And it's a lot of fun to watch them all together.
On Sale Date: January 12, 1993.
#DanAbnett (27 of 33).
#JohnTomlinson (27 of 32).
#JohnRoyle (5 of 8).
#DanAbnett #johntomlinson #johnroyle #90scomics
#MarvelUK #KnightsOfPendragon #7 (1993) - 8/10
1️⃣ Pendragons vs. #Warheads
2️⃣ This is very enjoyable indeed. Having a book devoted to villains means we get battles like this. Ones where we like/understand characters on both sides.
3️⃣ Nice way to get #SpiderMan involved, too.
On Sale Date: November 10, 1992.
#DanAbnett (25 of 33).
#JohnTomlinson (25 of 32).
#JohnRoyle (3 of 8).
#marveluk #knightsofpendragon #warheads #spiderman #DanAbnett #johntomlinson #johnroyle
#MarvelUK #KnightsOfPendragon #6 (1992) - 6/10
1️⃣ #SpiderMan. And a spider-man!?
2️⃣ This issue does a lot. It includes a #Spidey scene that works really well. It introduces the regulars individually, and shows the team coming together as one. It starts an inventive new storyline. Best of all, it builds to a big reveal at the end. One you could see coming, but one that still works.
On Sale: October 13, 1992.
#DanAbnett (24 of 33).
#JohnTomlinson (24 of 32).
#JohnRoyle (2 of 8).
#marveluk #knightsofpendragon #spiderman #spidey #DanAbnett #johntomlinson #johnroyle
#NowPlaying #TheMetalDogIsNowPlaying
#WolfgangAmadeusMozart #SirNevilleMarriner #AcademyofSt.MartinintheFields #AmbrosianOperaChorus #JohnMcCarthy #JohnTomlinson #RichardStilwell #WillardWhite
Amadeus (The Complete Soundtrack Recording)
Don Giovanni, Act Il, Commendatore Scene
#nowplaying #themetaldogisnowplaying #wolfgangamadeusmozart #sirnevillemarriner #academyofst #ambrosianoperachorus #johnmccarthy #johntomlinson #richardstilwell #willardwhite