First time I’ve heard #JohnTrudell, picked up from the #BobDylan book. Impressed.
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #GideonCoe
John Trudell:
🎵 Old Memories (Radio 1 Session, 25 Jun 1994)
#nowplaying #bbc6music #GideonCoe #johntrudell
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #GideonCoe
John Trudell:
🎵 Johnny And Joe (Radio 1 Session, 25 Jun 1994)
#nowplaying #bbc6music #GideonCoe #johntrudell
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #GideonCoe
John Trudell:
🎵 Doesn't Hurt Anymore
#nowplaying #bbc6music #GideonCoe #johntrudell
coyote logics
riding stardust to the stars
closing in on the beginning
in a race already run
in a race with no finish line
in a way calm needs to storm
just to be heard
in the battles of the chaos’s
where winning doesn’t win
there were zones where
hurt learned how not to cry
as a part of the numb
used to sedate today
and getting through time
is done by counting the scars
that bleed in little increments
one bleed at a time
#johntrudell #indigenous #poetry
#Earth medicine
"I dream of a resistance of consciousness. This is our obligation to the earth. And only by fulfilling our obligation to the earth can we fulfill our obligations to the people."
#earth #johntrudell #indigenous #poetry
Words of John Trudell (Santee Sioux)
What It Means To Be A Human Being (2001, excerpt)
We are a part of the memories of evolution
These memories carry knowledge
These memories carry our identity
Beneath race, gender, class, age
Beneath citizen, business, state, religion
We are human beings
And these memories
Are trying to remind us
Human beings, human beings
It’s time to rise up
Remember who we are
#JohnTrudell #AmericanIndianMovement (AIM) #AlcatrazOccupation1969 #Indigenous
#indigenous #alcatrazoccupation1969 #americanindianmovement #johntrudell
"He is extremely eloquent ...therefore extremely dangerous" (FBI memo) #JohnTrudell #AmericanIndianMovement #Indigenous #LandBack
#johntrudell #americanindianmovement #Indigenous #Landback
"They pollute the air
they pollute the water
they pollute our food
they pollute our minds
they put us out of balance
they have made us insecure with
ourselves." —#JohnTrudell
Who will rise up to protect our mother, the earth, who provides for all living beings and has given instructions through the creator to the humans who are meant to caretake all the others among us who, far too many do not recognize, are our relatives?
"La seule chose qui m'a toujours tracassé au niveau des révolutions, c'est que chaque fois que j'ai rencontré des révolutionnaires, ils ont agi simplement par haine de l'oppresseur, ce que nous devons faire c'est agir par amour pour notre peuple , par amour pour notre terre mère."