Read Alec Nevala-Lee's book for the scoop on this. Campbell pushed all of his authors to include this bankrupt notion of "psionics" of one kind or another. Arguably a precursor to the 70's "human potential" movement.
"Astounding: John W. Campbell, Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, L. Ron Hubbard, and the Golden Age of Science Fiction"
#johnwcampbell #astounding #sciencefiction
Ich habe #Astounding von #AlecNevalaLee gestern Abend der Runde beim #BerlinerSFDinner ans Herz gelegt und will das hier auch noch tun: eine gründliche, aber unterhaltsame Biografie des klassischen #ScienceFiction-Magazins und seines "Dreiergestirns" #JohnWCampbell, #IsaacAsimov und #RobertAHeinlein - Anführungszeichen, weil #LRonHubbard in der Legendenbildung immer vornehm weggelassen wird. Diese und andere Geschichtsklitterungen macht Nevala-Lee nicht mit. Dolles Teil!
#Astounding #AlecNevalaLee #berlinersfdinner #sciencefiction #johnwcampbell #IsaacAsimov #RobertAHeinlein #LRonHubbard
Eric Frank Russell (1905-1978) was #BOTD
A British writer best known for his #sf novels and short stories. Much of his work was first published in the U.S. in #JohnWCampbell ‘s #AstoundingScienceFiction , #Unknown and other #pulps . Russell also wrote #horrorfiction for #WeirdTales and won the first #HugoAwards for Best Short Story in 1955. The #ScienceFiction and #Fantasy Hall of Fame inducted Russell in 2000.
#botd #sf #johnwcampbell #astoundingsciencefiction #unknown #pulps #HorrorFiction #weirdtales #hugoawards #sciencefiction #fantasy #bookstodon
lnteresting. Kickstarter for an unpublished book by John W. Campbell, Jr., "Frozen Hell". This was the book that later got abridged into "Who Goes There?" which would later be adapted into the John Carpenter movie, "The Thing".
#Kickstarter #Books #Ebooks #Horror #ScienceFiction #JohnWCampbell
#kickstarter #books #ebooks #horror #sciencefiction #johnwcampbell