Here’s a list of some of the shit our far right, nazi-joke-government is planning to push through regarding employees and trade unions.
i am personally rooting for a general strike since this is just the tip of an iceberg when it comes to backwards shit this government plans to hammer through.
#naziJokeGovernment #farRightPolitics #politics #politicsFI #finland #fuckNazis #cabinetOfHorrors #fascim #generalStrike #rightToStrike #joinATradeUnion #unions #tradeUnions
#nazijokegovernment #farrightpolitics #politics #politicsfi #finland #fucknazis #cabinetofhorrors #fascim #joinatradeunion #unions #tradeunions #generalstrike #righttostrike
Dystopian: starts with Couriers and ends up being all of us. I have an office job but receive monthly reports of my movements (home visits) and how much time online. Won't be long before that info is used to worsen my experience in the workplace?
Amazon UK made £193 million profit by end of financial year December 2021. They offer their workers an insulting 50 pence per hour, pay increase to £11 per hour. Shameless Fat Cats at it again.
#joinatradeunion #greedycorporations #amazon
Well done Aldi and the only supermarket to pay for breaks too. Though they don't recognise the Trade Union for retail staff USDAW. Would be good to have a chart of supermarket pay rates to compare with.
#fairpair #joinatradeunion #usdaw
TGI Friday, thanks to the organised working class. Now to the 4 day week . . .
#LabourHistory #JoinATradeUnion
#labourhistory #joinatradeunion
Absolutely! Nearing retirement in 2018, I put my head above the parapet to fight and establish trade union representation in an international school - Elians in La Nucia, Costa Blanca - and they sacked me. As expected.
It was the best bit of work I did in my whole teaching career, plus I won a substantial amount for unfair dismissal in an industrial court in Alicante. I retired in the best way possible.
Stand and fight. #JoinATradeUnion
"¡No pasarán!"
So according to this Huff Post article most of us feel disengaged at work but all we need to do is work on ourselves to feel happier. Yeah, that'll do it!!
Rishi wants "grown up honest conversation" with Union leaders about minimum compulsory cover. No doubt bullying talk about sackings for workers who refuse, and taking Unions to courts to bankrupt them if they support 'illegal' strikers. Stand firm Trade Unions/TUC, challenge the Bill legally, mobilise MPs, organise a General Strike and March you have our support. #GTTO #ToryScum #JoinATradeUnion
#gtto #ToryScum #joinatradeunion
And it's not just about the Pay. It's the hours away from our families, the insufficient holiday leave, tyranny of exhausting monthly targets, staff forums that bosses attend but fail to make any requested changes however small the request, the blatant discrimination of who gets promoted, the long commute . . .And So On